From: T Wake on

"Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote in message
> T Wake wrote:
>> "Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote..
>> > That's very hypothetical but I reckon I'd fight against any tyranny
>> > suppressing important freedoms.
>> Aha, you only defend "Important" freedoms. Ok.
> It was meant to be emphasis about *fighting*.

Ok, but fighting takes lots of forms. For example, if we ever descended into
a state of panic about Mosques (as used in the tongue in cheek examples
earlier on) I would do everything I could to defend the rights of others to
be Muslim. If a law was passed outlawing that religion, I would convert.

(extreme, satirical examples).

From: John Fields on
On Wed, 04 Oct 2006 00:04:21 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:

>John Fields wrote:
>> On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:19:16 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
>> >There is no possibilty ever of Islam being forced on any of us.
>> >
>> >You're a stupendously cretinous fool to even imagine it.
>> If I can imagine it, it can happen,
>Don't be so utterly ridiculous !

LOL, you really haven't gotten much farther along than "See Spot
run." have you?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
From: Daniel Mandic on
T Wake wrote:

> If it was an honest question, then sorry for jumping to a conclusion
> and "Yes" is the only answer. Even in poor, constantly invaded
> Poland, Polish was their first language. Your implication that
> Russian would take the place of English is not supported by history.

Polish Knights (probably Paladins), helped to protect us from violent
Turkish inavaders. In the year ~MCD

Best Regards,

Daniel Mandic
From: T Wake on

"John Fields" <jfields(a)> wrote in message
> On Tue, 3 Oct 2006 22:10:21 +0100, "T Wake"
> <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>"John Fields" <jfields(a)> wrote in message
>>> On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 20:01:40 +0100, Eeyore
>>> <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>>>>John Fields wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 10:11:54 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
>>>>> >mmeron(a) wrote:
>>>>> >> In article <4520C55D.7B2F988C(a)>, Eeyore writes:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> >You need to do some reading. OBL for example.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> I'm doing my reading. It is your reading that appears quite
>>>>> >> superficial. Try following for a while, and that's just
>>>>> >> for
>>>>> >> starters.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >I see they mention the Muslim Brotherhood. They're the ppl you really
>>>>> >should be scared about. Not >Islam
>>>>> generally.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Probably _you_ should be afraid. I don't think they've forgotten
>>>>> the Crusades yet.
>>>>Afraid of what exactly ?
>>> ---
>>> Convert or die.
>>Which is most important to you, your life or your way of life?
> ---
> Interesting question.
> For me, it would depend on the situation.

Really? I dont see how.

> Ultimately, though,
> without life I'd have _no_ way of life, so I think clinging to life
> would win out.

Then convert to Islam and live the rest of your life happy and peaceful.

The way I see it, everyone dies in the end. All I can do is try to ensure
those who live after me have the chances, freedoms and rights that I have
enjoyed. If I die sooner rather than later it makes no big difference in the
grand picture of things.

Isn't the saying something along the lines of "The man who sacrifices
freedom for life deserves neither and will have neither"? (or words to that

From: T Wake on

"Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote in message
> John Fields wrote:
>> On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 20:24:11 +0100, Eeyore
>> <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>> >Ever wondered why it [international terrorism] happens to the USA
>> most btw ?
>> ---
>> Nope. Losers want to blame everyone but themselves for their
>> predicaments and, so, take shots at the champ in an attemp to try to
>> convince themselves that they're not impotent.
> Let me explain then.
> It becasue America pokes its nose into stuff that's none of its business
> all the time and just generally likes to kick the little guys around.

More reasons than just that. American being rich and powerful doesn't help -
jealousy exists in all cultures.