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Cannot remove file
Hi, I have some Nokia phone software on my pc which I cannot remove. Please help. XP SP2. ... 2 Dec 2009 09:53
Windows XP Home Lockup & Shutdown Problems
A friend who has Windows XP Home running on his machine has had several problems in the past week with lockups and not shutting down. He has run Chkdsk and no errors were found. He ran his virus checker ( Avast ) and again no errors were found. He used the Restore program and successfully restored his computer whic... 25 Nov 2009 05:59
Computer running slowly but not using cpu
My computer has statrted running very slowly, but looking at the processes running in Task Manager, only the System Idle Process seems to be using more than 2 -3 % of the CPU. For example, using Outlook, it takes me about 10 minutes to export data to a PST file, but during this process, when I look at Task Mana... 22 Nov 2009 11:37
Unable to acces shell manager
trying to install Nero 9 and it keeps throwing me out it says shell management url: ... 15 Nov 2009 12:17
Event Viewer Event ID: 6004
I've noticed Event Viewer is reporting lots of Errors with Event ID: 6004. "A driver packet received from the I/O subsystem was invalid. The data is the packet." The errors are generated whenever I access another PC on my LAN via Windows Explorer. The errors don't seem to have any negative effect on performan... 15 Nov 2009 10:05
CPAX20 Error
Hi, earlier this week, I received a message at start up saying, "CPax20 has encounted a problem and needs to close". Can you please tell me how to fix this please? Easy step by step instructions required please. I have another error message, but we'll get that one later, when this first one done and dusted. Apo... 17 Nov 2009 08:23
Finding a Hidden wallpaper
When one of our XP pcs turns off, it displays a large image, sort of like wallpaper. I did not put it there. The PC is on a network (Win Server 2003 Standard). It is being controlled by a tight group policy under a custom login (not guest login, but similar idea). Normal user usage under that login does no... 13 Nov 2009 22:11
Hidden Files are pissing me off.
I bought a new computer. I need to get my iPods music onto my new computers iTunes. I know how to do this. You go to Tools > Folder Options > View, and then check the option that basically says "Show Hidden files and what-not". This makes it so I can see all the music on the iPod and save them to the Hard-drive.... 13 Nov 2009 16:40
Can you recommend a good text search utility? (for WindowsXP,esp for Office2003)
Have you tried Google? That's what we do. --- Leonard Grey Errare humanum est ship wrote: WindowsXP Pro msOffice 2003 Xara Xtreme Pro MindManager FreeMind ...} all latest versions Hi Can anyone recommend a utility for searching my local WindowsXP PC? I need to do text se... 12 Nov 2009 10:38
interpretation of BootLog XP results
All, many thanks for the suggestion to employ BootLot XP. I have already significantly reduced start-up time - from 261 to 176 seconds!! Still, quite a significant time for start-up. But "is there more reduction out there" ? avp.exe 122 sec is Kaspersky Anti-Virus, which I'd like to keep using. Maybe I'll shoul... 8 Nov 2009 16:20
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