From: Ken Smith on
In article <87odoiujjt.fsf(a)>,
Phil Carmody <thefatphil_demunged(a)> wrote:
>kensmith(a) (Ken Smith) writes:
>> In article <87ac02wtac.fsf(a)>,
>> Phil Carmody <thefatphil_demunged(a)> wrote:
>> >kensmith(a) (Ken Smith) writes:
>> >> In article <pan.2007.>,
>> >> The Demon Prince of Absurdity <absurd_number_of_nicks(a)hell.corn> wrote:
>> >> [.....]
>> >> >Xians who advocate the killing of gays or abortion doctors are precisely
>> >> >as crazy as Muslims who advocate the killing of Westerners, and just as
>> >> >dangerous to civilisation.
>> >>
>> >> No, they are more dangerous. They are more embedded within the
>> >> civilisation they are attempting to destroy.
>> >
>> >I don't know if their intent is to destroy civilisation, but
>> >you make a very interesting, and quite deep, point.
>> >
>> >(I think they probably just want to 'fix' civilisation.)
>> The muslims also just want to "fix" it to fit their model of what it
>> should be. If you crush a car melt it down and make several bicycles out
>> of it, I would argue you have destroeyed the car to make bicycles.
>What if you just rip out the engine, and hitch up a couple of horses
>or oxen to the front? And remove the materialistic and immoral car
>radio, of course!

Based on the radio programming around here, removing the engine and the
radio may be a fair trade.

kensmith(a) forging knowledge

From: Ken Smith on
In article <5763c$45be1781$49ecf2f$15420(a)DIALUPUSA.NET>,
unsettled <unsettled(a)> wrote:
>Ken Smith wrote:
>>>What a terrible burden of guilt this sort of religious belief
>>>places on Adam and Eve's shoulders. And the God who made them.
>> Actually it is a moral theory not a religious belief.

What was your point. Are you suggesting that all moral theory is
religion? If so, you are wrong in this.

>> I didn't suggest
>> anywhere in there that there even was a god.
>I didn't suggest there was an actual Adam and Eve either
>though your religion dictates that somewhere there is a
>first human who shares responsibility.

Science suggestes that there must be a first human, so that certainly
needn't be a religious belief. On the other posible meaning you are
simply wrong that the moral system is the same as a religious belief.

>> That aside, yes God does have a lot to answer for. What a jerk.
>The right guy to blame for this mess then?

If we assume that there is such a being then yes. God made the whole
mess. Perhaps God is the ultimate evil.

>I'm really surprised no one has trotted out the pro/con
>free will argument again. That could come in handy right
>about here.

Well lets dangle the hook out there and see if we catch one.

kensmith(a) forging knowledge

From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <epi945$8qk_003(a)>,
jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>In article <ALKdnWeo0YCbsSfYRVnyuAA(a)>,
> "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>><jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
>>> In article <45B94793.F24C904C(a)>,
>>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>>>>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>>>>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>>>>> >jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>>>>> >> "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>>>> >> >"Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >> Any longer was rejected by Parliament.
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >IMHO 30 days is too long, but I suspect I am in a minority there.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> These people take years to plan their attacks. And you think 30 days
>>>>> >> is too long?!
>>>>> >
>>>>> >It is for someone who's innocent !
>>>>> Your laws do assume innocence until proven guilty...right? Thus
>>>>> all are innocent. Are you willing to wait until a mess is made
>>>>> and then have the law infrastructure deal with these people?
>>>>Are you trying to suggest that there would be suspects who were simply
>>> allowed
>>>>to continue do their evil deed ?
>>> Of course there will be. No law enforcement infrastructure
>>> is infallible. If your laws force your police to let someone,
>>> go, that person will not be deterred from making a mess. What
>>> makes you think that he will stop his plans?
>>What makes you think your ideas will be more infallible than a legal process
>Dealing with the problem while it is still small makes success more
>likely. Waiting until it's too big to handle (WWII is an example)
>means that more money, lives and wealth will have to be used
>to prevent the enemy from winning.
>This is a war.

Why, just because you and Bush say so? How is it different from the "war on
crime" or the "war on inflation"?

