From: mpc755 on
On Jul 18, 11:33 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 18, 3:34 pm, mpc755 <mpc... > > the only thing that i could
> agree with you if it was
> > > no physical entity can   move
> > > unless it has a free volume top move in
> > > even if   it is your fucken ETHER
> > > IF IT WAS
> > > Aether = Circlons then we haver a start
> > > but  that  is a completely different Opera
> > > for instance even  the  Circlon   canot move
> > > unless   it has some free empty  place
> > > to   move in !!
> > > if you dont understand that
> > > we have  no common base to discuss  !!
> > > ATB
> > > and Bye
> > > Y.Porat
> > > ------------------------
> > 'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter'
> > "Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view
> > of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two
> > galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark matter, which is
> > somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the
> > water."
> > The ripple is a gravity wave.
> > The ripple is displaced dark matter.
> > Displaced dark matter is denser than dark matter at rest.
> > That does not require space to consist of areas which are a void.
> > Dark matter mass is greater where displaced than at rest.
> =============================================------------------
> after you finished  your parroting slogans
> better start thinking!!
> iow
> before knowing to  run
> learn firt to   crawl
> i was asking you if there is complete empty space
> and you dont answers reasonable
> since you admitetd that dark matter or matter
> **has mass*
> you should know and understand a bsic rule in physics
> that  unfortunately is not thought    at schools
> a mass can not do    any action if it cant move
> even a billionth of a nanometer !!
> if it has no possibility to  move one billionth of a manometer  -----
> got it??
> if not go discuss with someone else
> not with me
> Y.Porat
> --------------------

'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter'

"Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view
of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two
galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark matter, which is
somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the

The ripple is a gravity wave.
The ripple is displaced dark matter.
Displaced dark matter is denser than dark matter at rest.
That does not require space to consist of areas which are a void.
Dark matter mass is greater where displaced than at rest.

The mass of the dark matter which exists outside of two objects is
greater then the mass of the dark matter which exists between two

The Casimir Effect is caused by dark matter which exists outside of
the plates which is displaced by the plates forcing the plates

'Casimir effect'

"In a simplified view, a "field" in physics may be envisioned as if
space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and
the strength of the field can be visualized as the displacement of a
ball from its rest position."

The strength of the field is the displacement of the dark matter from
its rest position.
From: Y.Porat on
On Jul 18, 5:53 pm, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 18, 11:33 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jul 18, 3:34 pm, mpc755 <mpc... > > the only thing that i could
> > agree with you if it was
> > > > no physical entity can   move
> > > > unless it has a free volume top move in
> > > > even if   it is your fucken ETHER
> > > > IF IT WAS
> > > > Aether = Circlons then we haver a start
> > > > but  that  is a completely different Opera
> > > > for instance even  the  Circlon   canot move
> > > > unless   it has some free empty  place
> > > > to   move in !!
> > > > if you dont understand that
> > > > we have  no common base to discuss  !!
> > > > ATB
> > > > and Bye
> > > > Y.Porat
> > > > ------------------------
> > > 'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter'
> > > "Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view
> > > of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two
> > > galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark matter, which is
> > > somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the
> > > water."
> > > The ripple is a gravity wave.
> > > The ripple is displaced dark matter.
> > > Displaced dark matter is denser than dark matter at rest.
> > > That does not require space to consist of areas which are a void.
> > > Dark matter mass is greater where displaced than at rest.
> > =============================================------------------
> > after you finished  your parroting slogans
> > better start thinking!!
> > iow
> > before knowing to  run
> > learn firt to   crawl
> > i was asking you if there is complete empty space
> > and you dont answers reasonable
> > since you admitetd that dark matter or matter
> > **has mass*
> > you should know and understand a bsic rule in physics
> > that  unfortunately is not thought    at schools
> > a mass can not do    any action if it cant move
> > even a billionth of a nanometer !!
> > if it has no possibility to  move one billionth of a manometer  -----
> > ---IT CANNOT MOVE !!
> > got it??
> > if not go discuss with someone else
> > not with me
> > BYE
> > Y.Porat
> > --------------------
> 'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter'
> "Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view
> of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two
> galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark matter, which is
> somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the
> water."
> The ripple is a gravity wave.
> The ripple is displaced dark matter.
> Displaced dark matter is denser than dark matter at rest.
> That does not require space to consist of areas which are a void.
> Dark matter mass is greater where displaced than at rest.
> The mass of the dark matter which exists outside of two objects is
> greater then the mass of the dark matter which exists between two
> objects.
> The Casimir Effect is caused by dark matter which exists outside of
> the plates which is displaced by the plates forcing the plates
> together.
> 'Casimir effect'
> "In a simplified view, a "field" in physics may be envisioned as if
> space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and
> the strength of the field can be visualized as the displacement of a
> ball from its rest position."
> The strength of the field is the displacement of the dark matter from
> its rest position.
so Mr Parrot ?????!!!
in order of making displacement from its rest position
needs some empty space or not ??
"In a simplified view, a "field" in physics may be envisioned as if
> space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and
> the strength of the field can be visualized as the displacement of a
> ball from its rest position."
end of quote!!
how about some **further conclusions**
about that quote??
for instance
if it is filles with vibrating springs and balles

