From: Rich Grise on
On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:24:07 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

> We're mainly engineers here, not overly concerned about money.

Got a few spare thou you could send this way?


From: Michael A. Terrell on
BradGuth wrote:
> On Oct 8, 12:24 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terr...(a)>
> wrote:
> > BradGuth wrote:
> >
> > > Why do you and/or why would Warren Buffett hate the truth and
> > > otherwise have such disdain against our badly failing environment?
> >
> > Why do you continue to post your lies and hatred?
> Now that's our warm and fuzzy semitic Michael A. Terrell, isn't it.

Another thing you have no clue about, but it doesn't stop you from
posting your usual ignorant drivel.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
From: Michael A. Terrell on
John Larkin wrote:
> [1] Funny how I always dislike guys named Larry. We have a friend who
> used to be Larry, nice guy, but last year he changed his name to
> Jerome.

So, you don't like Larry the cable guy? I think that is Dimbulb's
day job.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
From: John Larkin on
On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:23:38 -0700, Fred Abse
<excretatauris(a)> wrote:

>On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:01:40 -0700, John Larkin wrote:
>> Feed pumps are always a big problem on rockets. They have to be light,
>> enormously powerful, pump nasty stuff, and are designed to run under
>> major stress for a couple of minutes.
>Feynman's point was that they were expected to run under major stress for
>a couple of minutes, then do it over again on the next launch, and so on.
>He considered the lifetime predictions to be flawed.

Yeah, he was pretty smart. And the Shuttle was pretty dumb.


From: Glen Walpert on
On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:23:38 -0700, Fred Abse
<excretatauris(a)> wrote:

>On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:01:40 -0700, John Larkin wrote:
>> Feed pumps are always a big problem on rockets. They have to be light,
>> enormously powerful, pump nasty stuff, and are designed to run under
>> major stress for a couple of minutes.
>Feynman's point was that they were expected to run under major stress for
>a couple of minutes, then do it over again on the next launch, and so on.
>He considered the lifetime predictions to be flawed.

He might have been right about the projections, although lifetime
projections are normally correlated against test data before being
accepted as meaningful. I never heard of any problems with the
oxidizer turbopumps failing in flight, have there been failures?

My first engineering job was seal designer at Stein Seal Co. where I
did part of the design of the shaft seals for a large Rocketdyne
oxidizer turbopump around 1979 or so. One seal kept liquid oxygen out
of the bearings, and the other kept a hot hydrogen and steam gas
mixture out of the same bearings, with several inches between the two.
Overall construction is similar to other turbopumps like automotive
turbochargers, with a turbine on one end of the shaft and a pump on
the other, seals and bearings in between. Neither fluid is what I
would call "nasty" in this case; neither corrosive nor erosive. (We
also did seals for really nasty fluids.) There is quite a bit of
thermal expansion and contraction to be accomodated on startup, but
not that much different from the bearings and seals used on jet
engines which also have to accomodate a lot of slop for thermal
expansion. A somewhat complicated design, but are they really "big