From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <MPG.1f917c9ace8a03fe989a1c(a)>,
krw <krw(a)att.bizzzz> wrote:
>In article <eg6464$fjf$15(a)>, lparker(a)
>> In article
>> <kurtullman-4CDB3C.12183406102006(a)>,
>> Kurt Ullman <kurtullman(a)> wrote:
>> >In article <eg5rop$70s$4(a)>,
>> > lparker(a) (Lloyd Parker) wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> > Didn't. If the American is CALLING France, warrants are still needed,
>> >> >even under the Bush statement. When calls originate OUTSIDE the country
>> >> >and just come, then Bush says they don't need warrants. This is backed
>> >> >up by current law, more or less.
>> >>
>> >> Which law is that?
>> >>
>> >
>> > Case law. See below. This has been in place at least since my
>> >training in the mid-70s.
>> >
>> >> >If there is a legal tap on Goomba 1,
>> >> >then if Goomba 2 calls G1, anything G2 says is usable against G2,
>> >> >because the tap was legal.
>> >> > In this case, when calls originate outside the US, there are no
>> >> >requirements for warrant. Thus, if Terrorist 1 calls Terrorist 2 in
>> >> >Pakistan it is legal. If T1 calls T3 in Newark it is also legal.
>> >> > If one phone is legally tapped any calls to or from that phone are
>> >> >fair game.
>> >>
>> >> The issue is "domestic wiretapping" though.
>> > Which was illustrated by Goomba one and two. As in Mafia type
>> >one and two. One side is legal, then what is heard either way is okay.
>> > Actually we are talking international wiretapping. Domestic by
>> >most definitions remains inside the US. In this case the tapped phone is
>> >outside the US. The US phone isn't tapped. But when someone from the
>> >tapped phone calls or is called then the conversation is probably legal.
>> There isn't "tapping" anyway. The NSA monitors phone calls. ALL phone
>> Computers flag those with certain words or phrases, or certain voices, or
>> certain locales, etc. But we have no way of knowing which things cause
>> to get flagged, nor do we have any assurance nobody is looking at the
>> That's why a judge declared the whole program unconstitutional a couple of
>> weeks ago (just stayed by an appeals court pending appeal).
>The judge's decision was an embarrassment (written by Al Franken?).

Yeah, like the 4th amendment.

>Even the leftie loons are saying the decision doesn't stand a
>chance in hell of surviving (the reason the appellate court shelved
>the opinion).
From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <MPG.1f91802ac508385f989a1d(a)>,
krw <krw(a)att.bizzzz> wrote:
>In article <SgvVg.13917$7I1.3691(a)>,
>lucasea(a) says...
>> >> >jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Sure. That's local politics and wonderful to use as smoke and
>> >> >> mirrors to distract your attention from the real threats.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> /BAH
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Local? I guess you don't keep up with the news.
>> >>
>> >> All politics is local. The subject we were talking about
>> >> is national security. If the Democrats, who are campaigning
>> >> for office, talk about dirty words in emails when they meet
>> >> with their voters, they don't have to describe what they
>> >> are going to do about the national threat. The one running
>> >> for governor here keeps harping about what our current governor
>> >> didn't do. However, when asked what would he have done, he
>> >> leaves the meeting.
>> >>
>> >> It's a tactic not to address the issue of the threats to our
>> >> national security.
>>, it's a tactic to deal with a sexual predator, and send a message
>> to other sexual predators. To deny that 1) tacitly denies the problem of
>> sexual predation, and 2) serves only to refuse to admit that your political
>> opponents can ever do any good about anything. That's the problem with the
>> political process in this country now--nobody can admit their adversary
>> might actually have a good idea. This country is doomed if we don't learn
>> to respect sound arguments from our opponents, rather than just rely on our
>> worst-case assumptions to justify the actions of our cronies.
>Have you noticed that the page in question is over 18. Did CBS
>news publish the fact that the Democrats that brought this event to

You're lying.

>won't turn over the unedited emails and refuse to tell how
>they were obtained to the FBI? There is more stink here than a
>Republican perv.

Yeah, it's Clinton's fault!
From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <05cii2p4fh1u08166gal2omfh5t8tasdc1(a)>,
John Larkin <jjlarkin(a)> wrote:
>On Sun, 8 Oct 2006 09:37:07 -0400, krw <krw(a)att.bizzzz> wrote:
>>Nice _guesses_, but how is that relevant? How many died in car
>>accidents? How many from cancer? How is throwing Foley in the can
>>(which is where he should be) help your 88,000?
>I don't think Foley actually commited a crime. Apparently he
>text-messaged some former House pages who were over the age of


>Compare that to, say, the Barney Frank or Gerry Studds cases.

