From: BURT on
On Jul 15, 8:23 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 15, 11:04 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jul 15, 2:36 pm, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > > On Jul 15, 2:47 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 15, 7:06 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > On Jul 14, 6:06 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > On Jul 14, 10:20 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > > On Jul 14, 11:13 am, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > > > On Jul 14, 9:58 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > On Jul 14, 10:54 am, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > On Jul 14, 9:25 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)gm > varies in time, we should have no ground for the assumption that water
> > > consists of movable particles. But all the same we could characterise
> > > it as a medium."
> > > Dark matter does not move with matter. Dark matter is displaced by
> > > matter. If you roll a bowling ball down a ramp through a tank of water
> > > then the water does not move with the bowling ball. The ...
> > > read more »
> > ==============
> > did you understand that
> > in order to have  any  movement
> > (including your water ripples)
> > there must be some  COMPLETELY EMPTY SPACE
> Just the opposite. In order for there to be ripples, there must be
> material.
> How do you explain the following if space is a void?
> 'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter'
> "Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view
> of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two
> galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark matter, which is
> somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the
> water."
> The above is evidence of dark matter displaced by matter.
> The above is evidence of the correctness of Dark Matter Displacement.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

If there was invisible stuff in space it would slow down movement
through it. This clearly is not the case.

Mitch Raemsch
From: Y.Porat on
On Jul 15, 7:09 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 14, 8:23 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jul 14, 9:21 pm, PD  > > > > that are very far away
> > > > > > you said
> > > > > > even so    'each of them curves space!!!'
> > > > > > if a single mass curves space
> > > > > > why does it move in a strait line ??!!
> > > > > Because it curves the space in the region AROUND it. The path in the
> > > > ==============================--------------------
> > > > can you prove that idiotic hand waving??
> > > > just prove   it !!
> > > Theories are not proven. They are tested, quantitative prediction
> > > against experimental measurement.
> > > One does not have to PROVE a conceptual model first.
> > > One entertains a conceptual model (no matter how stupid or crazy you
> > > think it is), and then develops it into quantitative predictions that
> > > can be tested. Then you test them.
> > > If you didn't know this is how science works, then we have to focus on
> > > that first.
> > > > that while a single mass is moving in space
> > > > space is curving it from all sides !!
> > > We test it the same way we'd answer the same question about the
> > > electric field around a single charge.
> > > You'll note that freshman physics texts DO talk about the electric
> > > field around single charges.
> > > > my claim is that
> > > > it srrounds it from all sides
> > > > by a soft blanket of 3 centimeter thick !!
> > > > that is the kind of science that your
> > > > unlimited impertinence can produce !!
> > > > arnt you ashamed   ???!!!
> > > > ashamed even by your own criteria
> > > > about what   is physics science !!!
> > > > btw
> > > > if you like to steal soemmthing from me
> > > > better do it properly
> > > > in my circlon mopdel that i present at the appndix of my book
> > > > i show it sort of
> > > > the Circlon surround the secondary mass
> > > > in an unsymmetrical way
> > > > that i wonder of you understood it  proprerly
> > > > yet   the difference is that in my model
> > > > itr is done by  a  particle a massive one
> > > > that moves   naturally in a closed circle
> > > Well, you call it "your idiotic space," but that model DOES make
> > > QUANTITATIVE predictions that work very well. Your circlon idea does
> > > nothing of the kind.
> > =================================
> > --------------------
> > cheating again !!!
> > you are very good in philosophic ball bogglings
> > but we need pratical* specific* understanding
> > and knowledge !!
> > you   can make   **some* again  some**quantitive
> > predictions but then you confront a situation in which
> > because you are fiddling with data to  fit it to theory by
> > experimental  TRIAL AND ERROR
> > but your undertsanding of the real reasons why  it works   ((WORKS
> > IS WRONG !!
> > GR
> > all   other atraction  forces are based on
> > FORCE AGENTS  that are mediating by constant movement between
> > particles
> > and that is why ***Gravitons** were introduced into
> > science  and rightly so !!!
> > and    not the **religious **  curved space
> > for instance
> > what are the means of curved space
> > to  interact  (comunicate) with  the mass in it ??
> > 2
> > if you say that a single mass moving in space
> > is surrounded by sort of covering  space
> > if so
> > how can it move in a STRAIGHT LINE
> > while it is surrounded by covering curved  space ??
> > 3
> > how can space ''know '' what is the qauntity of mass in it and to
> > 'curve accordingly
> > what are the   means of comunication
> > (interactions)   between mass
> > and the space around it ???
> > do you have there witches on brooms
> > from 500 years ago ???
> > you see the problem
> No. What I see is that you need to read a basic book on the concepts
> of general relativity and gravitation, so that you will have these
> questions answered.
> > (no chance!! for a religious man ..!!
> > that probably*** makes his living from that  religion !!.no much
> > differnce from 500 years ago ...)
> > IN  good   PHYSICS
> > or else it comes a day
> > while you   are in a dead end
> > as with unifying all forces  !!
> > forces for a real physicst (not a fuckn mathematician ) are not done
> > by **holy ghosts**
> > but with
> > Einstein could not know it 100 years ago !!
> > had he known it as we know it today
> > he would through idiots parrots like you
> > to the garbage of science  !!
> > Y.Porat
> > ------------------------------ Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

