rotation of checkboard
I'm creating a checkerboard for a project and have used K = (checkerboard(100)>.5); figure, s=imshow(K) axis on What I hope to do is fix the image so i can use rotate3d. Is this possible? If so, what do I use to fix it in order to rotate or create a checkboard that is rotatable? ... 25 Mar 2010 17:25
Generating volume coordinates of an irregular polyhedron using vertices
Hi, I'm not sure whether this is something that Matlab has a built in function for, but if anyone knows of anything that would be really helpful! I have a set of 3D coordinates that relate to the vertices of an irregular polyhedron. I have used these coordinates to generate the outer surface of the shape; howeve... 25 Mar 2010 18:34
regarding dec2bin
"mathew(a)upb" <mathewgeorge100(a)> wrote in message <601840993.443860.1269550412780.JavaMail.root(a)>... Can someone suggest, how to convert the output of dec2bin command to a row matrix, so that some of the bits can (say 5 LSBs of a 16 bit number) be be selected. one of the solutions ... 26 Mar 2010 03:35
save all?
I am making a little shortcut that will save all the files I have open in my editor then run them in thier various processors so that I can chop up the data in matlab. I have everything running the way it should except I can't figure out how to save all the files, could someone point me in the right direction? ... 25 Mar 2010 19:43
Trying to use matlab engine from VC++
Hi I am trying to send data from VC++ to MATLAB. So i am calling engine.h. am running the program i am getting a error: Unhandled exception at 0x0001ae30 in data3.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation and asks me to break the program. I have included the files matrix.h , engine.h. Also i have included the library fi... 9 Apr 2010 22:17
Remove a row if the vector in that row is 0
"Li " I am working on a set of data with millions of rows. So I have to find the fastest way to process it. Now I just want to remove the rows, if the vector (the first column) in that row is equal to zero. I used the below code, and it took almost an hour to finish. Is there a quicker way to do this? Thanks! ... 25 Mar 2010 17:25
Remove a row if the vector in that row is 0
I am working on a set of data with millions of rows. So I have to find the fastest way to process it. Now I just want to remove the rows, if the vector (the first column) in that row is equal to zero. I used the below code, and it took almost an hour to finish. Is there a quicker way to do this? Thanks! Ind = []; f... 25 Mar 2010 17:25
pop up menu callback error
allvalues = get(handles.popupmenu1,'String'); choiceidx = get(handles.popupmenu1,'Value'); if iscell(allvalues) choicestr = allvalues{choiceidx}; else choicestr = allvalues(choiceidx,:); end choice = str2double(choicestr); set_param('untitled/Constant','Value',choicestr); The string for my pop up ... 25 Mar 2010 17:25
who can explain this coding?
dear all, could anyone can explain to me what is coding below do? vb = imread('1.jpg'); X = im2double(v2); misc = (X(:,:,1)+X(:,:,2)+X(:,:,3)); misc(misc==0) = 0.7; X(:,:,1) = X(:,:,1)./misc; X(:,:,2) = X(:,:,2)./misc; Thank you. ... 25 Mar 2010 23:11
clipping detection
Hi Paul, I needed to write a similar piece of code myself (a copy is included below). It does include 'for' loops but this is so it can check for an arbitrary number 'N' of consectutive data points; and so it can check any number of data columns for clipping. It works by rotating the time trace round by N-1, N-2, N-... 25 Mar 2010 16:12