> What you can't seem to cope with is that you
>don't have a single country to deal with. Thus, diplomacy isn't
>one of the tools that can be used. You all have been so reliant
>on using diplomacy and dealing with countries, you can't seem
>to grasp that the rules have changed out from underneath you.
>>>>> What if the infrastructure isn't there any more becaues that
>>>>> is what was messed up.
>>>>You overestimate what a few ppl can achieve. You're quite obsessed by the
>>>>curious idea that our society is so flimsy that it'll fall over if anyone
>>>>much as huffs and puffs at it. I don't share your fears.
>>> A very small huff and puff happened in New Orleans. It's infrastructure
>>> is still in shatters. It doesn't seem that anyone knows how to rebuild
>>> it without calling in the US Army.
>>(far from small,
>It was small in square miles affected and length of time.
>>but your sense of scale is as insane as your ideas about
>>civilised behaviour)
>>Did it cause the downfall of western civilisation?
>In that area? Yes. They still do not have a law enforcement
>infrastructure and have been calling in the military for that
>>Why is calling in the US Army a sign of failure?
>Two years after the mess was made?
>> That means people _do_ know
>>how to fix things.
>No. Their governor just made a speech complaining about the
>US not giving them enough money. They are corrupt.
>>It is like saying no one knew how to re-wire the electric in my house
>>without calling in an electrician.
>It's worse than that. People don't seem to know how to hammer a nail
>and wait for "The Government" to do the work.
>>> One passenger boat sinking in (I think) the Red Sea caused a riot
>>> and shut down a port.
>>> I am assuming that all welfare, upper-middle class neighborhoods will
>>> be in the same situation. Noone knows how to fix stuff nor cope
>>> with stuff that breaks.
>>Or so you assume.
>I've been watching. It is no longer an assumption.
From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <epktnf$8qk_006(a)>,
jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>In article <epg0dh$pn5$2(a)>,
> kensmith(a) (Ken Smith) wrote:
>>In article <epfj3s$8qk_006(a)>,
>> <jmfbahciv(a)> wrote:
>>>You keep insisting that the people who want to destroy Western
>>>civilization are criminals. Under whose law?
>>Those who acted in the US broke many US laws before 9/11. The ones in the
>>UK broke many law of the UK. The ones in Spain broke spanish law.
>Using your logic, when the Germans invaded France, they broke French law.
>The Germans didn't care about French law. They intended to enforce
>their German law onto all French citizens. And then the plans were
>to enforce German law on the rest of Europe; then the rest of the
>We are in a war no matter how mealy mouths try to pretend it's not

Calling terrorism a war doesn't make it a war any more than calling a tail a
leg makes a dog have 5 legs.

>>> When a military
>>>group from another country blows up bridges and trains and kills
>>>civilians, I call that a war, not a criminal act.
>>But that isn't what is happening so why to you bring it up?
>It is happening. Until a few decades ago, the only "nation" Muslims
>recognized was the Nation of Islam.
From: Phil Carmody on
jmfbahciv(a) writes:
> In article <87k5z6udu8.fsf(a)>,
> Phil Carmody <thefatphil_demunged(a)> wrote:
> >jmfbahciv(a) writes:
> >> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >> >jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> lparker(a) (Lloyd Parker) wrote:
> >> >> > jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
> >> >> >> "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>>You [jmfbahciv] really do not want to live in a representative
> democracy
> >> do
> >> >> you?
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>Even a representative democracy needs to have some way to deal
> >> >> >>with the people who go after little kids, and make other kinds
> >> >> >>of messes. A democracy does not, and never has, meant that
> >> >> >>all people can do anything they want without punishment.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >> >No, but it does mean they have the right to a trial before they're
> >> punished.
> >> >>
> >> >> You keep insisting that the people who want to destroy Western
> >> >> civilization are criminals. Under whose law?
> >> >
> >> >The relevant law of the land in question.
> >>
> >> Muslims don't honor any laws other than their own. So now,
> >> under whose law?
> >
> >The law of the land in question.
> >
> >God you're dense.
> I'm not. Islam doesn't have that concept.

Whether it does or not is irrelevant. Why can't you get that
through your neanderthal skull?

"Home taping is killing big business profits. We left this side blank
so you can help." -- Dead Kennedys, written upon the B-side of tapes of
/In God We Trust, Inc./.