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Question about Image Registration Hi everyone, Let say that I am doing the following experiment, Step 1: Take a picture of a scene. Let call this image A. Step 2: Move the camera to a slightly different position to get a slightly different perspective of the same scene. Let call this image B. My question is that is it possible to create ima... 1 Apr 2010 13:30
HELP: Newsgroup Email is required I want submit a file in mathworks(file exchange) i creat one account in mathworks and i can log in but when i click "submit file" link one page open and want me newsgroup email address what is the newsgroup email address? please help me ... 26 Mar 2010 00:18
??? Error using ==> vertcat Hi, I am trying to export data from a plateau fit parameter called "poly_plat" that consists of a slope and and intercept, using the lines: outfile_plateau = sprintf('%s-plateau.txt',rawtext); f_plateau = fopen(outfile_plateau,'wt'); fprintf(f_plateau,'BreathNo\tSlope\tIntercept\n'); fprintf(f_platea... 25 Mar 2010 23:11
Interfacing Matlab with a Microprocessor Hello, I was wondering if anyone had successfully interfacing Matlab program with a Microprocessor? For the past 6 months I been working on a senior project with programing Matlab for speech recognition. I am at the point right now where I am able to program it to recognized the correct word. My next step is being able... 28 Mar 2010 17:52
watermarking Attacks Hello ........ I have an rgb watermarked image ,I need to do these attacks to the image: 1-filtering a-Gaussian lowpass (3x3) b-Median filtering (2x2) 2-Image enhancement a-Edge sharppen b-Gaussian blurring c-Moving blurring 3-Image Mosaic (4x4) I do some of them : 1)a)-Gaussian ... 25 Mar 2010 19:44
connection between Gui's I have a main Gui & by selecting one of its menu options a 2nd gui appears. I'd like these 2 gui's to connect at all times. Primary this 2nd gui sets 6 adjustable variables & I want them to be a available at all times. I do not want a modal dialog, since that under rules the availability of the main gui's options at so... 25 Mar 2010 23:10
Randomly generated area Given 'x' and 'y' data below, does anyone know how to connect the points without any lines crossing over, in other words create a single area? Polyarea often creates shapes with lines that cross-over each other. x=[ 1.4459 4.2018 0.7925 0.1146 2.9969 3.2423 1.4459] y=[ 2.4448 ... 26 Mar 2010 14:19
need Source Code Hey i need help regrading a pseudo code or source code for a function caled K-L expansion that should take data matrix as its first argument with data in columns and should have feature values, eigenvectors and eigenvalues as its first three output. As i am new to matlab so i have no idea how to go about this. th... 27 Mar 2010 19:56
rotate3d of a checkerboard What must be done to generate a checkboard and then be able to rotate it with respect to 3-dimensions? I have used:K = (checkerboard(100)>.5); figure, s=imshow(K) axis on so far to generate the image. If I use rotate3d(s) now, it will not display the checkerboard during the rota... 25 Mar 2010 18:34
How to pass an array value to structure name? I want to have an array value from a inputdlg to be added to my structure name.. For example, If my inputdlg creates following array based on my input to inputdlg A.. A = Name, employer, Salary Now, I want to create a structure based on A(1) = Name as follows.. = N(:,1); N... 1 Apr 2010 17:59 |