From: unsettled on
���hw��f wrote:

> The Demon Prince of Absurdity <absurd_number_of_nicks(a)hell.corn>
> pinched out a steaming pile
> of<pan.2007.>:
>>On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 16:31:59 -0600, unsettled did the cha-cha, and
> screamed:
>>>>>Was Hopkins a zealot or simply a very evil man ?
>>>>The two are not mutually exclusive.
>>>>In my experience, most zealots err on the side of "inhumanity" and
> if
>>>>you use that a definition of evil, they are evil.
> (
>>>>- are they zealots or simply evil?)
>>>Most fags are zealots of a sort.
>>So, what leads you to believe that dehumanising people for their
>>sexuality is in any way rational?
> Try as you might; you cant fix stupid.
From: Eeyore on

unsettled wrote:

> The Secretary of HomIntern wrote
> > One needn't be Muslim to be a terrorist -- Mr. Wake can confirm that, I
> should think.
> > The IRA is still recent history...
> The amusing question is what are chances of being a terrorist
> if one is a Muslim.
> Profiling is politically incorrect only in western societies.

Profiling is politically incorrect only to ppl who believe in political


From: Eeyore on

mmeron(a) wrote:

> <unsettled(a)> writes:
> >T Wake wrote:
> >> "unsettled" <unsettled(a)> wrote in message
> >>
> >>>If Germany had been on the verge of collapse, the war would
> >>>have been over much sooner after the entry of the US into
> >>>the mess.
> >>
> >> A year isn't long.
> >>
> >In an earthquake 15 seconds is forever.
> >
> >The US sent a LOT of people into battle. A year and a half
> >is a long time *if* Germany was on the verge of collapse as
> >Eeyore claims.
> A little technical detail worth mentioning. I've heard before the
> claims that, would Germany have managed to conquer France and the low
> countries, in world war I, it still would have been unable to conquer
> Britain. Well, even before the war Germany had larger (and mostly
> more adnvanced) industry than Britain had, its steel production was
> far larger, and it managed to pretty much match the rate of the
> British naval buildup, while maintaining far larger land forces.
> Would the western fron have collapsed, you would have Germany with
> pretty much all the industrial resources of Europe at its disposal,
> and without the need to maintain some 150 divisons in the field. It
> could've then easily outbuilt Britain (talking about naval buildup
> here) by a 3:1 or 4:1 margin and within few years Britain would not
> have stand a prayer.

It didn't happen that way though did it ? Nor in WW2 when they did conquer France.

You underestimate the value of the Royal Navy and the English Channel.


From: T Wake on

<jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
> In article <epfvtk$pn5$1(a)>,
> kensmith(a) (Ken Smith) wrote:
>>In article <epfiec$8qk_002(a)>,
>> <jmfbahciv(a)> wrote:
>>>In article <45BA08CD.A94D6585(a)>,
>>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>>>>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>>>>> The only thing I've been discussing in this thread is about very
>>>>> speicfic mess preventions. The US is trying to deal with preventing
>>>>> these messes.
>>>>But it's the USA that's responsible for the underlying scenarios that
> causes
>>>>these 'messes' in the first place.
>>>hmm....Thus, using your reasoning, if you get shot during a bank
>>>robbery, it is your fault for being in the bank.
>>No. If you go around opening the cage door on rabid pitbulls, you are
>>responsible for people getting bitten.
> I'm glad you agree with me about keeping these types locked up.

I am not sure I have seen _anyone_ say anything differently.

From: Eeyore on

jmfbahciv(a) wrote:

> I'm trying to address a mistaken assumption these people are
> making. Their idea of war is when two highly organized groups,
> each funded and supplied by a single government, meet on
> a field somewhere and shoot at each other

That's pretty much it.

> thus, conflicts of any other nature has to be treated as criminal and apply
> a country's criminal law to each individual.

And what precisely is mistaken about that ?
