From: BradGuth on
On Sep 24, 4:22 pm, Punjab The Sailor Man <boobooililili...(a)>
> BradGuth wrote:
> > On Aug 8, 5:47 pm, RichD <r_delaney2...(a)> wrote:
> >> On Jul 28, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...(a)> wrote:
> >>>>>> This is another reason why hybrids make more sense. Pure EVs
> >>>>>> have too many limitations.
> >>>>> If they could recharge in 10 mins, the US power grid would burn out
> >>>> What about these?
> >>>>
> >>> Shockingly expensive. $75,000 per vehicle just for batteries.
> >>>
> >> Expensive, who cares? We're talking about the
> >> ENVIRONMENT, we can't worry about filty lucre.
> >> What are you, a greedy Republican?
> >> Let the gov't fund it, won't cost a farthing! That's
> >> why we need visionaries like Al Gore, bold men
> >> not afraid to take on the special interests, leading
> >> by example.
> > I agree. What else is our government good for, if not to impress us
> > with all of it's wizardly expertise and can-do mindset.
> > -
> > The all electric car is technically doable, although having even a
> > small onboard ICE for the minimal cruising needs of sustaining 60+ mph
> > might represent a good compromise, especially if it's contributing
> > zero NOx and minimal CO2 at a hybrid usage of 200 empg per fossil fuel
> > usage.
> > The Electric Car /
> >
> > On Sep 22, 5:26 pm, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...(a)>
> > wrote:
> >> BradGuthwrote:
> >>> Eeyore wrote:
> >>>> BradGuthwrote:
> >>>>> Luck has little if anything to do with those regular laws of physics,
> >>>>> although the R&D science of getting this 100 empg Hummer or the 200
> >>>>> empg GM Volt into the dumbfounded hands of the typical village idiot
> >>>>> end-user is going to require some degree of luck.
> >>>> The 'regular laws of physics' are going to prevent both of those ever happening.
> >>> Arnt you being a silly brown-nosed clown again, and for otherwise
> >>> being stuck in that land of naysayism, as representing your one and
> >>> only status quo norm.
> >> I suggest you find out the frontal area and drag coefficient of a Hummer, plus its
> >> weight and rolling resistance.
> >> If you had the ability to do the required 'sums' I'm sure you'll find that the power
> >> required to propel it under a typical driving regime will never allow '100 mpg' or its
> >> equivalent. Ditto for 200 mpg and the Volt.
> > Double ditto right back at you, as I've been there and done that. Of
> > course double-ditto-duh once again, as it's hybrid city or local
> > commute empg, and having replaced our mostly N2 atmosphere with that
> > robust fluid of h2o2, so that we obtain the most clean energy and best
> > amount of bang per gallon of whatever fossil or biofuel, is actually
> > accomplished within existing physics and doable technology.
> > I believe the mass ratio is something like roughly 7:1 up to 7.2:1 for
> > h2o2/c12h26 (hydrogen peroxide / kerosene or RP-1), a little better on
> > certain heavier fuel oils such as diesel No.2 and perhaps nearly as
> > good enough with plain old gasoline, and a bit worse off with certain
> > biofuels, though all dual fuel injected and 100% computer controlled
> > (of course), so that your little zero NOx engine for that hybrid
> > Hummer or GM Volt can safely mix and match to almost any combination
> > of fossil and biofuels as your heart desires.
> >
> > We're also talking about a fairly small radial turbine or some other
> > rotary efficient engine that's driving a direct coupled high speed
> > alternator. I suppose you've got those insurmountable problems with
> > that as well.
> > What's your sorry excuse for being such an all-knowing naysay stick in
> > the mud?
> > - Brad Guth -
> How about a propane hybrid?

Propane and h2o2 is perfectly fine and dandy, as the given hybrid car,
suv or Hummer could manage to operate rather nicely on both at the
same time, because there's a lot of clean energy in h2o2/propane to
work with.
- Brad Guth -

