From: Ben Newsam on
On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 17:54:45 -0600, unsettled <unsettled(a)>

>But you'll both wiggle, wriggle, and complain about
>this post as you always do. Feast well during this
>feeding frenzy of yours. Communism took the fall
>so your Marxist socialism won't be very far

Careful now... your mouth is frothing.
From: Ben Newsam on
On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 22:19:48 GMT, <lucasea(a)> wrote:

>"unsettled" <unsettled(a)> wrote in message
>>T Wake wrote:
>>> You know at McDonalds they hand over the sum of money they are told to,
>>> don't you? They don't get told to hand over a "dime." A number appears
>>> and they give that much money. Same as anyone else working on a cash
>>> register.
>> They know how to add three columns, but they
>> don't know how to subtract three or four
>> coulmns in their heads.
>That's not how people at McDonald's give change. That's not how anybody
>gives change any more, they just give over the amount of money the cash
>register tells them to. If the bill is 5.35, and you give them a 10, the
>register will tell them to give you 4.65 in change, and they do. No special
>skills necessary or learned.

And to think that I was trained to do multiplication and division in
pounds, shillings, and pence. They don't know they're born.
From: Ben Newsam on
On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 22:24:23 GMT, <lucasea(a)> wrote:

>Not if she actually cares about a clean kitchen floor, a clean bathroom,
>etc. All that 15 minutes really gets you is a cursory dusting, and maybe a
>quick brooming.

The bathroomshouldn't be too difficult if there are no blokes pissing
all over the seat and floor.
From: Eeyore on

T Wake wrote:

> "Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote in message
> > jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
> >> "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
> >> ><jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
> >>
> >> >> I don't want bells and whistles. I want pure, unadulterated
> >> >> comm service. All the fluff is a waste of CPU cycles and my
> >> >> time.
> >> >
> >> >Yet you can not access the web. Not really a working communications
> >> >service,
> >> >is it?
> >>
> >> I run software on my computer that cannot salivate and chew gum at
> >> the same time. As a result of this lack of computing ability,
> >> it crashes because of buffer overruns.
> >
> > Do you have an aversion to upgrading ?
> >
> > Ppl are giving away lower end Pentiums now !
> >
> > There's an auction on ebay uk that ends in 5 hours for no less that *five*
> > Pentium 600 PCs - ok they've had the hard drives and memory removed but
> > these are
> > inexpensively replaced and the current high bid is......
> >
> > 99 pence ! for five computers
> Hmmm. I always wanted to build a cluster.... :-)

They finally went for ?16. That's ?3.20 ea !


From: Eeyore on

Don Bowey wrote:

> "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
> > "Don Bowey" <dbowey(a)> wrote in message
> >> "Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >>> This used to happen in the UK too before the NHS. It wasn't considered to
> >>> be a very satisfactory arrangement.
> >>>
> >>> Graham
> >>>
> >>>
> >> Not satisfactory to whom?
> >
> > The post war electorate.
> Piffle!

Eh ?
