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matlab R2008b on ubuntu: compiler and mex-files PLEASE HELP
The following solution works well on my Ubuntu 10.04 x86 (32bit), tested on both Matlab R2010a and R2008b (the linux versions) + gcc-4.1 After installation, MATLAB worked out-of-the-box for me, except Simuink/"Embedded MATLAB Function", which I use a lot to run my simulations. I got all sort of errors and eventually... 13 May 2010 14:55
Simulink control design operating point
Hello, I am trying to linearise a simulink model of a radio-controlled car that I have constructed. As you would expect, I would like the linearisation to be accurate no matter the position or orientation of the vehicle however when you use a simulation snapshot, these states in the model are part of the operating p... 13 May 2010 14:55
problem with Matlab 2009a on x64 Ubuntu intrepid
The following solution works well on my Ubuntu 10.04 x86 (32bit), tested on both Matlab R2010a and R2008b (the linux versions) + gcc-4.1 After installation, MATLAB worked out-of-the-box for me, except Simuink/"Embedded MATLAB Function", which I use a lot to run my simulations. I got all sort of errors and eventually... 13 May 2010 14:55
surf save
Hi there, I would like to ask you how can I save a image drawn by surf function without blank and axes, etc.. I would really appreciate any help of you Thank you Xiao Xiao ... 13 May 2010 16:01
s-function builder
Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to use the S-function builder block in simulink to create and build a C++ S-function, or is the builder only for C S-functions. Thank you, ... 13 May 2010 14:54
Help On MATLAB code...just a check
For a heat transfer class I have to do the following: This two dimensional wall is shown in Figure 1 along with the boundary conditions. It is required that a wall be designed such that the total heat rate at the south wall per unit depth of the wall is -1.0 W/m ≤Q ̇_S≤1.0 W/m (1) and the tot... 13 May 2010 16:01
>> syms x L P1 P4 A1 A2 A3 A4 R E N1=-9/2/L^3*((x-L/3)*(x-2*L/3)*(x-L)); N2=27/2/L^3*(x*(x-2*L/3)*(x-L)); N3=-27/2/L^3*(x*(x-L/3)*(x-L)); N4=9/2/L^3*((x-L/3)*(x-2*L/3)*x); N = [N1,N2,N3,N4]; A=A1*N1+A2*N2+A3*N3+A4*N4; P=P1*(1-x/L)+P4*x/L; B=simplify(diff(N)) %matriz B Nt=N.';... 13 May 2010 13:48
How can I print UIControls in vector graphics instead of bitmap?
I have a table that is displayed nicely in a ML GUI, but when I export or print it (e.g. print(hndl, filename, '-dmeta') or print(hndl, filename, '-depsc2')), I get a bitmapped image, including fonts, that looks bad, instead of the vector graphics that I want. I have tried all 3 renderer choices, and printing a figure... 3 Jun 2010 16:46
DFT of a time series with windowing
If y is the time series,then using a Hamming Window I have to get the magnitude of DFT for transpose of ([y(t-N+1)....y(t)]).This way I have to get a series of DFT magnitudes.N : number of frequency bins. Can someone suggest me how to get started with this case in MATLAB. ... 14 May 2010 01:56
Mel cepstral coefficients
Hi! Could someone check my code for computing Mel cepstral coefficients? It gives me somehow "weird" coefficients, so I'm not sure it's right. sig = double(sig); %get frames [lram, ~, Nram, frames] = DP_frameSig(sig, Fs, window_length, window_over); %create bank of filters [u, indexstart, indexstop] = DP_melBan... 13 May 2010 13:48
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