From: Eeyore on

unsettled wrote:

> Eeyore wrote:
> > mmeron(a) wrote:
> >
> >> Would Germany have come on its own couple centuries earlier
> >
> > There wasn't a Germany centuries earlier.
> Irrelevant.

Do you get any more stupid than this ?


From: unsettled on
Eeyore wrote:

> unsettled wrote:
>>Eeyore wrote:
>>>mmeron(a) wrote:
>>>>Would Germany have come on its own couple centuries earlier
>>>There wasn't a Germany centuries earlier.
> Do you get any more stupid than this ?

Go find a brain, any brain, even a dead one, and have it
transplanted. You'll come out better for it.

From: Eeyore on

unsettled wrote:

> Ken Smith wrote:
> > unsettled <unsettled(a)> wrote:
> >>Ken Smith wrote:
> >>>unsettled <unsettled(a)> wrote:
> >>>>Ken Smith wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>Now, I think you will agree that the US has some responcibility for the
> >>>>>killings that are happening as the result of the US letting loose the
> >>>>>"rabid pitbulls".
> >>>>
> >>>>I don't agree.
> >>>
> >>>Why don't you agree? It seems to be purely based on logic from the above.
> >>>Perhaps you just need that AND gate.
> >>
> >>Because I place the blame where it belongs, exclusively with
> >>the individuals doing the killing. Everything else is bullshit.
> >
> > So would you blame only the "rabid pitbull" of my example? It seemed to
> > me that you earlier agreed that the one who opened the cage was at fault.
> > Perhaps I misread it and you would not blame them.
> I don't blame a person who, for organic reasons, has no
> ability to know the difference between right and wrong.

Organic reasons ?

Is this the same kind of talk as Gen Ripper whose vital fluids were 'contaminated'
perchance ?


From: Eeyore on

Demon Lord of Confusion wrote:

> §ñühw¤£f attempted to confuse the
> issue further by squeaking:
> > The Demon Prince of Absurdity pinched out a steaming pile of:
> >>unsettled did the cha-cha, and screamed:
> >>
> >>>>>Was Hopkins a zealot or simply a very evil man ?
> >>>>
> >>>> The two are not mutually exclusive.
> >>>>
> >>>> In my experience, most zealots err on the side of "inhumanity" and
> >>>> if you use that a definition of evil, they are evil.
> (
> >>>> - are they zealots or simply evil?)
> >>>
> >>> Most fags are zealots of a sort.
> >>
> >>So, what leads you to believe that dehumanising people for their
> >>sexuality is in any way rational?
> >
> > Try as you might; you cant fix stupid. FYI
> > HTH
> Nope. He thinks *Pooh Bear* is "politically correct". Feh. Wingnuts...

What's that about Pooh ?


From: Eeyore on

unsettled wrote:

> Phil Carmody wrote:
> > unsettled <unsettled(a)> writes:
> >>Eeyore wrote:
> >>>unsettled wrote:
> >>>>Eeyore wrote:
> >>>>>unsettled wrote:
> >>>>>>Eeyore wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>>Christian abortionist killers live exclusively in the USA.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>To use one of your favorite expressions, "Cite?:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>How about you show me an example outside the USA ? I'm not aware of any.
> >>>>
> >>>>It is your statement, so it is yours to prove, not for me to disprove.
> >>>
> >>>That would require me to prove a negative which as I'm sure you're
> >>>aware isn't possible.
> >>
> >>We don't know it is a negative till you can prove it.
> >>
> >>Care to rephrase the logically offensive statements? It only
> >>requires the addition of three words.
> >>
> >>>So, how about you show me an example outside the USA ? I'm not aware of any.
> >>
> >>Don't need to.
> >
> > Actually, to counter his point, rather than just get pathetically
> > hissy, you do.
> Can you stop being an idiot for a few minutes and try to follow the discussion? I've been
> told it is difficult to keep up in the back.

Your squirming and turning in attempt to avoid a legitimate question is becoming
increasingly desperate and wholly laughable.
