From: Your Name on

"John Navas" <jncl1(a)> wrote in message
> On Mon, 31 May 2010 09:24:42 -0500, in
> <jollyroger-D7353F.09244231052010(a)>, Jolly Roger
> <jollyroger(a)> wrote:
> >In article <HIHMn.56618$HG1.4676(a)newsfe21.iad>,
> > Todd Allcock <elecconnec(a)> wrote:
> >
> >> Every one of my
> >> Windows machines is protected, and I can count on one hand the number
> >> detected threats I've hit in the last couple of years.
> >
> >Meanwhile, I don't have to count at all with my Mac, because there have
> >been exactly ZERO for the past 12 years.
> That you know of.

There aren't any to get.

From: Your Name on

"nospam" <nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> the mac on the other hand, was very easy to write software. initially
> it required a lisa but mac native tools appeared very quickly. some of
> the were amazing for their time, such as lightspeed pascal and
> lightspeed c.

Yep. I've still got Think Pascal (the last version of Lightspeed Pascal
which Symantec renamed and then killed off) installed on my PowerMac.
Symantec used to have it on their website as a free download - it's no
longer there, but you can get it elsewhere. I wish they'd make a Mac OS X
version. :-(

From: Your Name on

"nospam" <nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> In article <jk5316tp95sibreof6mgv679mahr6b4m3a(a)>, John Navas
> <jncl1(a)> wrote:
> > >> Mac OS X has always supported two-button mice. Some earlier versions
> > >> Mac OS also supported them as well.
> > >
> > >Any Mac could probably support a two / multi-button mouse if the
> > >selling the device wanted to write driver software ... but the point is
> > >that the Mac doesn't need a two button mouse. Personally I very rarely
> > >any need for more than one button.
> >
> > "It's not a limitation, it's a feature!" :)
> actually it is. the mac os is designed around one button, whereas
> windows is designed around two buttons.
> apple had multi-button support for a *long* time but few people cared.
> it wasn't until all the windows switchers started buying macs and
> thinking that they really need a two button mouse.

It's also due to larger screens and lazy users not wanting to go "all the
way" to the top of the screen to access menus. :-)

From: Your Name on

"John Navas" <jncl1(a)> wrote in message
> On Mon, 31 May 2010 00:16:10 -0700, in
> <michelle-33598D.00161031052010(a)>, Michelle
> Steiner <michelle(a)> wrote:
> >In article
> ><>,
> > (Your Name) wrote:
> >
> >> > What actually eventually succeeded was netbooks, which had nothing to
> >> > do with things Apple.
> >>
> >> Netbooks are nothing to do with PDAs, Newtons nor iPads.
> >
> >Not only that, but netbooks are cannibalizing sales from laptops, and
> >their lower margins, are reducing profits from the companies that sell
> Netbooks actually expanded the market.
> Notebooks (not laptops) are still doing fine.
> It's desktops (mostly towers) that are getting canabalized.

And yet a large proportion of those laptops never actually leave the desk
and wall socket. :-\

From: nospam on
In article <husltn$ic7$1(a)>, Your Name
<> wrote:

> > >Meanwhile, I don't have to count at all with my Mac, because there have
> > >been exactly ZERO for the past 12 years.
> >
> > That you know of.
> There aren't any to get.

there are, but it requires deliberate installation.