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color image watermarking Helloooooooooooo every one. We know that an rgb image is composed from red ,green and blue. In a color image watermarking you must embed a watermark image into one of the channel (red,green ,blue),or you must work on one of them. So ,I have read some paper about color image watermarking ,and no one of them work... 12 Mar 2010 16:11
Duplicate points removed by DelaunayTri After meshing with DelaunayTri, a few duplicate points are removed, however when I then get TriscatteredInterp the Data array no longer matches up with the XY values, and it fails. I'm sure I got around this before, but coming back to it now I haven't the foggiest idea how, suggestions? If its simplest I can try to... 12 Mar 2010 16:11
struct element as function input Is there a way to assign struct elements as input into functions or is this just needless syntax? I guess the only benefit would be that instead of clearing each variable separately, one could just use "clear temp". %% Define the meter markings markings from the DTS - refer dr1 = 26; dc1 = 0; dr2 = 2093; d... 12 Mar 2010 17:18
define parameter limits using nlinfit Hey Guys, I'm trying to conduct a fit of my measurements to the formula for the reflection coefficients: f=@(n1,t) abs(((sqrt(n1.^2 - (sin(t*pi/180)).^2) - cos(t*pi/180)).^2)/(1 - n1.^2)); %Fit-Funktion für r_senkrecht g=@(n2,t) abs((n2.^2*cos(t*pi/180)-sqrt(n2.^2-(sin(t*pi/180)).^2))/... (n2.^2*cos(t*pi/180... 15 Mar 2010 13:28
Generate Matrix in Matlab Is there a way to generate a matrix in Matlab from a set of equations ? For example, Maple has a command called "genmatrix" followed by specifications to generate a Matrix from a set of equations. ... 12 Mar 2010 13:54
Questions about Quiver Hello, I am having trouble with my plot using quiver. For the vectors created by quiver, it starts at the coordinate indincated in quiver(x,y) and draw the vector toward the direction it should go. What if I want the coordinates to be the midpoint of the segment? so it has half of the line left of the coordinate... 13 Mar 2010 02:08
Complex numbers in rmasummary output Dear all, I'm normalising some microarray data using rmasummary in the Bioinformatics Toolbox. When I do so, I get complex numbers in the resulting expression matrix, even using the example provided by matlab (help rmasummary): load prostatecancerrawdata backadjData = rmabackadj(pmMatrix); normData = quantilen... 15 Mar 2010 18:08
a 'stacked' 3D bar graph of a different kind I have been struggling all morning to find the way to do this with MATLAB. I am creating 3D data of time, distance, and a whole number quantity. What makes up the quantity is the sum of 5 different catagories. I want to visualize the contribution of each of the categories similar to a stacked bar graph. but th... 12 Mar 2010 12:46
errors in read dicom file Dear all, When i tried to read dicom file to matlab I got the following error: '??? Error using ==> dicomread>newDicomread at 214 Unsupported data encoding.' I looked into the file by dicominfo and I found that the TransferSyntaxUID of such file is '' which is out of the definiation... 12 Mar 2010 11:38
parameter constraint on crossCorr dear all, I want to constrain the crossCorr function to return parameters/solutions between 0-1, because a priori I do not expect any negative relationships. Is there an easy way to do this that I am overlooking, thanks. ... 15 Mar 2010 12:19 |