From: Eeyore on

jmfbahciv(a) wrote:

> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >Lloyd Parker wrote:
> >> jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
> >> > Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >> >>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>> Congress just passed a bill that cause all food processing to be
> >> >>> moved to foreign lands.
> >> >>
> >> >>Does this bill have a name ?
> >> >
> >> >I can't remember its title. What it does is raise the minimum
> >> >wage to $7.50/hour.
> >>
> >> OH BS. Studies have shown increasing the minimum wage doesn't lead to
> >> lower employment. And look at the many states which already have a higher
> min.
> >> wage than that. With booming economies (CA, for example).
> >
> >Expect BAH to now suggest that the agriculture in California is about to
> >collapse.
> It already has. Adding the burden of a minimum wage hike will
> make it worse.

I truly don't believe it !


From: Ken Smith on
In article <87949$45af8607$4fe7136$11131(a)DIALUPUSA.NET>,
unsettled <unsettled(a)> wrote:
>Ken Smith wrote:
>> In article <45AF7DB2.FB13F663(a)>,
>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>> [.. Islamic extremists vs the law ..]
>>>They have no ability to undermine it.
>> That may be true in England but it seems in the US they have found a way
>> to undermine the law. It is quite a clever trick they are using. They
>> pretend to be christians, spread fear and then claim that the laws must be
>> undermined to make people safe.
>Cute, but paranoid.

(Takes off tin foil hat and bows gracefully)

Unfortunately, the theory fits too many of the facts of today.

kensmith(a) forging knowledge

From: Ken Smith on
In article <eonr69$8qk_001(a)>,
<jmfbahciv(a)> wrote:
>In article <eold9h$r1j$4(a)>,
> kensmith(a) (Ken Smith) wrote:
>>In article <eol4kn$8ss_002(a)>,
>> <jmfbahciv(a)> wrote:
>>>In article <eohe7e$rri$4(a)>,
>>> kensmith(a) (Ken Smith) wrote:
>>>>I note your phrase "seemed to forget". Brave people will often carry on
>>>>with the course of action they have chosen in the face of fear. Do you
>>>>think that Washington forgot that the Brits would hang him?
>>>That guy, according to news reports, was making unwanted messes.
>>As far as a lot of people were concerned, he was. Not all of the "news
>>reports" said this of him however. There were several presses printing
>>"new" that favored him.
>They ignored what he was doing. I'm getting a tad irritated by
>these Liberals who ignore facts. If this guy was heavily involved
>with illegal arms trafficing, what does that tell you about
>the news reports that portray him as an innocent victim?

George Washington led a violent uprising against the rightful rulers and
yet he got some good press. He was making a mess. Yes, I do have to
admit that he was a liberal, but the US would likely not exist if it
wasn't for him.


>>>>You say that often and yet I see very little evidence of it. Many houses
>>>>in the middle east have satelite dishes.
>>>And it will take time for those regular people to figure out
>>>that a side effect of "Islam winning" will cause them to
>>>lose technology produced by Western civilization.
>>Are you suggesting that folks in the middle east are that thick.
>No, I am talking about what will happen if Western civilization
>is eradicated.

You haven't noticed that Islam is quite westeren have you? You seem to
think that the few backwards looking and violent members represent all of
Islam. This is simply not the case. Go to nearly any high tech firm in
Silcon Valley and ask around for a muslim. He is likely to be a
programmer or an engineer when you meet him.

>> The
>>dishes in Iran are moved to inside the roof of the house and otherwise
>Yes. Most of their use of Western technology has to be disguised.
>This is a direct effect by new living-style rules imposed by
>Islamic extremists.
Read below to learn why they didn't like the dishes.

>> This all happened as an indirect result of a comedy program
>>produced in LA.
>>A few years back there was a program on satellite TV that among its many
>>features had its own mullah. This "mullah" would quote the statements of
>>one of the Iranian mullahs. Instead of just reading the statement he
>>would rant with exagerated anger, screeming and waving his arms for
>>emphasis. The result was something that in the average Iranian's opinion
>>was "fall down laughing" funny. The mullahs in Iran didn't like this and
>>tried to get rid of the dishes that picked it up. They were only partly
>>successful in this. People really wanted to see the program and went to
>>great lengths to hide the dishes.
>The general population of Iran likes Westerners and their products.
>It is the religious leaders who don't and desire to get rid of
>it all. Since they can't make their peoples obey them, the logical
>action is to destroy the source of the irritation. This means
>all of the Western-style of doing trade, business, manufacturing
>and development. This is a clash civilizations. This is what
>I've been talking about all along.

So now you admit that they are a minority. This is major progress!
Finally we are getting somewhere.

>>If something can never be used, it is useless. If it can't be used in
>>most situations where it seems like a thing you would use, it is mostly
>Would you consider house, car, and life insurance useless?

You seem to drop the "mostly" a lot. Go back and reread what I wrote and
carefully note the "mostly" and the reasons I gave. Nukes are not like
insurance BTW.

kensmith(a) forging knowledge

From: Phil Carmody on
Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> writes:
> jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
> > kensmith(a) (Ken Smith) wrote:
> > >
> > >Are you suggesting that folks in the middle east are that thick.
> >
> > No, I am talking about what will happen if Western civilization
> > is eradicated.
> You must be very feeble-minded to even contemplate such a scenario.

What would Ghandi say...

"Home taping is killing big business profits. We left this side blank
so you can help." -- Dead Kennedys, written upon the B-side of tapes of
/In God We Trust, Inc./.
From: Phil Carmody on
jmfbahciv(a) writes:
> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
> >> Then you had better figure out how to deal with these phantoms,
> >> because they are deadly and intend to kill as many people as
> >> possible.
> >
> >We deal with it using the LAW !
> And this enemy does not recognize your law.

Unlike criminals who always jape "fair cop, guv'" upon arrest?

"Home taping is killing big business profits. We left this side blank
so you can help." -- Dead Kennedys, written upon the B-side of tapes of
/In God We Trust, Inc./.