From: Eeyore on

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian wrote:

> On Sat, 14 Oct 2006 17:07:30 -0500, John Fields wrote:
> > The 650,000 are simply casualties of war and have nothing to do with
> > vengeance, Nazi style.
> So, Dubya's real motivation for ordering the carnage was to get personal
> revenge for the time Saddam thumbed his nose at Dubya's dad?
> Thanks! That helps clear things up a lot!
> But that cavalier attitude "Oh, they're just casualties of war" - is
> just so totally wrong it makes me want to puke.

It appalls me that anyone could dismiss those lives with such a casual

> It's a unilateral invasion, ordered by one man to satisfy a personal
> vendetta, and 650,000 people have died as a result of his criminal
> insanity.
> He must be stopped.

Can he be impeached ?


From: Eeyore on

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian wrote:

> On Sat, 14 Oct 2006 10:18:26 -0700, John Larkin wrote:
> > On Sat, 14 Oct 2006 05:36:51 +0100, Eeyore
> >
> >>When does Bush get impeached ?
> >
> > Not worth the bother. His term expires in 2008.
> >
> >>When does the Republican Party get impeached ?
> >
> > Sorry, there's no provision for impeaching a party.
> >
> > But the real question is, why are you so obsessive about US politics? We
> > ignore your politics, so it's only fair that you ignore ours.
> He's afraid of becoming a victim of "collateral damage", or maybe
> "friendly fire".

That and I also believe in ethical behavior.


From: Eeyore on

T Wake wrote:

> "John Fields" <jfields(a)> wrote
> > Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >>The big difference is that the UK actually *wins* the wars we take on !
> >
> > Not the most important one of all, the one with us, LOL!
> Wasn't important at the time. When America got French assistance for it's
> independance we[tinw] were fighting the French for domination of the rest of
> the world.
> I dont think I have ever heard the American War of Independance described as
> the "most important of all" before.
> > And probably not the two world wars, without our help.
> No way of knowing. Prior to the US overt involvement in WWII the Germans had
> shelved their plans to invade the UK.

They tried to defeat us and failed. Quite simple really !

> It is equally possible that the UK
> would have been able to establish a treaty of some sort _or_ that Germany
> would have decided to invade once more.

Tricky with the Royal Navy around to stop it !

> In any way, the US "help" cost the
> UK so much (lend-lease terms) it was almost a pyrrhic victory.

It cost us the Empire effectively.

> As far as WWI goes, well, waiting three years until the great European
> powers have decimated their armies _then_ joining in, well that is help.
> Certainly shortened the war by a good few months. Not sure it was "won"
> though as an Armistice is a truce not a victory.
> What I said still stands and your counter examples only support it. The US
> military is ten times the size of the UK's and was in WWII. In WWII the US
> domestic economy was intact and the country had seen no conflict on it's
> mainland.

Has a foreign bomb ever dropped on the USA ? Pearl Harbor doesn't count btw as
it was an independent country back then.

> All the production facilities were still in place and all the
> agriculture was functioning normally. Trying to score points by saying the
> Army that country produced was more effective (eventually) than the one the
> UK produced is strange to say the least. The very fact that the UK could
> still field an effective combat force is something to be proud of.

I think we did rather well in fact.


From: Eeyore on

T Wake wrote:

> "John Larkin" <jjlarkin(a)> wrote
> > It's hard to give up the cop
> > business after doing it for so long.
> Police are accountable to the people they police, right or wrong. The US is
> accountable to no one. It is not a global police force.

Not even accountable to the International Court in fact. I wonder why that is ?
Something to do with being held to account maybe ?


From: Eeyore on

jmfbahciv(a) wrote:

> <lucasea(a)> wrote:
> ><jmfbahciv(a)> wrote
> >> Why do you think that the first goal of the US is to be liked by everyone?
> >
> >That's a strawman. Our goal should be not to be hated by everyone.
> That is wrong. Our goal should be to know what is in the
> best interest of the nation and its people. Reacting to
> threats to national security with growls instead of swift
> and lethal bites is a sign of weakness; this becomes an open
> invitation to anybody who would like to take over the real
> estate.

You reckon that 'radical Islam' wants to invade the USA ?
