From: JoeBloe on
On Sat, 9 Dec 2006 23:33:32 -0000, "T Wake"
<usenet.es7at(a)> Gave us:

>Like you'd know. When you sober up you still think it is 1876.

You're an idiot. That is throughout the entire post. I merely
chose this segment as a gem of your utter stupidity.
From: JoeBloe on
On Sat, 9 Dec 2006 23:36:19 -0000, "T Wake"
<usenet.es7at(a)> Gave us:

>> You are a hypocrite as well I see.
>I have been called worse. You are really bad at insults. You only have seven
>or eight words to choose from.

You affirming being a hypocrite destroys any modicum of honor or
character you may have had a chance at having had an inkling of in
your pathetic body at any time in your pathetic life.
From: krw on
In article <krgmn25gp0m70udph2ke65sbtb3oh04rio(a)>,
joebloe(a) says...
> On Sat, 9 Dec 2006 17:25:02 +0000 (UTC), kensmith(a) (Ken
> Smith) Gave us:
> >In article <1165669215.800813.245470(a)>,
> > <hill(a)> wrote:
> >[....]
> >> Impressive, zoomed right past 12,000 without slowing, now
> >> at 12130 posts and climbing towards 13000, going strong.
> >
> >I think we'll hit 100,000 if the world doesn't end before then.
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> Figure on between 125 and 200 posts a day.
Oh hell, that's just T Wake's contribution. It seems has has even
less work to do then the dumb donkey.

From: Eeyore on

John Fields wrote:

> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >T Wake wrote:
> >
> >> "Borek" <m.borkowski(a)> wrote
> >>
> >> > On Sat, 09 Dec 2006 14:15:25 +0100, <jmfbahciv(a)> wrote:
> >> >>>>> The way the Democrats tested reactions
> >> >>>>> of the US was to go to Europe and give a speech that contained
> >> >>>>> the ideas they wanted a reaction test. BBC would report on
> >> >>>>> the speech. The American news media would report on what
> >> >>>>> the BBC reported minus the fact that it came from some guy's
> >> >>>>> speech. The politician would then watch to see how the
> >> >>>>> voters of the US received it. What you saw a the Democrat
> >> >>>>> platform had been vetted through Europe this way.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Well, considering Europeans are healthier, are happier, live longer,
> >> >>>> are
> >> >>>> more educated and more literate, etc., maybe we could take some
> >> >>>> lessons.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> We do? Good, I am not moving anywehere.
> >> >>
> >> >> <grin> You detected the attitude, too.
> >> >
> >> > Nope. I was deadly serious ;)
> >>
> >> I may be wrong, but I think she thought you lived in the US ;-)
> >
> >That was my suspicion too.
> >
> >I suppose BAH couln't imagine one might be happy living in Europe ?
> ---
> Paying about 40% of what you make as tribute to your government?

About 37% actually and it's only a few percent more than the US average, in
return for which we get our healthcare system.

Sounds like a good deal to me actually.

> Value added taxes which take away even more of your discretionary
> income?

Already included in the above

> Taxes on motor fuels which keep you close to home?

Already included in the above.

> Yeah, it sounds like a lot of fun to me...
> ---
> >Time will tell I guess.
> ---
> It already has. You've slipped from being the mightiest nation on
> Earth to whatever it is you are now, and why? Because your
> government still isn't republican.

What ????

> What is it about you all that you can't embrace taking
> responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming your errors
> on Mum. Or Dad?

You're so far off the mark ( by about 180 degrees ) that it begs belief how you
get these ideas.

> You have no hard constitution to speak of and, presumably, none in
> the offing so, ISTM, that what you want to do is play fast and loose
> with what you've got in place now and dodge the fallout.
> Am I wrong?



From: Eeyore on

T Wake wrote:

> <jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
> > Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
> >>> lparker(a) (Lloyd Parker) wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> >Oh yes, we've got to deter a first-strike by India.
> >>>
> >>> It appears you haven't been keeping on who has nuclear weapons
> >>> and who is working on getting them in that area.
> >>
> >>It appears that you have some odd ideas about who'd even
> >> think about engaging in
> >>a first strike on the USA.
> >
> > Wake up. To start a mess does not require a first strike on the
> > US. An atomic war between India and Pakistan would create
> > enough EMF to wipe out all the electronic paper pushing that
> > has been contracted out to India.
> Blimey. When the aliens land we need to make sure we have quark-guns because
> they are the only thing which can get through their force fields. We need to
> work at preventing this mess know.
> I can imagine it so it must be real.

You do know that the USMC has a 'space division' ???
