From: John Fields on
On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:28:57 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:

>John Larkin wrote:
>> On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 16:55:57 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
>> >John Larkin wrote:
>> >> On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 10:13:41 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
>> >> >Your fixation with the history of WW2 is idiotic.
>> >>
>> >> Is ignorance better?
>> >
>> >It simply has zero relevance to the issue at hand. Mind you, just to put your fevered American minds >at rest,
>> should European Islam be stupid enough to get 'nasty' expect another 'Kristallnacht' with >Muslims being
>> progromised.
>> I bet you're looking forward to that, boxcars and death camps. Does
>> "get nasty" include acquiring political power?
>If it ever came to it, I'd expect it would be the public reacting, not the politicians.

So then you're saying that you're all racists just waiting for
something to happen so you can let it out?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
From: T Wake on

"Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote in message
> T Wake wrote:
>> "Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote
>> > T Wake wrote:
>> >> "John Fields" <jfields(a)> wrote
>> >> > On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 20:01:40 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
>> >> >>Afraid of what exactly ?
>> >> >
>> >> > Convert or die.
>> >>
>> >> Which is most important to you, your life or your way of life?
>> >
>> > Moot since it's never going to happen.
>> Really? Every day your way of life is threatened - more so by our own
>> country than any external threat.
> There's no threat of being forced to convert to Islam for sure !

Did I say there was or are you fixated with this for some reason? Read who
the posts are attributed to.

>> Do you intend to carry an ID card if they get brought in?
> Probably although I'd prefer not to see them anyway on balance. Simply an
> expensive waste of time.

You see, for me that is a freedom I will not accept losing.

>> What have you done to prevent the detention of suspects for 14 days
>> without access to legal counsel?
> But they do have !

Yes, however the plans of the Prevention of Terrorism Act would have allowed
the detention of an Innocent person for an extended period of time.

This is the sort of legislation which is passed to "keep people safe" by
throwing away our basic "rights" which date back before the Normans.

>> I am not asking should you convert which may well never happen. I am
>> asking
>> which is most important to you, your life or way of life.
> That's very hypothetical but I reckon I'd fight against any tyranny
> suppressing
> important freedoms.

Aha, you only defend "Important" freedoms. Ok.

From: Eeyore on

John Fields wrote:

> On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:19:16 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
> >There is no possibilty ever of Islam being forced on any of us.
> >
> >You're a stupendously cretinous fool to even imagine it.
> If I can imagine it, it can happen,

Don't be so utterly ridiculous !


From: JoeBloe on
On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 17:12:32 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> Gave us:

>John Larkin wrote:
>> On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 16:00:32 +0100, Eeyore wrote:
>> >John Larkin wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I read about a recent experiment that was done in the UK. In response
>> >> to advertised job openings, good but fake resumes were invented and
>> >> sent in, with the only difference that some had English-sounding names
>> >> and some had Muslim-sounding names. The response ratio was about 5:1.
>> >
>> >I suspect this is another urban myth actually. A similar thing was *really*
>> >done with different ages in fact.
>> It's in here...
>" he asks whether Muslims will be the victims of the next pogroms "
>See my post on this point.

Nobody wants to see your incredulous bullshit posts anywhere at any
From: mmeron on
In article <efta6e$8ss_003(a)>, jmfbahciv(a) writes:
>In article <efr837$sb7$3(a)>,
> kensmith(a) (Ken Smith) wrote:
>>In article <c7WdncygLPPv3r3YRVnytQ(a)>,
>>T Wake <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>>The western world bandies the term "war" around much too easily. (War on
>>>Terror, War on Drugs, War on Obesity etc.)
>>It is time for a war on the improper use of the term "war on".
>Yes. I always thought that these sound bytes were crying
>wolf. When was the first one? Johnson's War on Poverty?
Well, there was this and "the War on Cancer". Not sure which came

Mati Meron | "When you argue with a fool,
meron(a) | chances are he is doing just the same"