From: sooofisticated on
Joe Bloe.

So if you are so smart, why the hell don't you get off the computer and
get a life? Have you ever even been to the middle east?

If you know so much why don't you go do something with that god given
talent of yours instead of pining over this stupid topic, which
shouldn't be on this group in the first place.

Just shut up you annoying freak!

From: T Wake on

"John Larkin" <jjlarkin(a)> wrote in message
> On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 19:09:07 +0100, "T Wake"
> <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>> Obtuse? I'm not the one who swore there was no "2" in Newton's law of
>>> gravitation, as you did in the part you snipped. My answer remains, 2
>>> is fundamentally correct, and Newton did not determine it
>>> experimentally.
>>2 is still not a precise number. To this day we can not say it is exactly
>>with an infinite amount of zeros after the decimal place.
> Yeah, I suppose the area of a square might be L^1.99999998, since we
> can't measure it any closer. And the volume of a sphere could well be
> 1.33333339 * pi * r^3.00000006

I don't recall ever saying any of this. The number two implies a massive
margin of error depending on its context. I am sure you are aware of all
this and are bringing in extra fluff to distract.

As an aside, the nature of a scientific proof is falsification and it only
remains valid until such a time as it is falsified. Mathematical proofs tend
to be more rigorous.

From: John Larkin on
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 21:38:06 GMT, <lucasea(a)> wrote:

>"John Larkin" <jjlarkin(a)> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 19:18:05 GMT, <lucasea(a)> wrote:
>>>> Simple mental experiments show that m1*m2 works in that form, at least
>>>> in the non-relativistic case.
>>>Hunh??? Tell me about these simple mental experiments. And tell me why
>>>m1*m2 is any better than m1^1.00000000038 * m2^0.99999999947.
>Who says it has to be symmetric? These are, after all, just empirical laws
>that explain observed data. Symmetry is an outgrowth of the fact that those
>two exponents are the same--there's nothing fundamental that says that any
>two bodies of the same mass will exert the same pull on each other...that's
>just what the data tell us. What if the data are wrong--what if, to a
>higher degree of precision
>Even if I grant symmetry, why is m1*m2 any better than m1^1.0000000038 *

Hey, we're making progress. Now you accept that the distance between
the masses actually matters, and you seem to agree that the force
isn't affected by whatever names we assign to the objects.


From: Ken Smith on
In article <452e96d4$0$3487$91cee783(a)>,
Daniel Mandic <daniel_mandic(a)> wrote:
>I think they would not leave you out, out of the country...

I am not currently under any such restriction. They trust that I will not
talk about some things.

kensmith(a) forging knowledge

From: JoeBloe on
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 11:23:26 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> Gave us:

>How is that different to 'communist' China ? They seem to be doing just

Sure... when over 30% of their "income" is from bootlegged
copyright theft, and pirated sales of softwares and DVD titles. How
far would they be if we had placed our stamping plants ALL in Mexico?

How far would they be if we had never placed a single IC or hard
drive plant in their country?

How far would they be if we had denied them a position in the world
economy? After all... they do not belong, with the way they treat
their own people either! They are a bigger sleeping giant than Russia
or N. Korea could ever be!

WE LET THEM IN, and now they will end up with the biggest GNP in the
world only as a result of sheer numbers.

Had we stuck to our guns, ther would likely have already been a war.

Now we have to trust them to join the rest of the world in peace.
That's a big stretch, but we are committed to give them the benefit of
the doubt.

Ever heard of the "China Construction Bank"?

It is already the biggest bank in the world.

Got clue?