From: jmfbahciv on
In article <456AF465.7F8B8D0F(a)>,
Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:

>> Do you really want
>> me to believe that it's her fault that your citizry still
>> can't be self-sufficient without government handouts?
>The issue of self-sufficiency is entirely another matter. What do you do when
>there's a shortage of jobs ? 4 million short in Thatcher's days ( around 10%
>unemployment ).

You stop duct-taping the thumbs of the people who know how
to create wealth. You stop governmental support for unions
who refuse to close money-losing job sites. You stop supporting
people so they need to work in order to buy stuff. You stop
trying to run all business, manufacturing, and startups and let
non-political people do that work.

From: jmfbahciv on
In article <1164664607.476564.201160(a)>,
"Edward Green" <spamspamspam3(a)> wrote:
>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>> In article <1163509645.701125.130030(a)>,
>> hill(a) wrote:
>> >hill(a) wrote:
>> >> Winfield Hill wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > 4200 postings and still going strong. Amazing.
>> >>
>> >> Wow, now 7200 posts and still going strong. And most
>> >> of the posts were under the original subject title. This
>> >> must be some kind of a record. Certainly it's a stress
>> >> test for the Google Groups web-page display code, etc.
>> >
>> >Amazing, now nearing 9000 posts and still going strong.
>> >Furthermore, a subtle point, the posts haven't strayed far
>> >from the original post in terms of individual thread-segment
>> >lengths, so Google Groups tree view still nicely handles all
>> >the pieces in a narrow sidebar.
>> Really?!!! That's interesting.
>Amazing! That was post 10873. All nicely archived in Google, so that
>future generations may not lose one word.

I worry about that. One little buyout and the whole archive can
be gone.

> The subject line view has
>hiccupped a bit though.

Can you describe the hiccup? Is it another field-too-small problem?
One of the things about this thread is nobody did the stupido thing
of constantly changing the subject field contents.
I had another long conversation where two people did this and
everything became a mess w.r.t. my display format.
>I smirk at those who malign Google groups as the new AOL ... all
>10,000+ posts may be easily ignored; apparently this is causing some
>other interfaces some difficulty, though.

This one is merely a minor stress test. I tried using Google's
newsgroup service at the library and did not like it. I don't know
if that was due to it being different or their choices of how to
display the tree were anathema to me.

Have you really been following this thread?


From: Eeyore on

jmfbahciv(a) wrote:

> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
> >> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >
> >> Do you really want
> >> me to believe that it's her fault that your citizry still
> >> can't be self-sufficient without government handouts?
> >
> >The issue of self-sufficiency is entirely another matter. What do you do when
> >there's a shortage of jobs ? 4 million short in Thatcher's days ( around 10%
> >unemployment ).
> You stop duct-taping the thumbs of the people who know how
> to create wealth.

You reckon ex-mine workers are entrepreneurs ? All 100,000 of them ?

> You stop governmental support for unions
> who refuse to close money-losing job sites.

There never was any government support for unions. The issue wasn't about
loss-making either.

> You stop supporting
> people so they need to work in order to buy stuff. You stop
> trying to run all business, manufacturing, and startups and let
> non-political people do that work.

How do you find 4 million jobs 'overnight'.

The fact of the amttter is that Thatcher deliberately made them unemployed as a
political tactic.


From: Eeyore on

jmfbahciv(a) wrote:

> "Edward Green" <spamspamspam3(a)> wrote:
> >
> >Amazing! That was post 10873. All nicely archived in Google, so that
> >future generations may not lose one word.
> I worry about that. One little buyout and the whole archive can
> be gone.

It already has been bought out.

It was before google.


From: hill on
Winfield Hill wrote:
> Winfield Hill wrote:
>> Michael A. Terrell wrote:
>>> Winfield Hill wrote:
>>>> Winfield Hill wrote:
>>>>> 4200 postings and still going strong. Amazing.
>>>> Wow, now 7200 posts and still going strong. And most
>>>> of the posts were under the original subject title. This
>>>> must be some kind of a record. Certainly it's a stress
>>>> test for the Google Groups web-page display code, etc.
>>> Never have so many, said so much, about so little! ;-)
>>> I heard of one long flame war that passed 10K posts,
>>> but I never found out which newsgroup.
>> We passed 9000 on the 14th, and are now within 100 posts
>> of 10,000. Keep up the good work guys, you can do it!
> Google Groups is having a little trouble with this long thread.
> The message-heading list said there were 9999 posts, so
> I hoped to make the 10,000th post, but upon loading all the
> article references in the left sidebar, it showed more than
> 10,050 posts, so I missed the opportunity.
> But, good job guys and gals, over 10,000 posts, and still
> going strong. And still on topic more or less. I've only
> read a smattering of the posts here and there, and there's
> a minimum of flaming SFAICS. Nice to see.

Still going strong, over 11,300 posts, no sign of slowing.