From: nospam on
In article <64n416pm8kcjkjo4g39ncphqbs7dfj24m0(a)>, John Navas
<jncl1(a)> wrote:

> >> >mobile devices *will* be the future, whether it's an ipad or something
> >> >else.
> >>
> >> Sure. Most computers are now "mobile devices".
> >
> >in the sense that they have a battery yes, but not in the sense of
> >being easy to carry and use anywhere. a 5 pound laptop is not as mobile
> >as a smartphone
> The computer is nonetheless mobile, and vastly more capable than a
> smartphone.

it's also bigger and heavier and doesn't fit in a pocket.

> It's always a tradeoff.

From: nospam on
In article <l6n4161ml23k950eri6l5njirur1jf39ib(a)>, John Navas
<jncl1(a)> wrote:

> The Mac was designed about a modifier key, which is unnecessary with a
> multi-button mouse, and arguably less intuitive than multiple buttons.

nope. a single button mouse is more intuitive and less prone to errors,
as concluded in numerous independent user interface studies. the
modifier keys were not a requirement either.

> It's always a tradeoff. There is no one best solution.

From: nospam on
In article <husuru$nhq$1(a)>, Your Name
<> wrote:

> Lightspeed / Think Pascal is probably THE best programming environment I've
> used (and there's been of lots of them).


> I briefly tried CodeWarrior, but it
> was too messy / awkward, so I went back to Think Pascal.

the early versions maybe, but it matured into a fantastic environment.

xcode on the other hand is awful. it's little more than a wrapper
around command line tools and it shows.

> The updated Think Pascal works OK on my beige G3, although it probably
> doesn't have all the libraries to access new features of OS 8 and OS 9 nor
> make FAT Binaries.

a lot of things about think pascal/c broke long ago but i don't
remember what they were.
From: Your Name on

"nospam" <nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> In article <l6n4161ml23k950eri6l5njirur1jf39ib(a)>, John Navas
> <jncl1(a)> wrote:
> > The Mac was designed about a modifier key, which is unnecessary with a
> > multi-button mouse, and arguably less intuitive than multiple buttons.
> nope. a single button mouse is more intuitive and less prone to errors,
> as concluded in numerous independent user interface studies. the
> modifier keys were not a requirement either.

The modifier keys didn't even exist (in the sense of an extra mouse button
click) in the original Mac operating systems. I'm not sure when they came
in, possibly System 7 or Mac OS 8. Even then they weren't actually needed -
everything could be done via normal menus and / or keyboard shortcuts ...
the pop-up contectual menus were simply added for the lazy.

From: Your Name on

"nospam" <nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> In article <husuru$nhq$1(a)>, Your Name
> <> wrote:
> > Lightspeed / Think Pascal is probably THE best programming environment
> > used (and there's been of lots of them).
> was

Nope, still is in my opinion ... I've yet to find anything better, although
obviously I haven't tried absolutely everything available.

> > I briefly tried CodeWarrior, but it was too messy / awkward, so I
> > went back to Think Pascal.
> the early versions maybe, but it matured into a fantastic environment.
> xcode on the other hand is awful. it's little more than a wrapper
> around command line tools and it shows.

I can't remember what version of CodeWarrior I have (it's on my Mac and I'm
on this Windoze PC at the moment).

I haven't used XCode nor done any Mac OS X programming yet (except for
FileMaker Pro).

> > The updated Think Pascal works OK on my beige G3, although it probably
> > doesn't have all the libraries to access new features of OS 8 and OS 9
> > make FAT Binaries.
> a lot of things about think pascal/c broke long ago but i don't
> remember what they were.

Re-reading the webpage at the link I gave, it says Think Pascal doesn't
create PowerPC code. But everything I've written works fine (if unnoticeably
slower via 68K emulation) on my beige G3 and the early OS 8 and OS 9 iMacs I
was writting them for. :-)