From: Eeyore on

BradGuth wrote:

> Say again how much the likes of ExxonMobil is paying you

The usual idiotic response.


From: Eeyore on

BradGuth wrote:

> Eeyore wrote:
> > BradGuthwrote:
> > > John Larkin wrote:
> > > >BradGuth<bradg...(a)> wrote:
> >
> > > > >The likes of Warren Buffett, William Mook and myself will take care of
> > > > >supplying all the spare/surplus capacity of clean renewable energy for
> > > > >creating such nifty products of stored energy,
> >
> > > > Hey, talk to Warren lately? How'd he doing?
> >
> > > He's doing loads better off than most of us combined, and he's damn
> > > proud of it. Must have a little something to do with all of that
> > > renewable and clean energy he's providing us
> >
> > What clean energy is that ?
> Now you're being that silly jewboy of denial again, arnt you.

Answer the DAMN QUESTION !

What clean energy is that ? There isn't any is there ? Another thing you just
made up in your feeble little mind.


From: John Larkin on
On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 07:24:28 -0700, Jim Thompson
<To-Email-Use-The-Envelope-Icon(a)> wrote:

>Fellow SED'ers, haven't we played this village idiot about as far as
>can be taken? Time to shun.
> ...Jim Thompson

True, this guy is clearly a goofy amateur, but it's an interesting
example of the dangers of obsession. I've seen any number of engineers
who invented [1] a basically flawed concept, fell in love with it, and
insisted on evangelizing and/or using it, in spite of fatal flaws. An
essential component of engineering is pragmatism, knowing when to let
go of a beautiful concept because it won't work or isn't practical.
Some people can't do this.


[1] or saw it somewhere else, then imagined that they'd invented it.

From: Charlie Edmondson on
Jim Thompson wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 18:07:32 -0400, Robert Adsett
> <sub2(a)> wrote:
>>In article <46F8E113.D8A821F1(a)>, Eeyore says...
>>>BradGuth wrote:
>>>>The 0.0001% of solar energy and the 0.0000001% of the Earth/moon
>>>>energy is in fact sustaining some limited portion on behalf the likes
>>>>of your pathetic life
>>So I take it Brad can live without the nutrients and oxygen generated by
>>the ecosystem's use of the sun's energy?
>>>'Earth Moon energy' is another of Brad's psychotic delusions.
>>Well, there is energy in the orbital system and some tidal power systems
>>have been built to extract some. Even if it were possible you wouldn't
>>want to take a significant fraction of the energy out of the system.
>>Imagine the consequences!
> "Imagine" is not in Brad's capabilities. He's just a parrot of the
> science fiction magazines.
> ...Jim Thompson

Hey Jim! Don't insult the science fiction magazines! They would never
touch a stupid fantasy like H2O2! They have high standards!

From: Charlie Edmondson on
BradGuth wrote:
> Warren Buffett, Willian Mook and myself will thank each and every one
> of you folks, as each of you step off the edge of your badly polluted,
> environment pillaged and damn spendy as hell flat Earth. BTW, say hi
> to your global energy domination boss, Hitler, as you fall clean
> through the floor of hell. BTW, much the same as Venus, there's no
> apparent shortage of renewable energy to burn in hell (sort of
> speak).
> - Brad Guth -

I used to have an office a couple of floors below Buffet, he know what
he is doing to make money. He ain't investing in H2O2, he's got too
much sense.

Bill Mook is trying some very interesting ideas in creating economically
viable solar power. He is planning on generating synthetic oil from
solar and coal - no H2O2 anywhere in the picture. He also seems to be
bending metal and making money in the attempt.

You are a usenet kook and troll, whose only knowledge of where is A-hole
is involves searching with reams of TP...
