From: Y.Porat on
On Mar 23, 8:56 pm, "Juan R." González-Álvarez
<nowh...(a)> wrote:
> Y.Porat wrote on Tue, 23 Mar 2010 06:54:24 -0700:
> > On Mar 23, 3:26 pm, eric gisse <jowr.pi.nos...(a)> wrote:
> >> Y.Porat wrote:
> >> [snip all, unread]
> > --------------------
> > Hi Eric
> > where have you been allthat time?
> > is i t   possible that you are Inertial ??  (:-)
> Sometimes one is inside the other, but Eric and Inertial are
> not the same person.

so who the hell is that nasty pig ??!!

i am going to announce a prize of 100000 $
to reveal that pig
From: Y.Porat on
On Mar 23, 8:11 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> On Mar 23, 3:52 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > On Mar 23, 5:22 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:> On Mar 23, 11:52 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > >   > > >> >> >> >betterdo it for much less than a second !!
> > > > > >> >> >> > (half or 1/4 second   > RECORDED (just above ) facts
> > > > --------------------
> > > > -----------------------
> > > Presumably, Planck should get the credit for the idea of Planck time?
> > ----------------------
> > not exactly!
> > plank is no doubt a grat hero
> > but waht he did ddint deal withthe smallest photon energy
> > his formula was
> > E=hf
> > full stiop)!!!
> > but that is as i showed not the smallest single  photon!!
> > as far as i know
> > th ePlank time derivation
> > was not done by Plank
> > it was done later !!!
> > 2
> > plank ddint wrote his formula as
> > E min photon =   h times     Plank time
> > that  is good    as i showed with my experiment
> > for a huge number of single   photons
> > not for a single photon
> > his formula was again
> > E = hf
> > and f is one second defined !!
> > the suggested probebly for the first time
> > unless found precedent-ed ) single photon of my
> > is done in 5.38 Exp-44 OF A  SECOND !!!
> > 2
> > even you all along the discussions withyou
> > spoke about 'instantaneous *
> > and you explicitly insisted that
> > you repeated it again and again
> > and that is as well recorded !!
> > you can t  now after all my fights here
> > come a twist your
> > instantaneous and not time dependent
> > to   be    instantaneous= as Plank time
> > instantaneous andnot time dependent is ....
> > ZERO TIME !!!
> > ans ikep again and again explainig thatnothing can be DONE
> > in zero time
> > and no one (aFair)   around  me  including you !
> >  said **then** that he agrees with me !!
> > that noting can   be done in zero time !!
> > i can remember me   claiming that even an  inelastic collision
> > is not done instantaneously !!!
> > and i dont remember you agreeing with  me !!
> > it was me to  do that hard work against all  those  dumb crocks
> > here !!
> > so
> > sorry not much credit can be given even to  you
> > the  only credit that i can   give you is
> > that unlike the others -you showed and spoke about your
> > not being sure  about the arguments in those threads
> > iow
> > you was doubtful  about anything
> > ATB
> > Y.Porat
> > ----------------------------
> > and i dont remember you agreeing with  me !!
> > it was me to  do that hard work against all  those  dumb crocks
> > here !!
> > so
> > sorry not much credit can be given even to  you
> I need no credit.  The formula is all yours.  That goes for any
> supposed improvement on E-hf that you care to claim.
> I cannot understand your logic and so I have never agreed with you,
> but the discussions have been interesting to me, despite some mind
> bending illogicality.  The illogicality has made me think things
> through more than I might otherwise have done.  As in: "Amazing! How
> can anyone not understand that arguement".  But I have always tried to
> understand how you see things from your point of view.
> I thought that at last you were beginning to accept that the words
> 'instantaneous' [and, consequently, 'point'] do not necessarily imply
> zero size.  I also thought that, as you now seem to be accepting that
> emission takes place from one instant to the next  ....that your next
> logical step was going to be to accept the original formula E=hf. ....
> but, clearly, not yet.

it is interesting to find out that Ben 699
from England !!(Manchester ?)about 68 years old
is the same time on the net as ..... who ????
as Inertial = Artful = ???!!! (:-)
can i start to save my 100000 $ (:-)
From: "Juan R." González-Álvarez on
Inertial wrote on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 08:46:06 +1100:

> "Juan R.González-Álvarez" <nowhere(a)> wrote in
> message news:pan.2010.
>> Y.Porat wrote on Tue, 23 Mar 2010 06:54:24 -0700:
>>> On Mar 23, 3:26 pm, eric gisse <jowr.pi.nos...(a)> wrote:
>>>> Y.Porat wrote:
>>>> [snip all, unread]
>>> --------------------
>>> Hi Eric
>>> where have you been allthat time?
>>> is i t possible that you are Inertial ?? (:-)
>> Sometimes one is inside the other, but Eric and Inertial are not the
>> same person.
> You are filth.


