From: Y.Porat on
On Mar 25, 1:30 pm, ben6993 > > tosplitting that big photon to
smaller photons
> > des it make sense to you ???
> I see it differently.  Different quanta can have different energies.
> > but i am looking for the one
> >  that   is all   the dispute here !!!
> Yes, I agree that this is the cause of the differences in viewpoints.
> You are looking for a basic smallest-energy photon, whereas all
> photons are indivisible but yet are not all identical.  And there is
> no smallest-energy photon.
> > let s forgot now even the photon and electron issue
> > ----------------
> > now at last a have a question to you
> >  and no  mater if it is right or wrong !!
> > who was  (is)  the first one to suggest the Planck time
> > as the emission time for the smallest possible
> On Feb 21, 10:10 pm, Artful wrote:
> "Here is a logical proof for you that an indivisible object MUST be
> created instantly."  Etc etc. ...
> ------------------
so he said
and waht is that etc etc
and where is the Planck time here ??

artful sais all laong
that the single photon
energy formula is
W=hf while f is obviously one second dependent
just ahve a look at the first posts above
]it is right in front of your eyes there
so where is he
and where is the Plank time !!!!!!!
that suggested
you can see it as well
if you follow the thread
i was asking who was the first one!!
and who is a cheap psychopathpif
that don know even how to be a beginner thief !!!
do you know about evidence *beyond this thread **???
and pease dont forget
my question is
about suggesting for thew first time the
Planck time as the time duration
of creating the smallest singlephoton!!
(the nasty pig Inertial does not
agree even that enefy emission of phootns
is time dependent
and if he does
it is only after months of my braking my fingers typing -to show it
is time dependent !!
(as i see even you until this moment still dont agree that the
minimal photon energy
emisission is **time dependent**
thje Plank time **is TIME DEPENDENT ** )
so he certainly does not agree with it
so how can you say that he SUGGESTED THE PLANK TIME THERE ????!!
while the above documentation
with the attached dated to it
shoes that he jus t stole it from me
in a way that only a
halfwit psychopath Goebbels
could dare to do !!
(underestimating the basic intelligence of 1500 readers !!)



right ??
and i showed in my trivial experiment
that single photons are created
in less than a second
btw you compair what i contributed in this thread
to Inertials leching and cheating ??
while i was the innitiator of all that issue leading the whole issue
he just responded as a mad pig
and ddint stop relating my innovations to himself
ddin you notice it??
anyone who will follow this thread
from start to end
will see a behevios of a nasty pig

and what that mad dog thief
did ??
> That is the earliest time, I think, at which I met the idea of
> instantaneous emission in these threads.

From: ben6993 on
On Mar 25, 2:24 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:

<snip for brevity>

Take it easy.

I am confident that no one here but you believes your formula, so why
are you continually worried about anyone stealing it? Also, why not
save all your posts in a text file on your own hard drive if you do
not trust being able to find them again in a google search. Then you
won't need to keep asking about who said what and when.

Planck's time was implicit in Artful's logic. If a creation event
occurs such that 0='not present' and 1=present, then in successive
instants of time there will be say: 000000000001111111111111 etc.

The creation happens instantaneously, ie in one instant 'it' is not
there, in the very next instant 'it' is there.
The smallest interval of time that we can use is Planck time. Which
you can think of as the time interval from one instant to the
adjoining instant. It is expressed more fully than this in the
original postings circa Feb 21. I, and probably others, used Planck's
time in a posting to try to stop you having apoplexy about the
impossibility of anything happening 'instantaneously'. We can't say
anything about events in time of less duration than Planck time.


From: Y.Porat on
On Mar 25, 4:56 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> On Mar 25, 2:24 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> <snip for brevity>
> Take it easy.
> I am confident that no one here but you believes your formula, so why
> are you continually worried about anyone stealing it?  Also, why not
> save all your posts in a text file on your own hard drive if you do
> not trust being able to find them again in a google search.  Then you
> won't need to keep asking about who said what and when.
> Planck's time was implicit in Artful's logic.  If a creation event
> occurs such that 0='not present' and 1=present, then in successive
> instants of time there will be say:  000000000001111111111111 etc.
> The creation happens instantaneously, ie in one instant 'it' is not
> there, in the very next instant 'it' is there.
> The smallest interval of time that we can use is Planck time.  Which
> you can think of as the time interval from one instant to the
> adjoining instant.  It is expressed more fully than this in the
> original postings circa Feb 21.  I, and probably others, used Planck's
> time in a posting to try to stop you having apoplexy about the
> impossibility of anything happening 'instantaneously'.  We can't say
> anything about events in time of less duration than Planck time.
> Regards
> Ben

now we have a documented evidence
black on while that

that Josef Goebbels could be proud of !!!


From: PD on
On Mar 25, 10:09 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> On Mar 25, 4:56 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> > On Mar 25, 2:24 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > <snip for brevity>
> > Take it easy.
> > I am confident that no one here but you believes your formula, so why
> > are you continually worried about anyone stealing it?  Also, why not
> > save all your posts in a text file on your own hard drive if you do
> > not trust being able to find them again in a google search.  Then you
> > won't need to keep asking about who said what and when.
> > Planck's time was implicit in Artful's logic.  If a creation event
> > occurs such that 0='not present' and 1=present, then in successive
> > instants of time there will be say:  000000000001111111111111 etc.
> > The creation happens instantaneously, ie in one instant 'it' is not
> > there, in the very next instant 'it' is there.
> > The smallest interval of time that we can use is Planck time.  Which
> > you can think of as the time interval from one instant to the
> > adjoining instant.  It is expressed more fully than this in the
> > original postings circa Feb 21.  I, and probably others, used Planck's
> > time in a posting to try to stop you having apoplexy about the
> > impossibility of anything happening 'instantaneously'.  We can't say
> > anything about events in time of less duration than Planck time.
> > Regards
> > Ben
> -----------------------
> ok
> now we have a documented  evidence
> black   on while  that

Oh, good grief. Pathological.

> that Josef Goebbels could be proud of !!!
> bye
> Y.Porat
> -----------------------------------------

From: ben6993 on
On Mar 25, 3:09 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> On Mar 25, 4:56 pm, ben6993 <ben6...(a)> wrote:
> > On Mar 25, 2:24 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > <snip for brevity>
> > Take it easy.
> > I am confident that no one here but you believes your formula, so why
> > are you continually worried about anyone stealing it?  Also, why not
> > save all your posts in a text file on your own hard drive if you do
> > not trust being able to find them again in a google search.  Then you
> > won't need to keep asking about who said what and when.
> > Planck's time was implicit in Artful's logic.  If a creation event
> > occurs such that 0='not present' and 1=present, then in successive
> > instants of time there will be say:  000000000001111111111111 etc.
> > The creation happens instantaneously, ie in one instant 'it' is not
> > there, in the very next instant 'it' is there.
> > The smallest interval of time that we can use is Planck time.  Which
> > you can think of as the time interval from one instant to the
> > adjoining instant.  It is expressed more fully than this in the
> > original postings circa Feb 21.  I, and probably others, used Planck's
> > time in a posting to try to stop you having apoplexy about the
> > impossibility of anything happening 'instantaneously'.  We can't say
> > anything about events in time of less duration than Planck time.
> > Regards
> > Ben
> -----------------------
> ok
> now we have a documented  evidence
> black   on while  that
> that Josef Goebbels could be proud of !!!
> bye
> Y.Porat
> ------------------------------------------ Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Your logic is again unfathomable.
There is no point in further discussion.