From: Eeyore on

T Wake wrote:

> "Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote
> > T Wake wrote:
> >> If westerners are more concerned with staying alive than having their
> >> freedoms eventually they will convert and the conflict will end.
> >
> > Why would they ever convert and why do you even consider that this is what
> > it's about ?
> Because this is the simplistic example.
> They would convert because, as the example said, they are more concerned
> with staying alive than remaining free.

You wouldn't catch me doing it. I believe in the right to practice no religion
at all !


From: Eeyore on

Homer J Simpson wrote:

> "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote
> > Alternatively you could put every mosque under armed guard and provide
> > them with no end of support.... :-)
> Or move them all to the Outer Hebrides - and the Muslims with them!

With such a wide selection to choose from, I often wonder why we have no
prison islands. You could make the prisoners actually work the land and
stuff. You never know, it might do them good.


From: John Larkin on
On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 18:00:38 -0500, John Fields
<jfields(a)> wrote:

>On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:28:57 +0100, Eeyore
><rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>>John Larkin wrote:
>>> On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 16:55:57 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
>>> >John Larkin wrote:
>>> >> On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 10:13:41 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
>>> >> >Your fixation with the history of WW2 is idiotic.
>>> >>
>>> >> Is ignorance better?
>>> >
>>> >It simply has zero relevance to the issue at hand. Mind you, just to put your fevered American minds >at rest,
>>> should European Islam be stupid enough to get 'nasty' expect another 'Kristallnacht' with >Muslims being
>>> progromised.
>>> I bet you're looking forward to that, boxcars and death camps. Does
>>> "get nasty" include acquiring political power?
>>If it ever came to it, I'd expect it would be the public reacting, not the politicians.
>So then you're saying that you're all racists just waiting for
>something to happen so you can let it out?

Sounds like it. Wasn't there a recent suggestion that the Nazis and
the Brits should have made a deal?


From: JoeBloe on
On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 04:53:35 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<nobody(a)> Gave us:

>Facts you are unaware of?
>Other national: "I feel bad so I'll talk to my friends"
>American: "I feel bad so I'll murder some innocent people"
You're an idiot. Euro nations were slaughtering thousands long
before we ever did.

Google "dark ages", dumbass.

Y'all had far more heathens roaming the countryside than we ever
have or ever will.
From: Eeyore on

John Fields wrote:

> On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:28:57 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
> >John Larkin wrote:
> >> On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 16:55:57 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
> >> >John Larkin wrote:
> >
> >> >
> >> >It [WW2] simply has zero relevance to the issue at hand. Mind you, just to put your fevered >> >> >American
> minds at rest, should European Islam be stupid enough to get 'nasty' expect another >> >> >Kristallnacht' with
> Muslims being progromised.
> >>
> >> I bet you're looking forward to that, boxcars and death camps. Does
> >> "get nasty" include acquiring political power?
> >
> >If it ever came to it, I'd expect it would be the public reacting, not the politicians.
> ---
> So then you're saying that you're all racists just waiting for
> something to happen so you can let it out?


I'm saying that if someone threatens their fundamental freedoms, the British public will defend them. You should
approve of that. It won't happen anyway, it's purely hypothetical.
