From: Eeyore on

BradGuth wrote:

> John Larkin wrote:
> >
> > OK, refresh my memory: if we convert aluminum oxide to metallic
> > aluminum by electrolytic smelting, and convert the aluminum back to
> > electricity in a Al-H2O2 battery, what's the net efficiency?
> What does it matter, if the original resource of those electrons came
> from a 100% renewable and squeaky clean resource?

Aluminium smelting ISN'T squeaky clean however.


From: Eeyore on

BradGuth wrote:

> Isn't 10% of something that's clean and renewable better off than 100%
> of what's further pillaging, raping and polluting of mother Earth
> that's anything but renewable?

Meaningless MORONIC mumbo-jumbo.


From: BradGuth on
On Sep 24, 10:05 am, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...(a)>
> John Larkin wrote:
> >BradGuthwrote:
> > >> Wild idea breakthroughs are a staple around here. The burden of proof
> > >> is on the presenter, to explain why it might work and then to explain
> > >> why it isn't already being done. Sorry, conspiracy theories are not
> > >> accepted.
> > >I've posted such numbers dozens of times, and your PC or MAC can
> > >otherwise search for and thus uncover all the fancy numbers you'd care
> > >to review. However, from time to time I'll edit and thereby revise
> > >upon a given application.
> > OK, refresh my memory: if we convert aluminum oxide to metallic
> > aluminum by electrolytic smelting, and convert the aluminum back to
> > electricity in a Al-H2O2 battery, what's the net efficiency?
> Brad Gruth doesn't care about efficiency. In his world there will be limitless
> FREE solar power to do this.

I guess you know lots more than most of us village idiots, as to where
that 64,000+ teraWatts of solar energy is going, along with the 7.2e20
kw that's continually existing somewhere between us and our moon, not
to mention terrestrial wind that's seriously kicking our AGW butts,
plus tidal flows and geothermal energy that's clearly for the taking
by those half as smart as Warren Buffett, and that's only demanding
that you be 1% as smart as our resident LLPOF warlord(GW Bush).

Are you saying thar Eeyore and company isn't 1% as smart as GW Bush?

> At which point of course he simply shows himself to be a clueless IDIOT.

At least the mindset of this supposed "clueless IDIOT" hasn't imposed
or otherwise caused any collateral damage or carnage of the innocent.
How about your energy sucking and global polluting self?
- Brad Guth -

From: BradGuth on
On Sep 24, 10:16 am, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...(a)>
> BradGuthwrote:
> > John Larkin wrote:
> > > OK, refresh my memory: if we convert aluminum oxide to metallic
> > > aluminum by electrolytic smelting, and convert the aluminum back to
> > > electricity in a Al-H2O2 battery, what's the net efficiency?
> > What does it matter, if the original resource of those electrons came
> > from a 100% renewable and squeaky clean resource?
> Aluminium smelting ISN'T squeaky clean however.

There's no such thing as any ideal or safe energy, as even
hydroelectric dams and soon enough He3 fusion has it's negatives of
environment impacting considerations, similar to the nuclear option
that's rather chuck full of somewhat testy negatives once the all-
inclusive and full birth-to-grave aspects are taken fully into
account, though still much better off than burning coal that's about
as dark-age pathetic derived energy with horrific consequences as it

On a scale of 1-10, h2o2/aluminum and h2o2/fossil are each right up
there as being one of the good guys, especially once most of the
required energy for producing and/or processing either of those items
into consumer energy products is derived freom the 100% renewable
technology of energy that's squeaky clean as can be accomplished
without our having to cause such collateral damage or kill off more of
those innocent folks in the process.
- Brad Guth -

From: BradGuth on
On Sep 24, 11:26 am, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...(a)>
> BradGuthwrote:
> > Eeyore wrote:
> > > In any case your 'numbers' must be wrong. It barely requires high-school grade maths to show
> > > that your ideas are completely INSANE.
> > > The most important fact is that H2O2 doesn't improve 'mpg'. In fact (taking the total energy
> > > burden of manufacturing it) it degrades it.
> > Your insurmountable naysayism is noted.
> What I have stated are insurmountable FACTS !

Your "insurmountable FACTS" are fully supported by your ExxonMobil
partners in crimes against humanity, and they do very much thank you
from the very bottoms of their little sooty black hearts.
- Brad Guth -