can a spring Vibrate ----

--if it has no some empty space to vibrate in it ??!!
just take endles number of springs
fill the whole universe withe suchsprings
touching eachother
with no some empty space between them
can they vibrate in such a situation??!!
do you know what is vibration is ??!!

did you ever see a violin of a guitar
in which the strings are sicked all together ??!!

it seems that you never played a violin ..
or a guitar . (:-)
even to amke some sound in our air
there is need to have some empty space between the molecules of air!!!
or even** INSIDE THE MOLECULES **!!!
or else they cannot be compressed or decompressed !!

the same with your Aether::
it cannoT be compressed or decompressed if not
having some empty space between them

the sonner you will realize it
(it is not such a big a shame to learn from Y.Porat
something in physics ...)


does someone need to be a genious in order to understand it ??!!

From: mpc755 on
On Jul 18, 11:26 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 18, 5:53 pm, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jul 18, 11:33 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > On Jul 18, 3:34 pm, mpc755 <mpc... > > the only thing that i could
> > > agree with you if it was
> > > > > no physical entity can   move
> > > > > unless it has a free volume top move in
> > > > > even if   it is your fucken ETHER
> > > > > IF IT WAS
> > > > > Aether = Circlons then we haver a start
> > > > > but  that  is a completely different Opera
> > > > > for instance even  the  Circlon   canot move
> > > > > unless   it has some free empty  place
> > > > > to   move in !!
> > > > > if you dont understand that
> > > > > we have  no common base to discuss  !!
> > > > > ATB
> > > > > and Bye
> > > > > Y.Porat
> > > > > ------------------------
> > > > 'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter'
> > > > "Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view
> > > > of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two
> > > > galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark matter, which is
> > > > somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the
> > > > water."
> > > > The ripple is a gravity wave.
> > > > The ripple is displaced dark matter.
> > > > Displaced dark matter is denser than dark matter at rest.
> > > > That does not require space to consist of areas which are a void.
> > > > Dark matter mass is greater where displaced than at rest.
> > > =============================================------------------
> > > after you finished  your parroting slogans
> > > better start thinking!!
> > > iow
> > > before knowing to  run
> > > learn firt to   crawl
> > > i was asking you if there is complete empty space
> > > and you dont answers reasonable
> > > since you admitetd that dark matter or matter
> > > **has mass*
> > > you should know and understand a bsic rule in physics
> > > that  unfortunately is not thought    at schools
> > > a mass can not do    any action if it cant move
> > > even a billionth of a nanometer !!
> > > if it has no possibility to  move one billionth of a manometer  -----
> > > ---IT CANNOT MOVE !!
> > > got it??
> > > if not go discuss with someone else
> > > not with me
> > > BYE
> > > Y.Porat
> > > --------------------
> > 'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter'
> > "Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view
> > of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two
> > galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark matter, which is
> > somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the
> > water."
> > The ripple is a gravity wave.
> > The ripple is displaced dark matter.
> > Displaced dark matter is denser than dark matter at rest.
> > That does not require space to consist of areas which are a void.
> > Dark matter mass is greater where displaced than at rest.
> > The mass of the dark matter which exists outside of two objects is
> > greater then the mass of the dark matter which exists between two
> > objects.
> > The Casimir Effect is caused by dark matter which exists outside of
> > the plates which is displaced by the plates forcing the plates
> > together.
> > 'Casimir effect'
> > "In a simplified view, a "field" in physics may be envisioned as if
> > space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and
> > the strength of the field can be visualized as the displacement of a
> > ball from its rest position."
> > The strength of the field is the displacement of the dark matter from
> > its rest position.
> =====================
> so  Mr Parrot ?????!!!
> in order of making displacement from  its rest position
> needs some empty space or not ??

