From: Inertial on

"Y.Porat" <y.y.porat(a)> wrote in message
> On Mar 28, 10:11 am,
>> it is in the thread that was** initiated and leaded** by me y.p
>> that is called
>> from 20 Feb 2010
>> but actually it was me that leaded it to look for the smallest photon
>> energy
>> here is the quote
>> it was first said by Ben 699
>> not by Inertial :
>> quote
>> I think that you are just trying to smooth the creation instant and
>> change it from a discontinuous event into a continuous one. If you
>> imagine that smoothing taking place within that first quantum of time
>> in our framework. Ie its transition from creation to moving at speed
>> c, then I can't really argue against that (physicists might?) as no
>> one really knows what happens within one quantum of time or space. But
>> after creation when Maxwell's equation apply, it must be moving at
>> speed c for the whole time we know it is travelling in our framework.
>> Which is why it is said to be an instantaneous creation.
>> > 2
>> > we know that E=hf is describing well the amount of energy in big
>> > (actually huge number of real units ) quantities
>> > many many photons carry
>> > yet a gain we dont know what is that
>> > 'many many' quantitatively
>> E=hf applies to a single photon.
>> end of quote
>> he BEN said it before the monkey thief Inertial
>> he said it **just one post before Artful ** !!
>> anyone can see it in MY thread
>> 'A copyright question ''
>> from 20 Feb!!
>> -------------
>> yet still all of the insisted alllalong the many
>> threads
>> (and even this very moment
>> that the definition for the single photon is
>> hf !!!
>> so if Ben is as well Artful !!
>> then it was Artful that said it first
>> if no
>> it is Ben
>> and Artful is a Nazi Goebbels lier
>> btw
>> ( i will keep looking in those thread if it was me that said it i
>> some wayeven before Ben
>> i ddint invest too much to find it out
>> anyway
>> it was me who first time defined the single smallest
>> photon ENERGY!!
>> as
>> E =hf n
>> 0 > n ,,,,,,1.00000
>> (Plank time is included in that defintion
>> in any case it is obvious that it was me
>> who leaded the whole development !!
>> and at he bottom lne i did it right
>> while the monkyInjertial
>> just jumped as a monkey
>> and did it wrong !!without understanding what he tried to
>> steal !!
>> until this moment he does not understand
>> and it is documented
>> ------------------
>> 2
>> Mr Inertial
>> i am still waiting to your formula
>> of smallest photon **energy**
>> using ''''you'' Plank time !!!
>> ps
>> please answer my questions
>> 1
>> and 2
>> dont try to evade any of them
>> because it will be too obvious
>> that you are running away
>> TIA
>> Y.Porat
>> --------------------
> now what happened to you Inertial??

The weekend. Why?

> in past you was very quick to answer!!
> or may be you and your gangster team
> are working how
> on another forgery project !!!???

Get a life

> 2000 readers are waiting to see
> how do you use your Plank time
> in order
> to get the smallest photon energy !!!

I'm glad to see you admit that the readers are more interested in MY posts
than your nonsense.

From: Y.Porat on
On Mar 29, 1:39 am, "Inertial" <relativ...(a)> wrote:
> "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote in message
> news:de0caf87-3dbf-4dab-b9ee-4282e48524f9(a)
> > On Mar 27, 1:38 pm, "Inertial" <relativ...(a)> wrote:
> >> "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote in message
> >> >> Have you even looked .. it is very clearly there
> >> >> Guess I'll have to post a link
> >> >> >> (the shortest quantum of time)
> > -------------------------------
> > how do you   use the Plank time  time
> > to   define the  smallest single photon * energy* ??
> The time to create a photon has nothing to do with its energy .. which is
> fixed
> > just show us your   complete    formula .....
> E = hf
> Notice that *I* am not afraid to answer quetsion.  You still refused to
> answer mine, so are clearly happy to admit defeat
but where is your "copyright discovery"
to use *your*
Plank time
in order to define the smallest photon energy ??!!
