Happy birthday Steve On 2/24/10 1:55 AM, in article 4b84db71$0$29763$e4fe514c(a)dreader24.news.xs4all.nl, "Cat" <0kevi(a)accessforall.invalid> wrote: Eh, see subject. Stanford 2005... <http://brainstormtech.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2010/02/24/steve-jobs-is-55/?so urce=yahoo_quote> ... 24 Feb 2010 10:50
A quiz for all you Mac old timers In article <michelle-DDE1E1.16380023022010(a)news.eternal-september.org>, Michelle Steiner <michelle(a)michelle.org> wrote: In the original Macintosh System, Finder, Macwrite, and/or Macpaint, what did these keyboard shortcuts do? (Some of them did different things in different environments, though.) ... 1 Mar 2010 06:58
Give me back my function keys!!! Please - how can I tell Snow Leopard to not intercept any function keys??? I've just switched to a Mac and still use WinXP and Linux and use emacs and xemacs on all three. I am used to assigning functions to the function keys (and shift-function, alt-function, etc), but OS/X is grabbing a bunch of them for st... 25 Feb 2010 00:23
günstige pflegeversicherung, berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung österreich, was kostet berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung, vergleich berufsunfähigkeitsversicherungen, dienstunfähigkeitsversicherung, günstige pflegeversicherung, berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung österreich, was kostet berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung, vergleich berufsunfähigkeitsversicherungen, dienstunfähigkeitsversicherung, + + + HAUSRAT VERSICHERUNG +++ HAUSRATVERSICHERUNG BILLIG +++ BILLIGE HAUSRATSVERSICHERUNG + http://WWW.BERUFSUNFAEHIG... 23 Feb 2010 03:33
Parralels Desktop John <jwolf6589(a)NOSPAMgmail.com> wrote: So how would you compare this environment with? Is it more like Classic or Sheep Shaver? Sheep Shaver can run OS 9 apps but in its own window and emulator while Classic runs the apps within OSX. Parallels Desktop sits somewhere between SheepShaver and Classic in ge... 26 Feb 2010 10:45
Snow Leopard not showing icons In article <jwolf6589-1BF78F.22463621022010(a)nntp.charter.net>, John <jwolf6589(a)NOSPAMgmail.com> wrote: In article <jwolf6589-470E43.22135021022010(a)nntp.charter.net>, John <jwolf6589(a)NOSPAMgmail.com> wrote: For some reason my PDF files, word files and such have gone back to the Tiger look. Perh... 24 Feb 2010 00:57
MacPro: remote power on ? I have a 2009 MacPro. Is there an easy way to make it possible to remotely power on the unit ? ... 23 Feb 2010 07:55
Wireless networking -- newbie question My wife has a PowerBook G4 17" with an Airport card, which at the moment connects to the Airport express in my home office. Now she would like to be able to take the PowerBook around with her and connect to the Internet (say) on the bus. Where do we start? I can't seem to find any info, I guess I must be s... 23 Feb 2010 03:33
Webcam recommendations... Anyone pass on a suitable choice for Yahoo, MSN Skype etc in the UK... Looked at few and some seem only PC versions... Thanks -- Mike ------------ Peace and Happiness is a State of Mind...... ... 23 Feb 2010 03:33
Malware protection software? In article <SalmonEgg-FC1DF7.13401020022010(a)news60.forteinc.com>, Salmon Egg <SalmonEgg(a)sbcglobal.net> wrote: My paranoia was aroused again when a website I clicked upon gave dire warnings about spyware and the like. In the process of canceling the connection, there were indications tha some files were do... 22 Feb 2010 23:09 |