From: Phil Carmody on
unsettled <unsettled(a)> writes:
> Phil Carmody wrote:
> > unsettled <unsettled(a)> writes:
> >>Eeyore wrote:
[and to-ing and fro-ing]
> >>>>>>>Christian abortionist killers live exclusively in the USA.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>To use one of your favorite expressions, "Cite?:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>How about you show me an example outside the USA ? I'm not aware of any.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>It is your statement, so it is yours to prove, not for
> >>>>me to disprove.
> >>>
> >>>That would require me to prove a negative which as I'm sure you're
> >>>aware isn't
> >>>possible.
> >>
> >>We don't know it is a negative till you can prove it.
> >>
> >>Care to rephrase the logically offensive statements? It only
> >>requires the addition of three words.
> >>
> >>
> >>>So, how about you show me an example outside the USA ? I'm not aware of any.
> >>
> >>Don't need to.
> > Actually, to counter his point, rather than just get pathetically
> > hissy, you do.
> Can you stop being an idiot for a few minutes and try to
> follow the discussion? I've been told it is difficult
> to keep up in the back.

Is that hissy-ish for "Sorry, I can't provide an example, but let me
just wiggle more, hopefully you'll forget"?

"Home taping is killing big business profits. We left this side blank
so you can help." -- Dead Kennedys, written upon the B-side of tapes of
/In God We Trust, Inc./.
From: Phil Carmody on
kensmith(a) (Ken Smith) writes:
> In article <87ac02wtac.fsf(a)>,
> Phil Carmody <thefatphil_demunged(a)> wrote:
> >kensmith(a) (Ken Smith) writes:
> >> In article <pan.2007.>,
> >> The Demon Prince of Absurdity <absurd_number_of_nicks(a)hell.corn> wrote:
> >> [.....]
> >> >Xians who advocate the killing of gays or abortion doctors are precisely
> >> >as crazy as Muslims who advocate the killing of Westerners, and just as
> >> >dangerous to civilisation.
> >>
> >> No, they are more dangerous. They are more embedded within the
> >> civilisation they are attempting to destroy.
> >
> >I don't know if their intent is to destroy civilisation, but
> >you make a very interesting, and quite deep, point.
> >
> >(I think they probably just want to 'fix' civilisation.)
> The muslims also just want to "fix" it to fit their model of what it
> should be. If you crush a car melt it down and make several bicycles out
> of it, I would argue you have destroeyed the car to make bicycles.

What if you just rip out the engine, and hitch up a couple of horses
or oxen to the front? And remove the materialistic and immoral car
radio, of course!

"Home taping is killing big business profits. We left this side blank
so you can help." -- Dead Kennedys, written upon the B-side of tapes of
/In God We Trust, Inc./.
From: unsettled on
Phil Carmody wrote:

> unsettled <unsettled(a)> writes:
>>Phil Carmody wrote:
>>>unsettled <unsettled(a)> writes:
>>>>Eeyore wrote:
> [and to-ing and fro-ing]
>>>>>>>>>Christian abortionist killers live exclusively in the USA.
>>>>>>>>To use one of your favorite expressions, "Cite?:
>>>>>>>How about you show me an example outside the USA ? I'm not aware of any.
>>>>>>It is your statement, so it is yours to prove, not for
>>>>>>me to disprove.
>>>>>That would require me to prove a negative which as I'm sure you're
>>>>>aware isn't
>>>>We don't know it is a negative till you can prove it.
>>>>Care to rephrase the logically offensive statements? It only
>>>>requires the addition of three words.
>>>>>So, how about you show me an example outside the USA ? I'm not aware of any.
>>>>Don't need to.
>>>Actually, to counter his point, rather than just get pathetically
>>>hissy, you do.
>>Can you stop being an idiot for a few minutes and try to
>>follow the discussion? I've been told it is difficult
>>to keep up in the back.
> Is that hissy-ish for "Sorry, I can't provide an example, but let me
> just wiggle more, hopefully you'll forget"?