unlike you i am not a parrot born scientist
that will vever in his life innovate anything
and if so i canwork muchmore quick and efficient
than you!
if forinstance iwas working hard untill i got the
iron basic rule that
that is not yet written in any of your parrotong books
than i might be mor eliekly a book writer than a book reader
and btw
i read in my life more boks than youcan immagine
not to mention the new huge information informaton supply by
powerful net
than i can save myself a lot of reading in those parroting books

if you dont understand that
there must be real empty sapce
or else it is against the fact that there is movement
in our universe
and if not completely empty space
there would not be awny movement in our universe
you have to undertsnad that
completely empty space is **much bigger in volume than
occupies space !!
and that empty space includes in it
no porperties at all!!
includong not that illusive nonsense
cueved space
cueved movenet is a prowerty of mass!!
remember ??!!
curved movement is one of the properties of mass!! not of
space !!

and that is going to be one basics of our new books !!

From: mpc755 on
On Jul 15, 3:32 pm, BURT <macromi...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 15, 8:23 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jul 15, 11:04 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > On Jul 15, 2:36 pm, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 15, 2:47 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > On Jul 15, 7:06 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > On Jul 14, 6:06 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > > On Jul 14, 10:20 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > > > On Jul 14, 11:13 am, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > On Jul 14, 9:58 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > On Jul 14, 10:54 am, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > > On Jul 14, 9:25 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)gm > varies in time, we should have no ground for the assumption that water
> > > > consists of movable particles. But all the same we could characterise
> > > > it as a medium."
> > > > Dark matter does not move with matter. Dark matter is displaced by
> > > > matter. If you roll a bowling ball down a ramp through a tank of water
> > > > then the water does not move with the bowling ball. The ...
> > > > read more »
> > > ==============
> > > did you understand that
> > > in order to have  any  movement
> > > (including your water ripples)
> > > there must be some  COMPLETELY EMPTY SPACE
> > Just the opposite. In order for there to be ripples, there must be
> > material.
> > How do you explain the following if space is a void?
> > 'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter'
> > "Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view
> > of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two
> > galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark matter, which is
> > somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the
> > water."
> > The above is evidence of dark matter displaced by matter.
> > The above is evidence of the correctness of Dark Matter Displacement.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> If there was invisible stuff in space it would slow down movement
> through it. This clearly is  not the case.
> Mitch Raemsch

'Frictionless supersolid a step closer'

"Superfluidity and superconductivity cause particles to move without
friction. Koos Gubbels investigated under what conditions such
particles keep moving endlessly without losing energy, like a swimmer
who takes one mighty stroke and then keeps gliding forever along the
swimming pool."

In the analogy the swimmer is any body and the water is the dark
matter. Just as the swimmer displaces the water, whether the swimmer
is at rest with respect to the water, or not, a body displaces dark
matter, whether the body is at rest with respect to the dark matter,
or not.

In the analogy the moving swimmer creates a displacement wave in the
water. A moving particle creates a displacement wave in dark matter.

'On the super-fluid property of the relativistic physical vacuum
medium and the inertial motion of particles'

"Abstract: The similarity between the energy spectra of relativistic
particles and that of quasi-particles in super-conductivity BCS theory
makes us conjecture that the relativistic physical vacuum medium as
the ground state of the background field is a super fluid medium, and
the rest mass of a relativistic particle is like the energy gap of a
quasi-particle. This conjecture is strongly supported by the results
of our following investigation: a particle moving through the vacuum
medium at a speed less than the speed of light in vacuum, though
interacting with the vacuum medium, never feels friction force and
thus undergoes a frictionless and inertial motion."

A particle in the super fluid medium displaces the super fluid medium,
whether the particle is at rest with respect to the super fluid
medium, or not. A moving particle creates a displacement wave in the
super fluid medium.

