From: John Navas on
On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 22:36:11 -0700, in
<3scj169k1eqmd5uiidil5febhh090o8aaa(a)>, John Navas
<jncl1(a)> wrote:

>On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 16:20:33 -0700, in
><p0li16til9jtff90r1fkbugco9ona9e3p3(a)>, Jeff Liebermann
><jeffl(a)> wrote:
>>On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 10:10:40 -0700, John Navas <jncl1(a)>
>>>You may not have power management configured correctly. I find that to
>>>be the cause of many (most?) complaints about battery life. My ThinkPad
>>>T61p, for example, gets roughly double the battery life using a proper
>>>power profile as compared to the default power profile.
>>That's possible. I run it with the display running full brightness
>>when NOT in battery save, and blanked when in battery save. The hard
>>disk snoozes after 15 minutes of idle, which for this test, is never.
>>Your 7+ hours doesn't make much sense to me if I can't use it during
>>much of that time, or the CPU is running at half speed.
>Hard disk consumes relatively little power. What consume the most power
>other than display backlight are CPU and GPU. I normally have my CPU
>set to Adaptive, even when on mains power, because it works so well to
>give me performance when I need it and save power (and fan noise) when
>I don't. This also engages power saving on the GPU.

FWIW, these are the power management settings I use most of the time on
my ThinkPad T61p running Windows 7:

Best regards,

"Facts? We ain't got no facts. We don't need no facts. I don't have
to show you any stinking facts!" [with apologies to John Huston]