From: YD on
Late at night, by candle light, sparky <sparky12x(a)> penned
this immortal opus:

>It mostly depends on what you want to do. A few years ago there was
>no usenet and no regulars.. Just ordinary people like you and me.
>Then a few decided to become the "net cops" and make rules for

Usenet was going strong long before there were browsers. In fact, the
main means of communication at the time. Not counting IRC. It's
declining the last couple of years due to Google screwing it up by
making it available in browsers and the old-timers tiring of the mess.

Looking at the frontpage GooGoo make it look like usenet was their
invention and a sub-set of GooGoo groups. Nothing could be farther
from the truth.

- YD.
Remove HAT if replying by mail.
From: Josepi on
Usenet has come a long way since we used to ftp the messages down. Browsers
were developed and threading became a reality and attaching messages to your
reply became unecessary, except for clarity of response.

Top posting has always been encouraged by all browsers in order to keep
headers with the their respective text and the latest posted information at
the position the post was opened, by your modern browser. Some people just
can't get out of the eighties with their Usenet technology, despite all
their professed prowess with other technologies.

"YD" <ydtechHAT(a)> wrote in message
Usenet was going strong long before there were browsers. In fact, the
main means of communication at the time. Not counting IRC. It's
declining the last couple of years due to Google screwing it up by
making it available in browsers and the old-timers tiring of the mess.

Looking at the frontpage GooGoo make it look like usenet was their
invention and a sub-set of GooGoo groups. Nothing could be farther
from the truth.

- YD.

Late at night, by candle light, sparky <sparky12x(a)> penned
this immortal opus:

>It mostly depends on what you want to do. A few years ago there was
>no usenet and no regulars.. Just ordinary people like you and me.
>Then a few decided to become the "net cops" and make rules for

From: Don Klipstein on
In article <YZz0n.1623$ap2.607(a)newsfe18.iad>, Josepi wrote:
>Usenet has come a long way since we used to ftp the messages down.

I never used ftp for Usenet since I got involved in 1995. This is the
first time I even heard of ftp being used for Usenet, and I have heard
differently how it usually worked.

> Browsers were developed and threading became a reality

Threading was a reality in 1995 and before, with newsreader and
email/news software.

> and attaching messages to your
>reply became unecessary, except for clarity of response.
>Top posting has always been encouraged by all browsers in order to keep
>headers with the their respective text and the latest posted information
>at the position the post was opened, by your modern browser.

Newsreader software worked that way in 1995 and before also (and still

Meanwhile, Usenet regulars are accustomed to looking for responses
following what they are in response to. Browsers do not discourage that
any more than newsreader software does.

> Some people just can't get out of the eighties with their Usenet
>technology, despite all their professed prowess with other technologies.

The customs of Usenet were established by people who are now old farts,
and the vast majority of those on Usenet support the old-fart customs,
because of how they are accustomed to time-efficiently reading Usenet

- Don Klipstein (don(a)

>"YD" <ydtechHAT(a)> wrote in message
(and Josepi fails ro add quotation symbols as usual)
>Usenet was going strong long before there were browsers. In fact, the
>main means of communication at the time. Not counting IRC. It's
>declining the last couple of years due to Google screwing it up by
>making it available in browsers and the old-timers tiring of the mess.
>Looking at the frontpage GooGoo make it look like usenet was their
>invention and a sub-set of GooGoo groups. Nothing could be farther
>from the truth.
>- YD.
<SNIP afterwards>
From: Baron on
sparky Inscribed thus:

> It mostly depends on what you want to do. A few years ago there was
> no usenet and no regulars.. Just ordinary people like you and me.
> Then a few decided to become the "net cops" and make rules for
> others.

I think you need to go and read a bit of history ! Usenet precedes the
WWW by a long way. I was using it in the early 80's...
Almost 30 years ago. Seems like yesterday. :-)


Best Regards:
From: YD on
Late at night, by candle light, "Josepi" <JRM(a)invaliid.con> penned
this immortal opus:

>Usenet has come a long way since we used to ftp the messages down. Browsers
>were developed and threading became a reality and attaching messages to your
>reply became unecessary, except for clarity of response.

AFAIK ftp was never used for messaging, except possibly some BBS.
Threading newsreaders (with the original text attached) were a reality
long before any Windows boxes came on-line. Hell, there weren't any
Windows boxes at all at the time. Go read some history, will you? Do
you really think www is the end-all and be-all of the internet? If you
do, excellent! It means one less clueless weenie not getting into the
real stuff and mess it up.

- YD

Remove HAT if replying by mail.