Dark matter displacement does not require there to be a areas of space
which are void of mass.

> 2
> quote:
> "In a simplified view, a "field" in physics may be envisioned as if> space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and
> > the strength of the field can be visualized as the displacement of a
> > ball from its rest position."

The strength of the field is the displacement of dark matter from its
rest position.

> end of quote!!
> --------
> so
> how about some **further conclusions**
>  about   that quote??
> for instance
> if it is filles with vibrating springs and balles
> can a  spring Vibrate  ----
> --if it has no some empty space to vibrate   in it ??!!
> iow
> just take endles number of springs
> fill the whole universe withe suchsprings
> touching eachother
> with no some empty space between them
> can they vibrate in such a situation??!!
> do you   know what is vibration is ??!!
> did   you ever see a violin of a guitar
> in which the strings are sicked all together  ??!!
> it seems that you never played a violin  ..
> or a guitar   . (:-)
> btw
> even to amke some sound in our air
> there is need to have some empty space between the molecules of air!!!
> or even** INSIDE THE MOLECULES **!!!
> or else they cannot be compressed or decompressed !!
> the same with your Aether::
> it cannoT be compressed or decompressed if not
> having some empty space between them
> the   sonner you will realize it
> ---THE BETTER !!
> (it is not such a big  a shame to learn from Y.Porat
> something in physics ...)
> Y.Porat
> -------------------------
> does someone need to be a genious in order to understand it ??!!

From: Y.Porat on
On Jul 19, 6:35 a MPC
> agree.  The aetherists think there is a 'material' other than matter
> that fills space, but this doesn't stop matter from moving around.  In
> either case (aether or no aether) there is no matter there. So yes,
> matter can move.
> That does NOT mean that empty space doesn't have any properties at all
> (it has volume, for a start)

i amnot sure you went to the depth of my assertion that
the fact that there is movement
is a prove that

it is a brand new insight 1
even if very simple but
not trivial !!
in order to undertsnd it
you must 'zoon' inner and inner
to the structure of matter !!

you can say for instance that
ok i understand that
a cannon bullet does not care much
if there is air in space or not
becuase it has little effect on it
but now
lets zoon a step inner:
you can say
of k there is aire in space
but its movement is not affected by say
the EM waves
do does it mean that if there is EM waves
space does not have completely empty parts in it ??
so letes zoom even inner

we now that em waves move
now MPC will come and say
it can move because darkmstetr there
or his Aether rgwee is very diluted
and has very stiny mass
but in spight of it s[ace is not empty-
it has dark matetr
ok fine
let s now zoom in even further
one can say
dark matter can move because ???
becaus of what
if dark matetr was finning co,pletely
all space withno empty space of it
at all??
how can it move if there is darm matter all around it ??
will it penetrate to another dark matter ??
if your neighbor dark matter is pushed
by you
were should it move to ??
th eneinour of your neighbor
i s srtong and massive and mighty as you youself
why AND HOW ?
should it give up its place ??
even if it 'would like to give up its palce
no other dark matter all around it
is able enabled to'gine uo its palce !!

so you see that no matter how deep you zoo into matter
each level of matter density of mas size
has its limits of 'giving up its palce

unless a very simple rock solid conclusion !!
can you guess what is that
mathematical like prove ??!!
i agree with you taht empty space
has volume!!
can host mass!!
yet you say it is a nice beginning??

i say
it is a nice ??----- FULL STOP !!!