From: ben6993 on
On Mar 24, 8:22 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> On Mar 23, 8:11 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> > On Mar 23, 3:52 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > On Mar 23, 5:22 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:> On Mar 23, 11:52 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > >   > > >> >> >> >betterdo it for much less than a second !!
> > > > > > >> >> >> > (half or 1/4 second   > RECORDED (just above ) facts
> > > > > --------------------
> > > > > -----------------------
> > > > Presumably, Planck should get the credit for the idea of Planck time?
> > > ----------------------
> > > not exactly!
> > > plank is no doubt a grat hero
> > > but waht he did ddint deal withthe smallest photon energy
> > > his formula was
> > > E=hf
> > > full stiop)!!!
> > > but that is as i showed not the smallest single  photon!!
> > > as far as i know
> > > th ePlank time derivation
> > > was not done by Plank
> > > it was done later !!!
> > > 2
> > > plank ddint wrote his formula as
> > > E min photon =   h times     Plank time
> > > that  is good    as i showed with my experiment
> > > for a huge number of single   photons
> > > not for a single photon
> > > his formula was again
> > > E = hf
> > > and f is one second defined !!
> > > the suggested probebly for the first time
> > > unless found precedent-ed ) single photon of my
> > > is done in 5.38 Exp-44 OF A  SECOND !!!
> > > 2
> > > even you all along the discussions withyou
> > > spoke about 'instantaneous *
> > > and you explicitly insisted that
> > > you repeated it again and again
> > > and that is as well recorded !!
> > > you can t  now after all my fights here
> > > come a twist your
> > > instantaneous and not time dependent
> > > to   be    instantaneous= as Plank time
> > > instantaneous andnot time dependent is ....
> > > ZERO TIME !!!
> > > ans ikep again and again explainig thatnothing can be DONE
> > > in zero time
> > > and no one (aFair)   around  me  including you !
> > >  said **then** that he agrees with me !!
> > > that noting can   be done in zero time !!
> > > i can remember me   claiming that even an  inelastic collision
> > > is not done instantaneously !!!
> > > and i dont remember you agreeing with  me !!
> > > it was me to  do that hard work against all  those  dumb crocks
> > > here !!
> > > so
> > > sorry not much credit can be given even to  you
> > > the  only credit that i can   give you is
> > > that unlike the others -you showed and spoke about your
> > > not being sure  about the arguments in those threads
> > > iow
> > > you was doubtful  about anything
> > > ATB
> > > Y.Porat
> > > ----------------------------
> > > and i dont remember you agreeing with  me !!
> > > it was me to  do that hard work against all  those  dumb crocks
> > > here !!
> > > so
> > > sorry not much credit can be given even to  you
> > I need no credit.  The formula is all yours.  That goes for any
> > supposed improvement on E-hf that you care to claim.
> > I cannot understand your logic and so I have never agreed with you,
> > but the discussions have been interesting to me, despite some mind
> > bending illogicality.  The illogicality has made me think things
> > through more than I might otherwise have done.  As in: "Amazing! How
> > can anyone not understand that arguement".  But I have always tried to
> > understand how you see things from your point of view.
> > I thought that at last you were beginning to accept that the words
> > 'instantaneous' [and, consequently, 'point'] do not necessarily imply
> > zero size.  I also thought that, as you now seem to be accepting that
> > emission takes place from one instant to the next  ....that your next
> > logical step was going to be to accept the original formula E=hf. .....
> > but, clearly, not yet.
> ----------------------
> it is interesting to find out that Ben 699
> from England !!(Manchester  ?)about 68 years old
> is the same time on the net as ..... who ????
> as Inertial  =   Artful =  ???!!!   (:-)
> can i start to   save my 100000 $  (:-)
> Y.P
> ----------------------------- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Dear Porat

Calm down,
put your feet up,
take it easy.

I am 60 not 68.
(I wrote that in a post to you on Feb 22.)
Does your basic error cause you to change your conclusions in any way?

But yes, you are quite right. I am Inertial and PD.
You should now send that $1000000 dollars to a charity of my choice.
Give me a few days to pick a favourite charity.

By the way, I am also Uncle Al, Sue, Androcles and also everyone else
on this ng too. So that just leaves you and me.

And as I am an AI program, that just leaves you.

But I shouldn't feed your paranoia. None of the above is true.(Except
that I really am 60 years old.) No believe me, honestly I am none of
those people. Believe me, none of them, ... Honestly ...

calm down,
put your feet up,
take it easy.

