From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <qhfmn2p8fhletr4k76crrcc4ad512eurhp(a)>,
John Fields <jfields(a)> wrote:
>On Sat, 09 Dec 2006 22:29:36 +0000, Eeyore
><rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>>T Wake wrote:
>>> "Borek" <m.borkowski(a)> wrote in message
>>> news:op.tkayhaxz26l578(a)borek...
>>> > On Sat, 09 Dec 2006 14:15:25 +0100, <jmfbahciv(a)> wrote:
>>> >>>>> The way the Democrats tested reactions
>>> >>>>> of the US was to go to Europe and give a speech that contained
>>> >>>>> the ideas they wanted a reaction test. BBC would report on
>>> >>>>> the speech. The American news media would report on what
>>> >>>>> the BBC reported minus the fact that it came from some guy's
>>> >>>>> speech. The politician would then watch to see how the
>>> >>>>> voters of the US received it. What you saw a the Democrat
>>> >>>>> platform had been vetted through Europe this way.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Well, considering Europeans are healthier, are happier, live longer,
>>> >>>> are
>>> >>>> more educated and more literate, etc., maybe we could take some
>>> >>>> lessons.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> We do? Good, I am not moving anywehere.
>>> >>
>>> >> <grin> You detected the attitude, too.
>>> >
>>> > Nope. I was deadly serious ;)
>>> I may be wrong, but I think she thought you lived in the US ;-)
>>That was my suspicion too.
>>I suppose BAH couln't imagine one might be happy living in Europe ?
>Paying about 40% of what you make as tribute to your government?

Getting health care, higher education, pensions, great public transit, etc.

Hey, those countries are democracies. The people obviously like what their
government is doing.

>Value added taxes which take away even more of your discretionary

In lieu of sales tax though, no?

>Taxes on motor fuels which keep you close to home?

You take public transit. Or buy a small car. Or a diesel one (lot lower
taxes on diesel fuel).

>Yeah, it sounds like a lot of fun to me...
>>Time will tell I guess.
>It already has. You've slipped from being the mightiest nation on
>Earth to whatever it is you are now, and why? Because your
>government still isn't republican.
>What is it about you all that you can't embrace taking
>responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming your errors
>on Mum. Or Dad?
>You have no hard constitution to speak of and, presumably, none in
>the offing so, ISTM, that what you want to do is play fast and loose
>with what you've got in place now and dodge the fallout.
>Am I wrong?
From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <4hgu44-8qf.ln1(a)>,
The Ghost In The Machine <ewill(a)> wrote:
>In sci.physics, Eeyore
> wrote
>on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 20:29:02 +0000
>> jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>>> "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>> ><jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
>>> >
>>> >In the UK, certainly when I was young, everyone was aware of politics so
>>> >am not sure what you are trying to say here (if anything, you might just
>>> >collecting words together).
>>> Your parents were not in danger of disappearing because
>>> you said the wrong thing.
>>> >> My folks do have a memory
>>> >> but they didn't have to fear their own government as much
>>> >> as other countries because we had the Constitution to provide
>>> >> the checks and balances.
>>> >
>>> >When did they have to over throw forced socialism, with the aid of the US
>>> >Constitution? Interesting.
>>> WWII.
>> Where was this forced socialism in WW2 ?
>> Graham
>Most likely Nazi Germany. Nazi was short for
>Nationalsozialismus, which is translated usually as
>"National Socialist".
>The full name of Hitler's Party was "Nationalsozialistische
>Deutsche Arbeiterpartei", or NSDAP; in English National
>Socialist German Workers Party.
>Of course it gets complicated; according to Wiki
>there was also a Social Democratic Party of Germany
>(Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands).
The Nazi party was not socialistic after Hitler took over (he merely kept the
name). Any more than "The People's Democratic Republic of Korea" (North
Korea) is democratic. Yet right-wing loons always fall for the "Nazi =
socialist" line.
From: T Wake on

"JoeBloe" <joebloe(a)> wrote in message
> On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 04:24:39 -0600, John Fields
> <jfields(a)> Gave us:
>>On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 06:29:53 -0000, "T Wake"
>><usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>>"Ken Smith" <kensmith(a)> wrote in message
>>>> In article <2omdnY6K9eyGkeHYRVnyjQA(a)>,
>>>> T Wake <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>>> [....]
>>>>>Hi Genius. Added to your cowardly snippage is a pathetic attempt at a
>>>>>man. If you hadn't been such a whining big girl and snipped the bits
>>>>>you could see I wasn't talking about the debate over your idiotic
>>>>>view point.
>>>> I have an interesting theory that we are in fact dealing with an AI
>>>> program. This would explain the trouble parsing some statements. It
>>>> would also explain the snipping of sections and the resorting to
>>>> insults.
>>>> Both could be used as a way to cover the fact that the parser could not
>>>> handle the statements. With reasonable replied the errors would be
>>>> easier
>>>> to notice. Insults on the other hand don't have to make literal
>>>> sense.
>>>> The fact that the same ones seem to get recycled is some evidence for
>>>> the
>>>> theory.
>>>I think I agree with you know.
>>Speaking of machines...

There is a "now," missing - typing in a hurry. Sorry.

> The idiot crew has a side conversation going where they think I am an
> AI bot.

Cant think why. You might not be a bot and just be a total retard but at the
moment it is anyone's guess.

From: Ken Smith on
In article <457D707B.125ED31C(a)>,
Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>Secularism is speading. I believe what we are seeing may be no more than a
>religious backlash against 'modern thought'. I rather feel it's dommed to fail.
>As a kid I recall it was unheard of not to be Christian. Now no-one even blinks
>an eye about it but I would like to see our first atheist Prime Minister though.

The trend is the other way in the US. A smallish fraction of "christian"
thinking has gained a large following and significant power since the
1940s. The real threat (long term) of extremists is from the home grown

kensmith(a) forging knowledge

From: Ken Smith on
In article <eljb7f$lt0$5(a)>,
jasen <jasen(a)> wrote:
>On 2006-12-11, Ken Smith <kensmith(a)> wrote:
>> BTW: Do you know if the Galileo system has the same intentional
>> distortions as the GPS system? If not, it could be combined with the GPS
>> to make better estimates.
>USA turned off the intentional jitter a few years back. any innacuracies are
>only those inherant in the system.

Yes the SA is no longer in operation but this isn't the only "intentional

kensmith(a) forging knowledge