And Crane. Same time as Studds. But a Republican -- why don't you ever
mention him too?
>He should certainly resign from the House for proven stupidity, which
>he promptly did.
From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <8m9ii2pbii7llkcrbofdfunqtlpniaujk7(a)>,
John Fields <jfields(a)> wrote:
>On Sun, 8 Oct 2006 17:05:49 +0100, "T Wake"
><usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>"John Fields" <jfields(a)> wrote in message
>>> On Sun, 8 Oct 2006 15:08:27 +0100, "T Wake"
>>> <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>>>"John Fields" <jfields(a)> wrote in message
>>>>> On Sun, 8 Oct 2006 10:46:58 +0100, "T Wake"
>>>>> <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>"joseph2k" <quiettechblue(a)> wrote in message
>>>>>>> I find that assessment odd in light of the ability of passenger planes
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> damage buildings like the World Trade Center towers impacts
>>>>>>> demonstrated.
>>>>>>> Equally to the point, when told to change course by any military, the
>>>>>>> refusal does not demonstrate reasonable judgment.
>>>>>>False analogy and lack of critical thinking has hindered your response.
>>>>>>A warship is capable of manoeuvre which a building isn't.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Not when an aircraft poses a threat, perceived or real. That is,
>>>>> for all intents and purposes, a ship might as well be dead in the
>>>>> water when threatened by an aircraft.
>>>>Was the ship in question unable to move or is this hypothetical?
>>> ---
>>> The speed at which a ship can move when confronted by a threat from
>>> an aircraft is so small as to effectively render the ship a sitting
>>> duck.
>>In the context of an aircraft launched weapon system. Generally speaking
>>these are not mounted on passenger aircraft.
>And, generally, speaking, airliners don't stray miles away from
>their flight paths and do respond when contacted by the military.

It was in a commercial flight path. And the pilot had no way of knowing the
ship was calling HIS plane.

>To not do so _is_ madness.
>>When it comes to bombs, ships are at difficult targets to hit.
>Why assume bombs will be the weapons?
>>The example used was of passenger aircraft being used a the weapon system
>>themselves. Crashing an airliner into a warship is not an easy matter.
>It's a no-brainer. Mechanically I can easily do it in MFS if I'm
>not geing shot at, But, why assume that's the plan? Issue warnings
>and if they're not obeyed...
>>The fact that the WTC counter-example is getting stretched further and
>>further makes me think it was, indeed, a very poor counter example.
>>>>While a nation owes a duty of care to its service personell, in the West
>>>>have volunteer armed forces. People who take the job know that they are
>>>>at risk than civilians and either accept it or leave.
>>>>The people in the WTC did not have that option and what happened to them
>>>>a terrible attrocity.
>>>>The people in the Iran Air plane did not have that option and what
>>>>to them was a terrible attrocity.
>>> ---
>>> In the case of 9/11, the actions against the WTC were premeditated
>>> by terrorists for no reason but to hurt America, were well planned
>>> over a long period of time, were well executed, and resulted in a
>>> terrible atrocity.
>>> In the case of the Vincennes, a threat was perceived, one or more
>>> warnings was issued, the warnings were apparently ignored, and the
>>> aircraft was destroyed in order to eliminate the perceived threat.
>>> A tragic accident, but not an atrocity.
>>Really? I agree from the perspective I am a white anglosaxon male who lives
>>in the west. From my point of view it was indeed nothing but an accident.
>>Did the commander of the warship issue a public apology?
>No, and it wasn't his job to. If there was any apology to be made
>it would probably have come from the State Department or the
>President. I believe no apology was issued (although statements of
>deep regret were made:
From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <qkmii2dl5ch9ubkvk3ucdkqkirq0ajks8i(a)>,
John Larkin <jjlarkin(a)> wrote:
>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 02:40:14 GMT, <lucasea(a)> wrote:
>>"John Fields" <jfields(a)> wrote in message
>>> On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 20:13:25 +0100, Eeyore
>>> <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>>>>lucasea(a) wrote:
>>>>> I give up--I was wrong. You weren't sincere when you said you examine
>>>>> your
>>>>> assumptions. You don't even admit what assumptions you make, and what
>>>>> political filter you put information through. You're no worse than the
>>>>> other knee-jerk reactionaries on either side of this thread. If you are
>>>>> the
>>>>> future of the political process in this country, we are in real trouble.
>>>>> Just a hint, might want to try having conversations with
>>>>> actual
>>>>> mainstream Middle Eastern Muslims, rather than reading some right-wing
>>>>> claptrap written to justify the US's current bad behavior and applying
>>>>> it to
>>>>> all of Muslim society.
>>>>The problem is that the above kind of thought is now being branded as
>>>>in the USA.
>>> ---
>>> Really?
>>> Can you cite some examples or is that just some more of your
>>> Ameriphobia?
>>Bush. Rumsfeld. Need any more?
>You are accusing people of saying things, without citations, and then
>wailing about how bad they are to say them. How clever of you.

President Bush continued his attack on Democrats for "selectively" quoting an
intelligence report, claiming that their "argument buys into the enemy's

Bush said of the Democratic leadership: "It sounds like they think the best
way to protect the American people is -- wait until we're attacked again."