From: Y.Porat on
On Mar 24, 12:16 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> On Mar 24, 8:22 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > On Mar 23, 8:11 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> > > On Mar 23, 3:52 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > > On Mar 23, 5:22 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:> On Mar 23, 11:52 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > > >   > > >> >> >> >betterdo it for much less than a second !!
> > > > > > > >> >> >> > (half or 1/4 second   > RECORDED (just above ) facts
> > > > > > --------------------
> > > > > > -----------------------
> > > > > Presumably, Planck should get the credit for the idea of Planck time?
> > > > ----------------------
> > > > not exactly!
> > > > plank is no doubt a grat hero
> > > > but waht he did ddint deal withthe smallest photon energy
> > > > his formula was
> > > > E=hf
> > > > full stiop)!!!
> > > > but that is as i showed not the smallest single  photon!!
> > > > as far as i know
> > > > th ePlank time derivation
> > > > was not done by Plank
> > > > it was done later !!!
> > > > 2
> > > > plank ddint wrote his formula as
> > > > E min photon =   h times     Plank time
> > > > that  is good    as i showed with my experiment
> > > > for a huge number of single   photons
> > > > not for a single photon
> > > > his formula was again
> > > > E = hf
> > > > and f is one second defined !!
> > > > the suggested probebly for the first time
> > > > unless found precedent-ed ) single photon of my
> > > > is done in 5.38 Exp-44 OF A  SECOND !!!
> > > > 2
> > > > even you all along the discussions withyou
> > > > spoke about 'instantaneous *
> > > > and you explicitly insisted that
> > > > you repeated it again and again
> > > > and that is as well recorded !!
> > > > you can t  now after all my fights here
> > > > come a twist your
> > > > instantaneous and not time dependent
> > > > to   be    instantaneous= as Plank time
> > > > instantaneous andnot time dependent is ....
> > > > ZERO TIME !!!
> > > > ans ikep again and again explainig thatnothing can be DONE
> > > > in zero time
> > > > and no one (aFair)   around  me  including you !
> > > >  said **then** that he agrees with me !!
> > > > that noting can   be done in zero time !!
> > > > i can remember me   claiming that even an  inelastic collision
> > > > is not done instantaneously !!!
> > > > and i dont remember you agreeing with  me !!
> > > > it was me to  do that hard work against all  those  dumb crocks
> > > > here !!
> > > > so
> > > > sorry not much credit can be given even to  you
> > > > the  only credit that i can   give you is
> > > > that unlike the others -you showed and spoke about your
> > > > not being sure  about the arguments in those threads
> > > > iow
> > > > you was doubtful  about anything
> > > > ATB
> > > > Y.Porat
> > > > ----------------------------
> > > > and i dont remember you agreeing with  me !!
> > > > it was me to  do that hard work against all  those  dumb crocks
> > > > here !!
> > > > so
> > > > sorry not much credit can be given even to  you
> > > I need no credit.  The formula is all yours.  That goes for any
> > > supposed improvement on E-hf that you care to claim.
> > > I cannot understand your logic and so I have never agreed with you,
> > > but the discussions have been interesting to me, despite some mind
> > > bending illogicality.  The illogicality has made me think things
> > > through more than I might otherwise have done.  As in: "Amazing! How
> > > can anyone not understand that arguement".  But I have always tried to
> > > understand how you see things from your point of view.
> > > I thought that at last you were beginning to accept that the words
> > > 'instantaneous' [and, consequently, 'point'] do not necessarily imply
> > > zero size.  I also thought that, as you now seem to be accepting that
> > > emission takes place from one instant to the next  ....that your next
> > > logical step was going to be to accept the original formula E=hf. .....
> > > but, clearly, not yet.
> > ----------------------
> > it is interesting to find out that Ben 699
> > from England !!(Manchester  ?)about 68 years old
> > is the same time on the net as ..... who ????
> > as Inertial  =   Artful =  ???!!!   (:-)
> > can i start to   save my 100000 $  (:-)
> > Y.P
> > ----------------------------- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> Dear Porat
> Calm down,
> put your feet up,
> take it easy.
> I am 60 not 68.
> (I wrote that in a post to you on Feb 22.)
> Does your basic error cause you to change your conclusions in any way?
> But yes, you are quite right. I am Inertial and PD.
> You should now send that $1000000 dollars to a charity of my choice.
> Give me a few days to pick a favourite charity.
> By the way, I am also Uncle Al, Sue, Androcles and also everyone else
> on this ng too.  So that just leaves you and me.
> And as I am an AI program, that just leaves you.
> But I shouldn't feed your paranoia.  None of the above is true.(Except
> that I really am 60 years old.) No believe me, honestly I am none of
> those people.  Believe me, none of them, ...  Honestly ...
> Now,
> calm down,
> put your feet up,
> take it easy.
> Regards
> Ben

how long are you on the net??

did you was on the net before that ??
as far as i remember you are a mathematician
am i right ??