From: kdthrge on

Like I said, If you had any math you'd be dangerous. But you don't, so
go suck a lollipop. You should quit throwing that fit too. You'll get
your little professor britches all dirty.

Kent Deatherage`kdthrge

From: Hoggle on
kdth...(a) wrote:
> Like I said, If you had any math you'd be dangerous. But you don't, so
> go suck a lollipop. You should quit throwing that fit too. You'll get
> your little professor britches all dirty.

Are you twelve or thirteen? I mean, you ability to engage in cogent
argument is pathetic!

Answer people's critiques or stop whinging.

From: Orator on
kdthrge(a) wrote:

>>You are effectively stating several things. Let me list them:
>>1- CO2 does not re-radiate any heat (IR)
> ....A molecule of CO2 absorbs and radiates radiation energy
> continually. It's rate of doing this is in no way affected by it's
> peculiar dark spectroscopic bands. It's heat capacity at low pressure
> and in an environment in which it is allowed to expand with temperature
> increase (as apposed to increasing it's pressure with temperature
> increase as in a container) is exactly the same as other normal gases,
> and it obeys the perfect gas law.
> Since heat is a quantity, any particular capabilities or properties of
> CO2 in regards to heat retention would be possible to be quantified in
> the laboratory.The fascination with the dark spectroscopic bands is not
> a science that has any demonstrated validity....
>>2- Oceans do not absorb any CO2.
> ...CO2 is not a problem in Earth's environment. There are certainly
> other serious issues in regards to pollution that should be
> addressed....
>>3- If (1) is wrong, no CO2 exists near any oceans, proving (2) true.
>>4- If both (1) and (3) are wrong, then CO2 only radiates heat up into
>>the atmosphere.
> ..CO2 especially at the very low concentrations at which it exist in
> the atmosphere does not in anyway affect the thermodynamic conditions
> of the environment It behaves exactly the same as the other
> atmospheric gases in accord with the 'kinetic theory of gases'. There
> is no scientific data that demonstrates otherwise...

I hope Lloyd has read all that, not that his implied statements have
been debunked again :-)
From: Weather From Hell, CO2 Storms on
Orator <Orator(a)> wrote in

> kdthrge(a) wrote:
>>>You are effectively stating several things. Let me list them:
>>>1- CO2 does not re-radiate any heat (IR)
>> ....A molecule of CO2 absorbs and radiates radiation energy
>> continually. It's rate of doing this is in no way affected by it's
>> peculiar dark spectroscopic bands. It's heat capacity at low pressure
>> and in an environment in which it is allowed to expand with temperature
>> increase (as apposed to increasing it's pressure with temperature
>> increase as in a container) is exactly the same as other normal gases,
>> and it obeys the perfect gas law.
>> Since heat is a quantity, any particular capabilities or properties of
>> CO2 in regards to heat retention would be possible to be quantified in
>> the laboratory.The fascination with the dark spectroscopic bands is not
>> a science that has any demonstrated validity....
>>>2- Oceans do not absorb any CO2.
>> ...CO2 is not a problem in Earth's environment. There are certainly
>> other serious issues in regards to pollution that should be
>> addressed....
>>>3- If (1) is wrong, no CO2 exists near any oceans, proving (2) true.
>>>4- If both (1) and (3) are wrong, then CO2 only radiates heat up into
>>>the atmosphere.
>> ..CO2 especially at the very low concentrations at which it exist in
>> the atmosphere does not in anyway affect the thermodynamic conditions
>> of the environment It behaves exactly the same as the other
>> atmospheric gases in accord with the 'kinetic theory of gases'. There
>> is no scientific data that demonstrates otherwise...
> I hope Lloyd has read all that, not that his implied statements have
> been debunked again :-)

Why? There are an infinite number of false statements which could be
stated, but why should anybody waste time reading them?
From: Orator on
Lloyd Parker wrote:

> In article <4GQHg.18114$rP1.211(a)>,
> Orator <Orator(a)> wrote:
>>Lloyd Parker wrote:
>>>In article <1156502181.488014.298530(a)>,
>>> kdthrge(a) wrote:
>>>>>The CO2 density is highest at the lowest levels of the atmosphere, and
>>>>>therefore the Infrared Radiation absorption occurs mostly at lowest
>>>>>altitudes closest to the Earth emitter of IR radiation.>
>>>>Bullshit. Cannot be confirmed scientifically. CO2 causing all this IR
>>>>absorption. And even if it did, you obviously cannot do the most basic
>>>>arithmatic on heat capacity and thermodynamics or you would see that it
>>>>is IMPOSSIBLE FOR CO2 warm the ocean.
>>>It warms the atmosphere which in turn warms the ocean.
>>Are you stupid?
>>You are effectively stating several things. Let me list them:
>>1- CO2 does not re-radiate any heat (IR)
> Wow, in one sentence I said all these?

Absolutely! After all, the whole purpose of words is to communicate
meanings with. Those meanings have consequences - if they didn't, there
would be no meaning either....... but then perhaps that is a more
accurate description of your writings -- words with no meaning?
> First, you're lying. I never said that.

I don't need to "lie" at all, unlike you do, (evidence of it is below).
I said you "are effectively stating", I did not say you had used those
words, not do I indicate having quoted you. Therefore your libellous
allegation that I "lied" is a lie all in itself.

I analysed the meaning of your words, and their consequence.

>>2- Oceans do not absorb any CO2.
> Irrelevant. They're not absorbing all the added CO2.

I never made that claim either, and again you IMPLY that I had, another
deliberate misrepresentation (better known as a "lie") by you.
>>3- If (1) is wrong, no CO2 exists near any oceans, proving (2) true.
>>4- If both (1) and (3) are wrong, then CO2 only radiates heat up into
>>the atmosphere.
> Why is it so hard for you to understand that CO2 is up 36% in the atmosphere,

There is another "truthful" but still a dishonest way of saying it. That
the increase in CO2 has been 36%, and even that is the highest estimated
figure I have seen. Then take the 36%(or the more conventional 30%) and
apply that to the 0.003% of CO2 in the atmosphere, and what do you get?
An increase of 0.0009% in the atmosphere!

Of course reality doesn't sound dramatic enough to the GW religion

> that the only source is human activities, and that this warms the atmosphere?

You have no proof of that, and _can_ have no proof of that, as other
mechanisms are also know to exist.
>>>>Get back with your liitle
>>>>boyfriends and make up some better lies on how CO2 traps all this heat
>>>>which can't be DETECTED.
>>>Are you stupid?
>>>>It ain't gonna fly you saying that we just
>>>>have to believe little dishonest runt school boys like you. Do you
>>>>believe your own lies. Like the one you tell that you're and educated
>>>Believe the science, fool.
>>Please learn some.