So you cannot stop being an idiot even for a few minutes.

Fair enough.

From: unsettled on
mmeron(a) wrote:

> In article <4d980$45bd1194$49ed0c7$8273(a)DIALUPUSA.NET>, unsettled <unsettled(a)> writes:
>>mmeron(a) wrote:
>>>In article <d74ef$45bcba07$4fe745f$4958(a)DIALUPUSA.NET>, unsettled <unsettled(a)> writes:
>>>>mmeron(a) wrote:
>>>>>In article <6896e$45bbfe26$4fe70dd$26560(a)DIALUPUSA.NET>, unsettled <unsettled(a)> writes:
>>>>>>T Wake wrote:
>>>>>>>"unsettled" <unsettled(a)> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>Eeyore wrote:
>>>>>>>>>unsettled wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>T Wake wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>"unsettled" <unsettled(a)> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>It does to me. Both sides were begging the US to enter on their
>>>>>>>>>>>>side, right from the beginning. The US attempted to remain
>>>>>>>>>>>>neutral, however munitions manufacturers illegally sold to
>>>>>>>>>>>>the Brit side, eventually forcing the issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>OK. I am I reading your post correctly here. Both sides were asking for
>>>>>>>>>>>but your country refused to help. When some people broke the law and
>>>>>>>>>>>one side by selling munitions your government, the resulting attack by
>>>>>>>>>>>Germans (in 1915) made your Government change it's mind and join the war
>>>>>>>>>>>It might be me, but I dont read that as saying the country got involved
>>>>>>>>>>>Europe asked for help.
>>>>>>>>>>The UK asked from the beginning of hostilities and never
>>>>>>>>>>withdrew their request for help.
>>>>>>>>>>Our internal politics had the country divided, so we kept out
>>>>>>>>>>of the war.
>>>>>>>>>>The sinking of the Lusitania resolved the internal dissent and
>>>>>>>>>>we entered the war to help the UK and her allies at her request.
>>>>>>>>>It still doesn't mean you saved us though.
>>>>>>>>>By about 1916 IIRC it became clear that the German war machine was bogged
>>>>>>>>>down and
>>>>>>>>>would make no further progress.
>>>>>>>>>Defeat was just a matter of time for Germany. Their best option was to
>>>>>>>>>hold out
>>>>>>>>>and hope for decent terms of surrender.
>>>>>>>>You really are stupid.
>>>>>>>>The Russians didn't collapse till 1917 and a peace treaty
>>>>>>>>with them wasn't concluded till 1918, which allowed Germany
>>>>>>>>to move all her troops to the Western Front and against you
>>>>>>>>So it wasn't clear that Germany was down and ready to collapse
>>>>>>>>in 1916 for any number of reasons. The US entered the war in
>>>>>>>>April 1917 and the war didn't officially end till the Treaty
>>>>>>>>of Versailles on June 28, 1919.
>>>>>>>>Yes, we saved you both times.
>>>>>>>Hard to say you saved Britain in WWI. There chances are that a renewed
>>>>>>>German offensive would have allowed them to retake Europe but it is unlikely
>>>>>>>they would have made it across the channel (if that was even one of their
>>>>>>>aims in WWI)
>>>>>>>An armistice would have been reached. The difference would have been France
>>>>>>>and the low countries.
>>>>>>>>If Germany had been on the verge of collapse, the war would
>>>>>>>>have been over much sooner after the entry of the US into
>>>>>>>>the mess.
>>>>>>>A year isn't long.
>>>>>>In an earthquake 15 seconds is forever.
>>>>>>The US sent a LOT of people into battle. A year and a half
>>>>>>is a long time *if* Germany was on the verge of collapse as
>>>>>>Eeyore claims.
>>>>>A little technical detail worth mentioning. I've heard before the
>>>>>claims that, would Germany have managed to conquer France and the low
>>>>>countries, in world war I, it still would have been unable to conquer
>>>>>Britain. Well, even before the war Germany had larger (and mostly
>>>>>more adnvanced) industry than Britain had, its steel production was
>>>>>far larger, and it managed to pretty much match the rate of the
>>>>>British naval buildup, while maintaining far larger land forces.
>>>>>Would the western fron have collapsed, you would have Germany with
>>>>>pretty much all the industrial resources of Europe at its disposal,
