From: nospam on
In article <i0vefj$mro$1(a)>, George
<george(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:

> You really need to do some fact checking before making a declaration
> like that.

i have. you need to stop listening to soundbites.

> Go and review how the current algorithm for displaying the
> bars works. Apology accepted

'the' current algorithm? there is no single one.
From: Todd Allcock on
At 06 Jul 2010 06:48:35 -0700 John Navas wrote:

> >>> Case in point: the T-Mobile/Microsoft/Danger/Sidekick data-loss
> >>> not that long ago. Has all that lost data been reconstructed yet?
> >>
> >> Yes, about a week after the server crash.
> >>
> >> Of course that didn't make as many headlines as the loss did! ;)
> >>
> >> <
> >> Sidekick-data-loss-but-not-for-causing-it/1255618540>
> >
> >Thanks, Todd. I was following this at the time, and it seems to me that
> >I recall, even several weeks after the loss, that only *some* of the
> >had been fully recovered -- *all* of it for many customers, *most* of
> >for some others, and little to none for the remainder.
> >
> >T-Mo Forums were rife with angry complaints from all but the first
> >group of customers.
> There was only a relatively small number of complaints,
> Essentially *all* the data was recovered.
> The only exceptions were those users who ignored advice to sit tight and
> wait, instead trying things on their own, which mangled their data,
> which they then complained about, even though it was their own fault.

To be fair, the servers were down for a week. I'm not sure I'd have been
very patient either. ;)

> Such users probably wouldn't have done any better backing up data on
> their own, and would have still complained when something went wrong.

It's not like they had the opportunity- there is no Sidekick-to-desktop
backup. At least with Android/Google, there's Google Desktop Sync, and
various third-party tools.

> There will always be those who refuse to take responsibility for their
> own actions.

I'm willing to cut them a little slack in this instance. The news from
MS and T-Mo at the time was slow, contradictory, and disheartening- the
data was proclaimed almost certainly lost at one point.

It was a major screwup, but at least MS mostly cleaned up their mess. In
retrospect, however, it was all worth it, because those server upgrades
were a necessary step in bringing us...

....Kin! ;)

From: John Navas on
On Tue, 06 Jul 2010 10:26:15 -0400, in
<wKudnYfiq9aPoK7RnZ2dnUVZ_gydnZ2d(a)>, "Richard B. Gilbert"
<rgilbert88(a)> wrote:

>John Navas wrote:

>> Tempest in a teapot IMHO:
>> Google data (e.g., Contacts) are been backed up in the cloud from day 1.
>> It's quite easy to backup all user content on the SD card.
>> Most people don't care enough to bother.
>For some people, losing all the phone numbers and appointments stored in
>their phones is a nuisance rather than a disaster. For others . . . .
>I was a computer system administrator for most of my working life. It
>made me very aware of the value of backups!
>If losing the data stored in your phone would be a disaster, you should
>be making disaster recovery plans! If you have no other means of doing
>it, paper, pencil, and you, will get the job done. Making a copy on
>your computer is usually more convenient.

My Google Calendar is automatically backed up in the cloud as well,
and like my Contacts, is automatically replicated on all my other
devices, so I'm protected even if Google should have a very unlikely


"Assumption is the mother of all screw ups."
[Wethern�s Law of Suspended Judgement]
From: John Navas on
On Tue, 06 Jul 2010 08:56:46 -0600, in
<EvHYn.14855$4B7.4477(a)newsfe16.iad>, Todd Allcock
<elecconnec(a)> wrote:

>At 06 Jul 2010 06:48:35 -0700 John Navas wrote:

>> There was only a relatively small number of complaints,
>> Essentially *all* the data was recovered.
>> The only exceptions were those users who ignored advice to sit tight and
>> wait, instead trying things on their own, which mangled their data,
>> which they then complained about, even though it was their own fault.
>To be fair, the servers were down for a week. I'm not sure I'd have been
>very patient either. ;)

I seem to recall it being more like roughly 4 days over a weekend,
but nonetheless still painful to many.

>> Such users probably wouldn't have done any better backing up data on
>> their own, and would have still complained when something went wrong.
>It's not like they had the opportunity- there is no Sidekick-to-desktop
>backup. At least with Android/Google, there's Google Desktop Sync, and
>various third-party tools.

But even with the opportunity they probably wouldn't have backed up.
I don't know a single client or friend that would be backing up on their


"Assumption is the mother of all screw ups."
[Wethern�s Law of Suspended Judgement]
From: Larry on
John Navas <spamfilter1(a)> wrote in

>>They should LEASE the airwaves, not sell them
> They LICENSE them.
> --
> John

The sheeple have been brainwashed into the idea the government should be a
profit-making organization the sheeple think is going to reduce their

Pfat Chance.

Global Warming and Creationism are to science what storks are to
