any way to check the intersection between 2 3D objects
Hi Anyone know how to check 2 3D objects intersect with each other? For example, how to check to whether 2 cylinders join with each other? In 2D, function inpolygon can be used to check whether a point is inside a polygon or not, is there any similar function can be used in 3D case? Thanks! DZ ... 29 Mar 2010 13:36
Need help:Regarding varargout error
I'm beginner in matlab, need your assistance in fixing errors. Get this error; Error in ==> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.EXPERIEN-8B778A\Desktop\New Folder\Mstart.m On line 3 ==> varargout{1} = handles.output; from this line; function varargout = New1_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) var... 26 Mar 2010 03:35
Simscape and Boost Convertor
I'm trying to make a boost converter using simscape , i'm able to run the same model in simpower systems , but encounter lot of problems( in simscape .. please advise .. One of the error messages i get is Warning: Unable to reduce the step size without violating minimum step size of 7.291944825754407e-017 for 56 co... 23 Apr 2010 20:58
Hi, my robot toolbox/simulink
when i open robot toolbox/simulink use the command "roblock" to open simulinke blocks. there always be a warning:"When displaying: "roblocks/plot", the expression "rname" could not be evaluated. Check that the parameter entries and variables used in the Initialization command are valid MATLAB expressions." how to so... 25 Mar 2010 23:11
convert bit-stream to pulse waveforms
Hi, I have a bit-stream. Let's say "0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0". I want to plot the corresponding NRZ pulses (where 0 maps to 1 and 1 maps to -1) with a bit-duration 0.01 sec). How can I do that? ... 25 Mar 2010 22:00
Serial output with Quatech ESC-100
I am to build a module in Simulink which transmit some data over serial using the Quatechs ESC-100 serial card. I found that the transmission (and receiving) terminates with a null character or 0x00. At first I thought the problem was limited to the FIFO used by the ESC-100 modules. So I have created an alternative ... 30 Mar 2010 10:30
Best way to Read BMP image and write data (in Hex) to file
Hi all, I am looking for the best method to read in bitmap image data, convert that data to hex, and then write it to a file. Does anyone have a good solution for this? Thanks ... 25 Mar 2010 22:00
Phase shift in Simulink
"Speed axs" <speedrama(a)> wrote in message <h991do$mj6$1(a)>... Thanks a lot Phil for the quick and apt response. It works perfectly fine. I am now surprised why the other methods didnt work. Anyways, once again thanks a lot. Woth best regards, Speed "Phil Goddard" <p... 25 Mar 2010 20:53
Simulink to Matlab
I have a transfer function that I want to put into series 5 times. I want to find the sum of the 5 TFs. I know how to put the 5 TFs in series using simulink, but is there a way to get the sum of the TFs back into MATLAB? I ultimately want to find the root locus of the TF. ... 29 Mar 2010 20:18
RGB to gray scale to RGB
Hello, I want to convert my RGB image to gray to complete a step that requires uint8. But after that step, is there a way for me to put the gray scale back to RGB? Thanks in advance! Stacy ... 26 Mar 2010 21:41