>>>>>and without the need to maintain some 150 divisons in the field. It
>>>>>could've then easily outbuilt Britain (talking about naval buildup
>>>>>here) by a 3:1 or 4:1 margin and within few years Britain would not
>>>>>have stand a prayer.
>>>>I'm sure these observations are correct.
>>>>Germany was coming into its own in big ways in a
>>>>time period when expansionism still had a good name.
>>>Yes, at the tail end of this time perid, and that's where the problem
>>>was. Would Germany have come on its own couple centuries earlier
>>>(when there was lots of room for expansion) it would've just become
>>>one of the established great powers, like France, Britain, Austria and
>>>Russia. But, the timing being what it was, you had a huge power
>>>(Germany before WWI had much larger population than either France or
>>>Britain, industrial output equal to those two put together and the
>>>best scientific/technological establishment in the world) which was
>>>not a part of the established world order. In such situation disaster
>>>was nearly inevitable. No power structure can remain stable in the
>>>presence of a big player who is not part of the structure. Such
>>>player must be either crushed or coopted, else the whole structure
>>>goes to pieces.
>>Glad to note that there's more to you than the lab. I agree
>>with your observations.
> Well, thank you. I always made it my business to keep my education
> broad.
>>The "peace treaties" at the end of WW1 assured that Austria
>>could not become a powerhouse again in the foreseeable future
>>just as surely as they tried to drive Germany back into an
>>agrarian society. In the end both of those goals failed,
> One wonders whether they ever stood a chance of success, in the long
> run.
>>though Austria has never regained the economic power she
>>once had based on "empire" which was forever lost.
> And the remnants of this empire are still struggling to find a new
> stable arrangement, same as the remnants of the Ottoman Empire. When
> a big and long lived empire collapses, it take quite a while for the
> dust to settle.
>>There are some interesting discussions to be had about the
>>Japanese expansionist program in the first half of the 20th
>>century and its relationship to the world order at that time.
> Yes, certainly so. I see a great similarity here to the German
> situation. Again, a new power, coming on its own in a world where all
> the "good bits" have been aleady taken.
>>There's always much in play than just the obvious politics
>>most people tend to get worked up about and seem to be
>>limited to seeing. (And very often not very well at all.)
> Most people operate at the level of first time chess players,
> remembering the last move and hardly capable of thinking even one move
> ahead. When people like this observe a game played by experienced
> players they're quite lost, of course.

That's a very nice way to explain it.

From: jmfbahciv on
In article <qb-dnfTtVrp1WCbYRVnyvAA(a)>,
"T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>"unsettled" <unsettled(a)> wrote in message

>>>>Note that while the SU spread far over two continents it was
>>>>always essentially a very European power.
>>> This is more intellectual dishonesty.
>> No it isn't. Russia/SU was always European.
>But refering to it as a European power in the context of BAH's statement is.
>When she talks about Europe (and uses the term "you" towards the Europeans
>posting in this thread), I doubt she includes Cold War USSR in that
>I may be wrong, and if she clarifies matters I will reconsider.

The Cold War hadn't happened yet.
>>> But even at the shocking use of Cold War USSR as being a European power,
>>> when did Europe ask the US to get involved?
>> Stalin insisted on the subdivision of Korea. What the hell
>> did the US want with another Asian nation to look after?
>BAH stated the US got involved in Korea when Europe asked for Help. What on
>Earth does Stalin subdividing Korea show about a European nation asking for

Which European country took the responsibility of cleaning up
the mess in Korea?
[emoticon listens for answer and hears nothing at all]