A particle in dark matter displaces the dark matter, whether the
particle is at rest with respect to the dark matter, or not. The
particle could be an individual nucleus. A moving particle creates a
displacement wave in the dark matter.

Dark matter is displaced by an individual nucleus. When discussing
gravity as the pressure associated with the dark matter displaced by
matter, what is being discussed is the dark matter being displaced by
each and every nucleus which is the matter which is the object.

'Interpretation of quantum mechanics
by the double solution theory
Louis de BROGLIE'

"I called this relation, which determines the particle's motion in the
wave, "the guidance formula". It may easily be generalized to the case
of an external field acting on the particle."

"This result may be interpreted by noticing that, in the present
theory, the particle is defined as a very small region of the wave
where the amplitude is very large, and it therefore seems quite
natural that the internal motion rythm of the particle should always
be the same as that of the wave at the point where the particle is

de Broglie's definition of wave-particle duality is of a physical wave
and a physical particle. The particle occupies a very small region of
the wave.

In Dark Matter Displacement, the external field is the dark matter. In
a double slit experiment the particle occupies a very small region of
the wave and enters and exits a single slit. The wave enters and exits
the available slits. The dark matter displacement wave creates
interference upon exiting the slits which alters the direction the
particle travels. Detecting the particle causes decoherence of the
associated dark matter displacement wave (i.e. turns the wave into
chop) and there is no interference.

"Although astronomers cannot see dark matter, they can infer its
existence in galaxy clusters by observing how its gravity bends the
light of more distant background galaxies, a powerful effect called
gravitational lensing. The blue streaks near the center of another
Hubble image of the cluster are the distorted shapes of more distant
galaxies, whose light was bent and magnified by the powerful gravity
of Cl 0024+17."

The displacement of dark matter by matter causes gravitational
The pressure exerted by displaced dark matter towards matter is
From: funkenstein on
On Jul 11, 11:19 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> Gravity is a property of mass!!
> it is *not* a property of space!
> now of curved space time or other nonsense physic s    alike !!
> peoplehave lost too muchtime on that nonsense
> curved space time
> gravity should be loked in some basic mass particle
> emitted from big masses
> he Circlon'' might   be a good start   !!
> the Circlon is a basic particle
> that
> 'moves naturally in curved  or circular   paths
> naturallt mease it is a premise
> ie
> it does not move in a curved pass
> because 'some forces make it move like that but =
> but it moves in a curved path
> 'because it was 'born' like that
> and is actually the cause of all atractin froces
> iow
> it is a premis
> exactly as 'curved space trime   is another *premis*
> the   photon   cannot be an attraction agent
> because it moves in a **straight lines**
> and if so to be an attraction agent is against the
> conservation of Momentum principle
> (the   momentum   has direction  ...!!)
> 2
> another nonsense attraction particle are the W or  Z
> PARTICLE   !!!
> etc etc etc nonsense physics that 'modern physics''
> is filled with
> without any  one eating  it without blinking an eye!!
> (mainly fucken mathematicians
> that lead us toi a dead end position  !!!)
> Y.Porat
> --------------------------------------

Actually, mass is a property of space:

T_uv = G_uv/8pi

From: mpc755 on
On Jul 16, 10:03 am, funkenstein <luke.s...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 11, 11:19 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > Gravity is a property of mass!!
> > it is *not* a property of space!
> > now of curved space time or other nonsense physic s    alike !!
> > peoplehave lost too muchtime on that nonsense
> > curved space time
> > gravity should be loked in some basic mass particle
> > emitted from big masses
> > he Circlon'' might   be a good start   !!
> > the Circlon is a basic particle
> > that
> > 'moves naturally in curved  or circular   paths
> > naturallt mease it is a premise
> > ie
> > it does not move in a curved pass
> > because 'some forces make it move like that but =
> > but it moves in a curved path
> > 'because it was 'born' like that
> > and is actually the cause of all atractin froces
> > iow
> > it is a premis
> > exactly as 'curved space trime   is another *premis*
> > the   photon   cannot be an attraction agent
> > because it moves in a **straight lines**
> > and if so to be an attraction agent is against the
> > conservation of Momentum principle
> > (the   momentum   has direction  ...!!)
> > 2
> > another nonsense attraction particle are the W or  Z
> > PARTICLE   !!!
> > etc etc etc nonsense physics that 'modern physics''
> > is filled with
> > without any  one eating  it without blinking an eye!!
> > (mainly fucken mathematicians
> > that lead us toi a dead end position  !!!)
> > Y.Porat
> > --------------------------------------
> Actually, mass is a property of space:
> T_uv = G_uv/8pi

Actually mass is a property of dark matter and matter.
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