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Find mean in a subsequence I have a matrix of 1's and 0's, and I want to find sequences of 1's and find the element in the middel of the subsequence, and then define a new matrix (same size as my original matrix) with just a 1 at this middle position. If the number of 1's in a sequence is even the 1 is put in the position of the right-most eleme... 25 Mar 2010 12:37
custom fit Hi all! I need your help. I would like to create a code that allows me to fit a vector of data with a custom fit function (let's say a lorentzian curve to make an example). In that case my fitting parameters would be the position, the height and the half-width of the peak. How may I write such a function in order... 26 Mar 2010 09:08
many subplot, one tile , one colorbar subplot(1,3,1) XYPlane = D(:,:,20); imagesc(XYPlane) subplot(1,3,2) YZPlane = P(:,:,20); imagesc(YZPlane) subplot(1,3,3) ZXPlane = M(:,:,20); imagesc(ZXPlane) How to set one colorbar which should be fixed, one title which should be on top ce... 25 Mar 2010 10:15
plotyy Hi, Essentially what I want to do is to plot those y1, y2 vars with the same x axes, and then plot some points on each of the y1 and y2 graphs, I have the following plotyy... [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(x,y1, x,y2); but then the scatter plot with points '*' on top of both plots produce new graph which I don't want. I ... 26 Mar 2010 08:00
[Symbolic toolbox] Explicit solution can not be found Dear group, I try to solve a problem using the symbolic toolbox of matlab. the site version is 2009b. While a similar example with less equations is solved properly, the code below exits with the error: %%%% Warning: Explicit solution could not be found. In solve at 81 In rodney at 8 S = [ empty ... 25 Mar 2010 09:06
reshape Dear Jane! Your method above worked thank you. I understand what it is doing too. I have a new problem. If you've understood the effects of RESHAPE and PERMUTE, you have all you need to solve your new problem. Please try it. For the beginning it is easier, if you test the method with smaller arrays. Then you c... 25 Mar 2010 07:58
reset in simulink? Hi; I need to reset a model within an m-file. I know using : set_param(model, 'SimulationCommand', 'start') set_param(model, 'SimulationCommand', 'stop') can start ans stop a model within a m-file. But how about reseting - i.e. stopping the model and then re-starting from initial condition, time = 0 ? Than... 25 Mar 2010 07:58
noise power spectral density How should we calculate noise power spectral density for Additive white gaussian noise when we know only the noise samples? i.e. i have generated awgn using rand(1,N); where N is some constant. How can i calculate the noise power spectral density without knowing any frequencies and input signal? ... 6 Apr 2010 06:23
loop for a fmincon Hello community, I'm using a Nelson-Siegel parametrization in order to estimate the US government yield curve and I have a problem with fmincon in a loop. At each date t, I have to minimize squared residuals between observed and theoretical yields, so this expression in comprised in own-built function. Furthermore, ... 25 Mar 2010 11:27
Several 2D plots into one 3D plot Right, I've got a while loop that produces several 2D plots. The number of plots is dependant on the number of iterations and hence the range of plots can be from 6-20 indivisual 2D plots. What I want to achieve from this is a 3D visual representation of how my code optimizes different problems with different initial c... 25 Mar 2010 06:51 |