From: BradGuth on
On Sep 24, 8:20 pm, JosephKK <joseph_barr...(a)> wrote:
> BradGuth bradg...(a) posted to
> > On Sep 24, 10:05 am, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...(a)>
> > wrote:
> >> John Larkin wrote:
> >> >BradGuthwrote:
> >> > >> Wild idea breakthroughs are a staple around here. The burden
> >> > >> of proof is on the presenter, to explain why it might work and
> >> > >> then to explain why it isn't already being done. Sorry,
> >> > >> conspiracy theories are not accepted.
> >> > >I've posted such numbers dozens of times, and your PC or MAC can
> >> > >otherwise search for and thus uncover all the fancy numbers
> >> > >you'd care
> >> > >to review. However, from time to time I'll edit and thereby
> >> > >revise upon a given application.
> >> > OK, refresh my memory: if we convert aluminum oxide to metallic
> >> > aluminum by electrolytic smelting, and convert the aluminum back
> >> > to electricity in a Al-H2O2 battery, what's the net efficiency?
> >> Brad Gruth doesn't care about efficiency. In his world there will
> >> be limitless FREE solar power to do this.
> > I guess you know lots more than most of us village idiots, as to
> > where that 64,000+ teraWatts of solar energy is going, along with
> > the 7.2e20 kw that's continually existing somewhere between us and
> > our moon, not to mention terrestrial wind that's seriously kicking
> > our AGW butts, plus tidal flows and geothermal energy that's clearly
> > for the taking by those half as smart as Warren Buffett, and that's
> > only demanding that you be 1% as smart as our resident LLPOF
> > warlord(GW Bush).
> > Are you saying thar Eeyore and company isn't 1% as smart as GW Bush?
> >> At which point of course he simply shows himself to be a clueless
> >> IDIOT.
> > At least the mindset of this supposed "clueless IDIOT" hasn't
> > imposed or otherwise caused any collateral damage or carnage of the
> > innocent. How about your energy sucking and global polluting self?
> > - Brad Guth -
> Well, hell, there you go throwing some large numbers around. where do
> they come from? Do you even know? Where did you get 64,000
> terawatts? Where did you get 7.2E20 kW? - Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

physics and math, pretty much works each and every time unless you're
stuck with having to use some hocus-pocus conditional physics that
doesn't take little pesky things like the actual truth into account.

64,000 teraWatts of terrestrial solar energy is conservative. There's
actually lots more solar energy that doesn't manage to get
sufficiently through our polluted plus somewhat wet and reflective
atmosphere, so perhaps as such it doesn't hardly count. Of orbital
physics that relates to working against the mutual pull of gravity is
exactly what it is. In the case of the Earth/moon consideration it's
worth roughly 2e20 joules per each and every second, and the last time
I'd checked there were still 3600 of them seconds per hour.
- Brad Guth -

From: paradox137 on
I read a report on a high density capacitor that could be charged in 5
minutes and used as a battery for a hybrid vehicle. On one charge the
average car could go 500 miles. Assuming no technical problems this will
be a life saver.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

From: Michael A. Terrell on
BradGuth wrote:
> On Sep 24, 10:05 am, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...(a)>
> wrote:
> > John Larkin wrote:
> > >BradGuthwrote:
> >
> > > >> Wild idea breakthroughs are a staple around here. The burden of proof
> > > >> is on the presenter, to explain why it might work and then to explain
> > > >> why it isn't already being done. Sorry, conspiracy theories are not
> > > >> accepted.
> >
> > > >I've posted such numbers dozens of times, and your PC or MAC can
> > > >otherwise search for and thus uncover all the fancy numbers you'd care
> > > >to review. However, from time to time I'll edit and thereby revise
> > > >upon a given application.
> >
> > > OK, refresh my memory: if we convert aluminum oxide to metallic
> > > aluminum by electrolytic smelting, and convert the aluminum back to
> > > electricity in a Al-H2O2 battery, what's the net efficiency?
> >
> > Brad Gruth doesn't care about efficiency. In his world there will be limitless
> > FREE solar power to do this.
> I guess you know lots more than most of us village idiots, as to where
> that 64,000+ teraWatts of solar energy is going, along with the 7.2e20
> kw that's continually existing somewhere between us and our moon, not
> to mention terrestrial wind that's seriously kicking our AGW butts,
> plus tidal flows and geothermal energy that's clearly for the taking
> by those half as smart as Warren Buffett, and that's only demanding
> that you be 1% as smart as our resident LLPOF warlord(GW Bush).
> Are you saying thar Eeyore and company isn't 1% as smart as GW Bush?
> >
> > At which point of course he simply shows himself to be a clueless IDIOT.
> At least the mindset of this supposed "clueless IDIOT" hasn't imposed
> or otherwise caused any collateral damage or carnage of the innocent.
> How about your energy sucking and global polluting self?
> - Brad Guth -

Eeyore isn't 1% as smart as a fence post, but he's got you beat by a
wide margin.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
From: Michael A. Terrell on
BradGuth wrote:
> So, the regular laws of physics and the best available science are now
> by way of your standards a "conspiracy theory"?

The conspiracy is you claiming to know anything, like those phony
bastards who claim to be war vets, but never served.

You keep spouting off about 'the regular laws of physics' The only
physic you're familiar with is a laxative, which is 'the irregular laws
of physics'

> - Brad Guth -

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida