How to remove shadow of car in parking lot?
ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <916f1bb4-51f7-4967-ac56-3dabbb1ec971(a)>... Jeprol To subtract images: diffImage = image1 - image2; Seems rather obvious once you see it, doesn't it? And you can look in the help for rgb2hsv(). thanks for yo... 25 Mar 2010 19:43
graph of cumulative functions
Good evening I'm searching to compute the graph of this function: F(y)=lF(y/r) if 0<=y<=r F(y)=rF((y-r)/l)+l if r<y<=1 with r+l=1 and r different from l. However I cannot do this, my matlab doesn't want to give me a graph! ;) I don't know how to do because I have to use the function in the definition of this func... 25 Mar 2010 17:25
libSVM question
in libSVM, do you have to give a test label for each of the instances you want to test with? What if you have no idea on the class - this will reduce the accuracey. Can libSVM not predict the class, or at least tell you which instances you got right? Out of the instances you guessed the class right, is there any cha... 26 Mar 2010 13:09
Is it possible to label axis?
Is it possible to label scope axis, if so how? ... 25 Mar 2010 17:25
lsqnonlin or lsqcurvefit
I am not able to use lsqnonlin or lsqcurvefit functions in matlab installed on my computer. This is possibly due to unavailability of optimization toolbox. Are there any functions similar to these that i can use. ... 26 Mar 2010 05:47
What are the functions to apply an analog and a discrete-time fir
ALittleDog <leqia.he(a)> wrote in message <5dc2e652-55ad-4872-bbd3-ec474821ba2b(a)>... I want to apply an analog filter, which is specified by coefficient vectors b and a, and a FIR filter, Hd, with numerator coefficients, b and block length, len already known, to a stream of di... 31 Mar 2010 14:20
Concatenate from a for loop
Hi, I have a for loop that calculates the position of a planet rotating about the sun. It uses ode45 and in iteration of the loop, calculates 11 values of x, y, xdot and ydot. This is done by initializing initial conditions and then resetting the initial conditions as the final conditions(11th) of each iteration of th... 25 Mar 2010 14:58
dynamic regexp
Greg Thom wrote: .... The problem I have is that Pt1,Val1,...,PtN,ValN is variable (N = Numpts for a each line) so I need to dynamically modify the regexp as I go using the value I capture with Numpts. Now I can capture the value no problem. .... Does anyone know how to write this properly, I ha... 25 Mar 2010 18:34
fmincon and Hessian
Hi, I'm using the interior-point algorithm in FMINCON with the analytical expression of the Hessian, setting the following option ....'Hessian','user-supplied','HessFcn',@funHess... To reduce the amount of memory, I define the Hessian matrix as a sparse matrix in the function @funHess I also notice that it is... 25 Mar 2010 13:46
creating slprj directory and model advisor
"A " <dragonboy.ali(a)> wrote in message <fi9btg$kp2$1(a)>... Hi all I have model advisor problem what is the best solution thanks I am using vista and r2007a and i have LCC compiler installed already i get the following error Error building Real-Time... 25 Mar 2010 12:37