From: mpc755 on
On Jul 14, 7:28 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 14, 8:06 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jul 14, 1:44 am, "Inertial" <relativ...(a)> wrote:
> > > "Y.Porat"  wrote in message
> > >news:13f4440e-066c-4da6-a73e-4c001ae398b8(a)
> > > > 2
> > > > if we have just one mass in space
> > > > what is its interaction   with space ??
> > > It curves spacetime
> > > > 3
> > > > if we have only two masses in space
> > > > but  the distance   between    the two mass
> > > > --is a very  very big big distance
> > > > (between those two masses)
> > > > what is the **interaction**
> > > >   (inter **....). action)
> > > >  between
> > > > those two mass  --->-
> > > > ------>****AND SPACE **  ??!!
> > > Both curve spacetime, that curvature causes them to move toward each other
> > > (what we call gravity).  At a "very very big big distance" it would be a
> > > very very small small acceleration.
> > What physically occurs in nature to cause the curvature of
> > 'spacetime'?
> > You are misinterpreting the displacement of dark matter by matter as
> > the curvature of 'spacetime'?
> --------------
> dark matter or not dark matter

There are no voids in three dimensional space. Space consists of dark
matter and matter. What is often referred to as the curvature of
spacetime is the displacement of dark matter by matter.

The analogy is placing a bowling ball into a tank of water. The
bowling ball displaces the water. Removing the bowling ball from the
tank of water does not leave a void in the water. The water fills-in
where the bowling ball was. The filling-in is the result of the
pressure exerted by the displaced water towards the bowling ball.

Displaced dark matter exerts pressure towards matter.
Pressure exerted by displaced dark matter towards matter is gravity.

> 2
> we heard just above form the genius PD
> that space has EM waves
> if it was not funny it is sad
> how idiotic 'scientists can be:

EM waves propagate through dark matter. EM waves are a displacement of
dark matter.

> he himself admitted that EM radiation has if not mass
> at least 'relativistic mass'
> so  according to that  genius PD
> vacuum has .... (AS VACUUM !!!!!)...
> ----""relativistic mass""!!.....
> did you get how far
> insane personal hatred can lead
> someone who   calls himself a physicist
> (may be even a teacher of physics !!!)
> Y.Porat
> ----------------------

From: Inertial on
"Y.Porat" wrote in message
>On Jul 14, 7:44 am, "Inertial" <relativ...(a)> wrote:
>> "Y.Porat" wrote in message
>> news:13f4440e-066c-4da6-a73e-4c001ae398b8(a)
>> > 2
>> > if we have just one mass in space
>> > what is its interaction with space ??
>> It curves spacetime
>doi have toinfere from above
>that Inertial is just anothername of PD??


>from PD i expect a bit more imtelligent answer

Why .. that was perfectly intelligent and what GR says

>> > 3
>> > if we have only two masses in space
>> > but the distance between the two mass
>> > --is a very very big big distance
>> > (between those two masses)
>> > what is the **interaction**
>> > (inter **....). action)
>> > between
>> > those two mass --->-
>> > ------>****AND SPACE ** ??!!
>> Both curve spacetime, that curvature causes them to move toward each
>> other
>> (what we call gravity). At a "very very big big distance" it would be a
>> very very small small acceleration.
>but idiot

That's you

> i asked about a case in which the distance
> between the two masses is *very very big*

That's what I answered. Read again

> does an imbecile like you

[snip rest unread after unfounded insult and Porat's own inability to read]

