From: Y.Porat on
Gravity is a property of mass!!
it is *not* a property of space!

now of curved space time or other nonsense physic s alike !!
peoplehave lost too muchtime on that nonsense
curved space time
gravity should be loked in some basic mass particle
emitted from big masses
he Circlon'' might be a good start !!
the Circlon is a basic particle
'moves naturally in curved or circular paths
naturallt mease it is a premise
it does not move in a curved pass
because 'some forces make it move like that but =
but it moves in a curved path
'because it was 'born' like that
and is actually the cause of all atractin froces
it is a premis
exactly as 'curved space trime is another *premis*

the photon cannot be an attraction agent
because it moves in a **straight lines**
and if so to be an attraction agent is against the
conservation of Momentum principle
(the momentum has direction ...!!)
another nonsense attraction particle are the W or Z

etc etc etc nonsense physics that 'modern physics''
is filled with
without any one eating it without blinking an eye!!
(mainly fucken mathematicians
that lead us toi a dead end position !!!)


From: Surfer on
On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 02:19:42 -0700 (PDT), "Y.Porat"
<y.y.porat(a)> wrote:


An alternative to the idea of curved space-time, is that matter chews
up space, thus causing space to accelerate into matter.

The downward acceleration of space past us into the earth, then causes
us to feel the "force" of gravity, in the same way as how we feel
pushed backward, when an accelerating vehicle causes us to accelerate
relative to space.

This model also explains the gravitational slowing of clocks, without
the need to use GR.

<Start extract>

If inertial space flows into the Earth as a fluid into a sink, then it
must have not only an acceleration at any given radial distance, r,
but also a determinate velocity. Its velocity at the Earth's surface
ought to be the sum of its total acceleration from rest at infinite
distance to the Earth's surface. This velocity should be identical to
Newton's escape velocity--the initial velocity that allows any object
on the surface of a large mass to escape that mass's gravitational
field. Thus at the Earth's surface, space should be moving radially
Earthward at sqrt(2 G M/r) , or 112km/s.


If, as the evidence suggests, it is velocity in physical space, not
merely relative velocity, that red shifts atomic spectra and slows
atomic clocks, then an atomic clock held stationary at any given
height in a gravitational field should slow just as if it were moving
at the escape velocity for that height. This is indeed the case. The
accepted formula for the gravitational slowing of atomic clocks is:

Delta_v/v = 1 - sqrt(1 - 2 G M /rc^2)

Since v^2 = 2 G M/r in our model of gravitational space flow, the
gravitational red shift formula is identical to that for the
transverse Doppler shift:

Delta_v/v = 1 - sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)

Thus the expected velocity of space at a given height in a
gravitational field correctly predicts the slowing of atomic clocks at
that height. We have thus derived the formula for the gravitational
red shift from a simple physical hypothesis and produced a physical
link between the mechanical effects of gravity and its effects on
atomic spectra.

<End extract>

From: Surfer on
On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 21:51:32 +0930, Surfer <no(a)> wrote:

>.. at the Earth's surface, space should be moving radially
>Earthward at sqrt(2 G M/r) , or 112km/s.
That should be 11.2 km/s

From: Dono. on
On Jul 11, 5:21 am, Surfer <n...(a)> wrote:
> This model also explains the gravitational slowing of clocks, without
> the need to use GR.

One idiot (Peter Brown) citing another idiot (Henry Linder

From: mpc755 on
On Jul 11, 8:21 am, Surfer <n...(a)> wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 02:19:42 -0700 (PDT), "Y.Porat"
> <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> >....
> An alternative to the idea of curved space-time, is that matter chews
> up space, thus causing space to accelerate into matter.
> The downward acceleration of space past us into the earth, then causes
> us to feel the "force" of gravity, in the same way as how we feel
> pushed backward, when an accelerating vehicle causes us to accelerate
> relative to space.
> This model also explains the gravitational slowing of clocks, without
> the need to use GR.
> <Start extract>
> If inertial space flows into the Earth as a fluid into a sink, then it
> must have not only an acceleration at any given radial distance, r,
> but also a determinate velocity. Its velocity at the Earth's surface
> ought to be the sum of its total acceleration from rest at infinite
> distance to the Earth's surface.  This velocity should be identical to
> Newton's escape velocity--the initial velocity that allows any object
> on the surface of a large mass to escape that mass's gravitational
> field. Thus at the Earth's surface, space should be moving radially
> Earthward at    sqrt(2 G M/r) , or 112km/s.
> <snip>
> If, as the evidence suggests, it is velocity in physical space, not
> merely relative velocity, that red shifts atomic spectra and slows
> atomic clocks, then an atomic clock held stationary at any given
> height in a gravitational field should slow just as if it were moving
> at the escape velocity for that height. This is indeed the case. The
> accepted formula for the gravitational slowing of atomic clocks is:
>      Delta_v/v = 1 - sqrt(1 - 2 G M /rc^2)
> Since v^2 = 2 G M/r  in our model of gravitational space flow, the
> gravitational red shift formula is identical to that for the
> transverse Doppler shift:
>      Delta_v/v = 1 - sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)
> Thus the expected velocity of space at a given height in a
> gravitational field correctly predicts the slowing of atomic clocks at
> that height. We have thus derived the formula for the gravitational
> red shift from a simple physical hypothesis and produced a physical
> link between the mechanical effects of gravity and its effects on
> atomic spectra.
> <End extract>

Dark matter displaced by matter is more correct.

Space does not flow into the Earth.

Matter displaces dark matter.
Dark matter is not at rest when displaced and 'displaces back'.
The 'displacing back' is pressure exerted by displaced dark matter.
Pressure exerted by displaced dark matter towards matter is gravity.

You are mistaking the pressure exerted by displaced dark matter as a

Gravitation, the 'Dark Matter' Effect and the Fine Structure Constant

"There we see the first arguments that indicate the logical necessity
for quantum behaviour, at both the spatial level and at the matter
level. There space is, at one of the lowest levels, a quantumfoam
system undergoing ongoing classicalisation. That model suggest that
gravity is caused by matter changing the processing rate of the
informational system that manifests as space, and as a consequence
space effectively ‘flows’ towards matter. However this is not a ‘flow’
of some form of ‘matter’ through space, as previously considered in
the aether models or in the ‘random’ particulate Le Sage kinetic
theory of gravity, rather the flow is an ongoing rearrangement of the
quantum-foam patterns that form space, and indeed only have a
geometrical description at a coarse-grained level. Then the ‘flow’ in
one region is relative only to the patterns in nearby regions, and not
relative to some a priori background geometrical space"

What is described as "space effectively ‘flows’ towards matter" is the
pressure exerted by the displaced dark matter towards the matter.

"Then the ‘flow’ in one region is relative only to the patterns in
nearby regions" is the pressure exerted by the displaced dark matter
towards the matter and the pressure exerted by the displaced dark
matter in nearby regions towards the matter.
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