From: Eeyore on

John Larkin wrote:

> On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 18:00:38 -0500, John Fields wrote
> >On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:28:57 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
> >>John Larkin wrote:
> >>> I bet you're looking forward to that, boxcars and death camps. Does
> >>> "get nasty" include acquiring political power?
> >>
> >>If it ever came to it, I'd expect it would be the public reacting, not the politicians.
> >
> >So then you're saying that you're all racists just waiting for
> >something to happen so you can let it out?
> Sounds like it. Wasn't there a recent suggestion that the Nazis and
> the Brits should have made a deal?

Not the Nazis, no although it was suggested that Rudolf Hess was up for it.


From: Eeyore on

JoeBloe wrote:

> On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 04:53:35 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
> <nobody(a)> Gave us:
> >Facts you are unaware of?
> >
> >Other national: "I feel bad so I'll talk to my friends"
> >
> >American: "I feel bad so I'll murder some innocent people"
> >
> You're an idiot. Euro nations were slaughtering thousands long
> before we ever did.

Most Americans are Europeans.


From: Eeyore on

mmeron(a) wrote:

> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> writes:
> >Until such time as Muslims exist in sufficient numbers the point is utterly moot.
> >
> A billion, give or take.

A billion a continent or 2 away is no threat even assuming they were a *threat* in the first place.


From: Eeyore on

mmeron(a) wrote:

> "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> writes:
> >AQ and the Islamic-inspired terror organisations are not relateable to WWII
> >Germany / Japan / Italy.
> You have a violent and expansionist ideology which openly declares
> world domination as its goal. You think it is not relateable?

Who does ?

> >>>> The US is not demonizing Islam, at this point.
> >>>
> >>>"at this point..."
> >>
> >> *Yes*. Your point...?
> >
> >It is the implied threat.
> Oh, please. First, we've statements along the lines that "the US
> should stop demonizing Islam". When it is pointed out that the US is
> making the distinction between Islam and Muslim extremsits and *is
> not* demonising Islam at this point, then we get "at this point...",
> implying "you don't do it yet but we're sure you will so we can
> already demand you stop doing it". If you expect me to conduct
> conversation at this garbage level, then you're mistaken. Good bye.

Are you suggesting that the US *isn't* demonising Islam ?

If so, I reckon the point is lost on most Americans for starters.


From: Eeyore on

Homer J Simpson wrote:

> "Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote
> >> > Alternatively you could put every mosque under armed guard and provide
> >> > them with no end of support.... :-)
> >>
> >> Or move them all to the Outer Hebrides - and the Muslims with them!
> >
> > With such a wide selection to choose from, I often wonder why we have no
> > prison islands. You could make the prisoners actually work the land and
> > stuff. You never know, it might do them good.
> You don't even have to 'make' them. Provide seeds and a calendar and
> pictures of winter.


They should build their own accomadation too. I couldn't think of anything
better for some of the jerks that exist today.