From: PD on
On Jul 13, 6:35 pm, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 13, 12:53 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jul 13, 2:38 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > On Jul 12, 7:45 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 11, 4:19 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > Gravity is a property of mass!!
> > > > > it is *not* a property of space!
> > > > Gravity is not a property. It is an interaction. It involves matter's
> > > > and energy's interaction with spacetime, and spacetime's interaction
> > > > with matter and energy.
> > > > > now of curved space time or other nonsense physic s    alike !!
> > > > > peoplehave lost too muchtime on that nonsense
> > > > > curved space time
> > > > > gravity should be loked in some basic mass particle
> > > > > emitted from big masses
> > > > > he Circlon'' might   be a good start   !!
> > > > > the Circlon is a basic particle
> > > > > that
> > > > > 'moves naturally in curved  or circular   paths
> > > > > naturallt mease it is a premise
> > > > > ie
> > > > > it does not move in a curved pass
> > > > > because 'some forces make it move like that but =
> > > > > but it moves in a curved path
> > > > > 'because it was 'born' like that
> > > > > and is actually the cause of all atractin froces
> > > > > iow
> > > > > it is a premis
> > > > > exactly as 'curved space trime   is another *premis*
> > > > > the   photon   cannot be an attraction agent
> > > > > because it moves in a **straight lines**
> > > > > and if so to be an attraction agent is against the
> > > > > conservation of Momentum principle
> > > > > (the   momentum   has direction  ...!!)
> > > > > 2
> > > > > another nonsense attraction particle are the W or  Z
> > > > > PARTICLE   !!!
> > > > > etc etc etc nonsense physics that 'modern physics''
> > > > > is filled with
> > > > > without any  one eating  it without blinking an eye!!
> > > > > (mainly fucken mathematicians
> > > > > that lead us toi a dead end position  !!!)
> > > > > Y.Porat
> > > > > --------------------------------------
> > > Bravo
> > > you make some advance
> > > even if inspired by me (:-)
> > There is no recent advance here. I've just told you what's been
> > understood since 1915, and which you would be able to find for
> > yourself just by reading a book.
> > > now
> > > i have a little question for you PD
> > > if you say 'an   interaction'
> > > so it is an    interaction between
> > > two physical   entities
> > Yes, between matter and spacetime.
> > > yet i order to understand that INTERACTION  between those 2
> > > entities
> > > we have to  know to scratch
> > > the properties of those two actors
> > > am   i right  ???
> > > if so
> > > whqt are the properties of that
> > > mysterious space that can
> > > curve a motion that would otherwise
> > > move  in a straight    line
> > I've already listed properties in another post for you. Did you read
> > that?
> > > 2
> > > for example
> > > out earth moved in a circle around the sun
> > > and all that happens in space
> > > now
> > > **if that sun was not there**
> > > our earth move in a strigfgt line isn t that so ??
> > > so ???
> > > what   made our earth to move i a circle
> > > is it space ???
> > >  or is it the -
> > > sun
> > > and earths masses ??
> > The sun affects the curvature of spacetime in the vicinity of the
> > Earth (and everywhere else), and the Earth responds to the curvature
> > of spacetime where it is at. The same is true vice-versa.
> The sun displaces dark matter and the Earth responds to the
> displacement of dark matter where it is at.

Well, YOU say the sun displaces dark matter. Physicists are probably
talking about something different than what you're talking about then.

> The same is true vice-
> versa.
> The dark matter is not at rest when displaced and displaces back. The
> displacing back is the pressure exerted by the displaced dark matter
> towards the Earth and the sun.
> The pressure exerted by displaced dark matter is gravity.
> > This is all very basic stuff. You should be very familiar with it.
> > > 2
> > > if we have jsut one mass in space
> > > what is its interaction   with space ??
> > > 3
> > > if we have only two masses in space
> > > but  the distance   between    the two mass
> > > --is a very  very big big distance
> > > (between those two masses)
> > > what is the **interaction**
> > >   (inter **....). action)
> > >  between
> > > those two mass  --->-
> > > ------>****AND SPACE **  ??!!
> > > TIA
> > > Y.Porat
> > > --------------------- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

