From: Eeyore on 25 Sep 2007 06:18 paradox137 wrote: > I read a report on a high density capacitor that could be charged in 5 > minutes and used as a battery for a hybrid vehicle. On one charge the > average car could go 500 miles. Assuming no technical problems this will > be a life saver. Complete rubbish. You read no such thing and made up the rest. Capacitors (even the latest gee-whizziest ones) don't have the required energy density. A car might go half a mile on an ultracap. Graham
From: Eeyore on 25 Sep 2007 06:19 BradGuth wrote: > So, the regular laws of physics and the best available science are now > by way of your standards a "conspiracy theory"? According to you they must be since that's what the scientsists and engineers use. Graham
From: Eeyore on 25 Sep 2007 06:21 BradGuth wrote: > The 0.0001% of solar energy and the 0.0000001% of the Earth/moon > energy is in fact sustaining some limited portion on behalf the likes > of your pathetic life 'Earth Moon energy' is another of Brad's psychotic delusions. Graham
From: Duane C. Johnson on 25 Sep 2007 10:01 Hi paradox137; paradox137 <ronblue(a)> wrote: > I read a report on a high density capacitor that > could be charged in 5 minutes and used as a battery > for a hybrid vehicle. On one charge the average > car could go 500 miles. Assuming no technical > problems this will be a life saver. That's a big assumption! Thy charge any EV for 500 miles of operation would require very high charging power from the grid to do it in 5 minutes. It's ludicrous to think one will be able have the required sub station in your back yard. And you neighbors will each need one to. Duane -- Home of the $35 Solar Tracker Receiver [*] Powered by \ \ \ //| Thermonuclear Solar Energy from the Sun / | Energy (the SUN) \ \ \ / / | Red Rock Energy \ \ / / | Duane C. Johnson Designer \ \ / \ / | 1825 Florence St Heliostat,Control,& Mounts | White Bear Lake, Minnesota === \ / \ | USA 55110-3364 === \ | (651)426-4766 use Courier New Font \ | redrok(a) (my email: address) \ | (Web site) ===
From: MooseFET on 25 Sep 2007 09:57
On Sep 25, 3:18 am, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...(a)> wrote: > paradox137 wrote: > > I read a report on a high density capacitor that could be charged in 5 > > minutes and used as a battery for a hybrid vehicle. On one charge the > > average car could go 500 miles. Assuming no technical problems this will > > be a life saver. > > Complete rubbish. You read no such thing and made up the rest. > > Capacitors (even the latest gee-whizziest ones) don't have the required energy > density. A car might go half a mile on an ultracap. No, there is a group claiming the same energy capacity as a lead acid battery from a capacitor. So far, you need a microscope to see their experimental unit. Unfortunately I don't remember the link. |