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Structure help G'day, I have the following code... A = [1,2,3,4,]; %%%% DATA %%%% lon = [-123.412482300000, -123.349197000000, -123.387645500000,-123.499196100000]; lat = [48.1177411000000,48.1170438000000,48.1850616000000,48.2661300000000]; N = length(A); [test2(1:N).Geometry] = deal('Point'); %%%%% Create Structur... 15 Mar 2010 13:28
remove space between tiles in plottools I am looking for a way to collapse subplot tiles in plottools so that the axes touch. ... 11 Mar 2010 17:58
contour plot? In the help file it says: "contour(Z) draws a contour plot of matrix Z, where Z is interpreted as heights with respect to the x-y plane" I have tried this: Z = [2 3 3; 1 2 0]; [C,h] = contour(Z) clabel(C,h); which give me this: But how... 11 Mar 2010 17:58
periodogram function When using the periodogram function matlab states in its help file that "periodogram uses an nfft-point FFT of the windowed data (x.*window) to compute the periodogram. If the value you specify for nfft is less than the length of x, then x.*window is wrapped modulo nfft. If the value you specify for nfft is greate... 12 Mar 2010 08:18
Help: Matlab R2010a install broke emacs 23.1 Installed Matlab R2010a on my Win7x64 machine today and emacs 23.1 now hangs on startup. I've tried removing/reinstalling both Matlab and emacs and ended up reverting to emacs 22.3, which works. However, I really want 23.1 back. Any ideas on what could have been changed that would affect emacs? ... 11 Mar 2010 15:42
Is it possible in a gui to display matrix in an "excelish" Prediger <prediger(a)> wrote in message <2099146128.109832.1265303842554.JavaMail.root(a)>... Is it possible to change the color of a cell of a uitable? (Not for an entire row but for a single cell) thx I've trying to do the same thing with no luck. Has anybody tried to change t... 11 Mar 2010 15:42
simultaneous equations system Dear users, I am just a beginner user of matlab? I need to take a derivation of simultaneous equations system as X1 = aX1(X1,...,Xn)+bX2(X1,...,Xn)+...+zXn(X1,...,Xn) .. .. .. Xn= aX1(X1,...,Xn)+bX2(X1,...,Xn)+...+zXn(X1,...,Xn) I want to obtain the following vector dx1/dx2+dx1/dx3+...+dx1/dxn .. .. ... 11 Mar 2010 14:33
Combining/Overwriting structs Hallo! I'm setting up some default options with a struct: defaults.color = 'r'; defaults.marker = 'o'; defaults.text = false; A user can now change some of the default option. e.g.: options.color = 'k'; Now I'd like to overwrite the default options with the options changed by the user: finaloptions ... 11 Mar 2010 16:50
reduce matrix size Dear Stani! how can I reduce matrix size, from ax1xb to axb? RESHAPE, SQUEEZE Kind regards, Jan ... 11 Mar 2010 14:33
reduce matrix size "stani S." <stanci10(a)> wrote in message <hnbens$8ki$1(a)>... HI, how can I reduce matrix size, from ax1xb to axb? ===== help squeeze ... 11 Mar 2010 14:33 |