From: PD on
On Jul 13, 9:41 pm, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 13, 6:53 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jul 13, 2:38 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > On Jul 12, 7:45 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 11, 4:19 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > Gravity is a property of mass!!
> > > > > it is *not* a property of space!
> > > > Gravity is not a property. It is an interaction. It involves matter's
> > > > and energy's interaction with spacetime, and spacetime's interaction
> > > > with matter and energy.
> > > > > now of curved space time or other nonsense physic s    alike !!
> > > > > peoplehave lost too muchtime on that nonsense
> > > > > curved space time
> > > > > gravity should be loked in some basic mass particle
> > > > > emitted from big masses
> > > > > he Circlon'' might   be a good start   !!
> > > > > the Circlon is a basic particle
> > > > > that
> > > > > 'moves naturally in curved  or circular   paths
> > > > > naturallt mease it is a premise
> > > > > ie
> > > > > it does not move in a curved pass
> > > > > because 'some forces make it move like that but =
> > > > > but it moves in a curved path
> > > > > 'because it was 'born' like that
> > > > > and is actually the cause of all atractin froces
> > > > > iow
> > > > > it is a premis
> > > > > exactly as 'curved space trime   is another *premis*
> > > > > the   photon   cannot be an attraction agent
> > > > > because it moves in a **straight lines**
> > > > > and if so to be an attraction agent is against the
> > > > > conservation of Momentum principle
> > > > > (the   momentum   has direction  ...!!)
> > > > > 2
> > > > > another nonsense attraction particle are the W or  Z
> > > > > PARTICLE   !!!
> > > > > etc etc etc nonsense physics that 'modern physics''
> > > > > is filled with
> > > > > without any  one eating  it without blinking an eye!!
> > > > > (mainly fucken mathematicians
> > > > > that lead us toi a dead end position  !!!)
> > > > > Y.Porat
> > > > > --------------------------------------
> > > Bravo
> > > you make some advance
> > > even if inspired by me (:-)
> > There is no recent advance here. I've just told you what's been
> > understood since 1915, and which you would be able to find for
> > yourself just by reading a book.
> > > now
> > > i have a little question for you PD
> > > if you say 'an   interaction'
> > > so it is an    interaction between
> > > two physical   entities
> > Yes, between matter and spacetime.
> > > yet i order to understand that INTERACTION  between those 2
> > > entities
> > > we have to  know to scratch
> > > the properties of those two actors
> > > am   i right  ???
> > > if so
> > > whqt are the properties of that
> > > mysterious space that can
> > > curve a motion that would otherwise
> > > move  in a straight    line
> > I've already listed properties in another post for you. Did you read
> > that?
> > > 2
> > > for example
> > > out earth moved in a circle around the sun
> > > and all that happens in space
> > > now
> > > **if that sun was not there**
> > > our earth move in a strigfgt line isn t that so ??
> > > so ???
> > > what   made our earth to move i a circle
> > > is it space ???
> > >  or is it the -
> > > sun
> > > and earths masses ??
> > The sun affects the curvature of spacetime in the vicinity of the
> > Earth (and everywhere else), and the Earth responds to the curvature
> > of spacetime where it is at. The same is true vice-versa.
> -------------
> ??????
> (:-)   (:-)
> ----------
> so  please   answer the following questions that you didnt answer  :::
> > This is all very basic stuff. You should be very familiar with it.
> >----------------
> basic but parrots job   ...
> you dont think you parrot !!!
> so
> see by questions  .
> 2
> and
>  3
> ----------------
> > > 2
> > > if we have just one mass in space
> > > what is its interaction   with space ??

It alters the metric of the space around it.

> > ----------------
> ???
> > > 3
> > > if we have only two masses in space
> > > but  the distance   between    the two mass
> > > --is a very  very big big distance
> > > (between those two masses)
> > > what is the **interaction**
> > >   (inter **....). action)
> > >  between
> > > those two mass  --->-
> > > ------>****AND SPACE **  ??!!

Each of the masses affects the curvature of the space everywhere, just
like two charged ping-pong balls affect the electric field in space
everywhere. This is all basic stuff.

>  ------------
> please answer questions 2 and 3...
> Y.Porat
> ----------------------- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

From: PD on
On Jul 14, 6:28 am, "Y.Porat" <y.y.po...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 14, 8:06 am, mpc755 <mpc...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jul 14, 1:44 am, "Inertial" <relativ...(a)> wrote:
> > > "Y.Porat"  wrote in message
> > >news:13f4440e-066c-4da6-a73e-4c001ae398b8(a)
> > > > 2
> > > > if we have just one mass in space
> > > > what is its interaction   with space ??
> > > It curves spacetime
> > > > 3
> > > > if we have only two masses in space
> > > > but  the distance   between    the two mass
> > > > --is a very  very big big distance
> > > > (between those two masses)
> > > > what is the **interaction**
> > > >   (inter **....). action)
> > > >  between
> > > > those two mass  --->-
> > > > ------>****AND SPACE **  ??!!
> > > Both curve spacetime, that curvature causes them to move toward each other
> > > (what we call gravity).  At a "very very big big distance" it would be a
> > > very very small small acceleration.
> > What physically occurs in nature to cause the curvature of
> > 'spacetime'?
> > You are misinterpreting the displacement of dark matter by matter as
> > the curvature of 'spacetime'?
> --------------
> dark matter or not dark matter

Sorry, but we do not get to define what space is and make bald
declarations like that.
We can recognize space and then INVESTIGATE what it is and what
properties it has, but we don't make bald assertions that it IS
nothing and therefore CANNOT have properties.

> 2
> we heard just above form the genius PD
> that space has EM waves
> if it was not funny it is sad
> how idiotic 'scientists can be:
> he himself admitted that EM radiation has if not mass
> at least 'relativistic mass'
> so  according to that  genius PD
> vacuum has .... (AS VACUUM !!!!!)...
> ----""relativistic mass""!!.....
> did you get how far
> insane personal hatred can lead
> someone who   calls himself a physicist
> (may be even a teacher of physics !!!)
> Y.Porat
> ----------------------- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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