(or else there is no motion in our universe ))
9because if the most primitive satte
ot [hysical entity
has no empty space to move
it wil not let the secondary over primitive
entity to move

may be someone could phrase it better than my poor explanation
yet as far as i know it is the original !!
copyright insight and explanation

Yehiel Porat
July 2010

From: ben6993 on
On Jul 19, 10:34 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 19, 6:35 a MPC
> > agree.  The aetherists think there is a 'material' other than matter
> > that fills space, but this doesn't stop matter from moving around.  In
> > either case (aether or no aether) there is no matter there. So yes,
> > matter can move.
> > That does NOT mean that empty space doesn't have any properties at all
> > (it has volume, for a start)
> --------------
> i amnot sure you went to the depth of my assertion that
> the   fact that there is movement
> is a   prove that
>  it is a brand new insight  1
> even if  very simple but
> not trivial !!
> in order to undertsnd it
> you must 'zoon' inner and inner
> to   the structure of matter !!
> you   can  say for instance that
> ok i  understand that
> a cannon bullet does not care much
> if there is air in space or not
> becuase it has little effect on it
> but now
> lets zoon a step inner:
> you can say
> of k there is aire in space
> but its movement is not affected by say
> the EM waves
> do does   it mean that if there is EM waves
> space does not have completely empty parts in it ??
> so   letes zoom even inner
> we now that em waves move
> now MPC will come and say
> it can move because darkmstetr there
> or his Aether rgwee is very diluted
> and has very stiny mass
> but in  spight of it s[ace is not empty-
> it has dark matetr
> ok fine
> let s   now zoom in even further
> one can say
> dark matter can move because ???
> becaus of  what
> if dark matetr was finning co,pletely
> all   space withno empty space of it
> at all??
> how can it move if there is darm matter all around it ??
> will  it penetrate to another dark matter ??
> if your neighbor dark matter is pushed
> by you
> were should it move to ??
> th eneinour of your neighbor
> i s srtong and massive  and mighty as you youself
> why  AND HOW ?
> should  it give up  its place  ??
> even if it 'would like to  give up its palce
> no other dark matter  all around it
> is able  enabled to'gine uo its palce !!
> so  you see that no matter how deep you zoo  into matter
> each level of matter density of mas size
> has its limits of 'giving up its palce
> unless a very simple rock solid  conclusion  !!
> can you guess what is that
> mathematical like prove   ??!!
> i agree with you taht empty space
> has volume!!
> iow
> can  host mass!!
> yet you say it is a nice beginning??
> i say
> it is a nice      ??----- FULL STOP !!!
> (or else there is no motion  in  our universe  ))
> 9because if the most primitive satte
> ot [hysical entity
> has no empty space to move
> it wil not let the  secondary over primitive
> entity to  move
>  ETC ETC ETC !!!
>  ATB
> may be someone could phrase it better than my poor explanation
> ability
> yet as far as i know it is the original !!
> so
> copyright insight and explanation
> Yehiel Porat
> July   2010
> --------------------------
> -----------------------

> may be someone could phrase it better than my poor explanation ability
> yet as far as i know it is the original !!

Over the last six months you have implied "no physics without length",
also: "no physics without time".
That followed from you diasagreeing with quantum theory assumptions of
instantaneous emmission and the existence of point particles.

Next you explicitly say: "no physics without mass".

That covers all three dimensions of a dimensional analysis: M, L and
T. (By the way, I did not agree with your dimensional analysis
comments as you thought they required specific units.)

You have also explicitly said about six months ago something like: no
physics without movement.

Now you are saying: "no physics without empty space" and you claim it
as your original idea.

So for "physics" you imply that M, L, T, void and movement are
needed? Have I left anything out?
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