From: Eeyore on

lucasea(a) wrote:

> <jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
> > Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >>
> >>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
> >>
> >>> So much for mess prevention. So how many people does Bin Laden
> >>> have to kill before you deal with this problem? 300,000?
> >>> 3,000,000? 300,000,000? A billion?
> >>
> >>What makes you think any of the above are even remotely possible ?
> >
> > They were brought in a culture that admires killing; I wasn't.
> Again, evidence to justify this assumption? All the Muslims I know are very
> much peace-loving people. Certainly much more so than any of the "kill 'em
> all" Americans I see on this group.

Ironic isn't it ?


From: John Larkin on
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 21:47:03 GMT, <lucasea(a)> wrote:

>"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell(a)> wrote in message
>>T Wake wrote:
>>> "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell(a)> wrote in message
>>> news:45244F75.8EAF5664(a)
>>> >T Wake wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> "Kurt Ullman" <kurtullman(a)> wrote in message
>>> >> news:kurtullman-556EC5.17113404102006(a)
>>> >> > In article <HPWdnXZeKd_lvLnYRVnyig(a)>,
>>> >> > "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >> If you spent your day waving placards outside the Whitehouse saying
>>> >> >> how
>>> >> >> great the UK was and how all Americans should live like that the
>>> >> >> analogy
>>> >> >> would make more sense.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > I'd still argue it. Lots of reason to stay home, not the least of
>>> >> > which
>>> >> > is trying to reform your home country. That and all those extra "u"s
>>> >> > they throw into words for no apparent in the UK (G).
>>> >>
>>> >> Nothing wrong with the letter u. I've never understood why Americans
>>> >> seem
>>> >> to
>>> >> avoid it. (Don't get me started on the pronunciation of route... :-))
>>> >
>>> > You British twits added the extraneous "U"s in a pathetic attempt to
>>> > make yourselves look witty. It didn't work.
>>> Other way round really.
>> Really? Look at some historical texts and get back to me.
>Not sure about spelling, but I've read some very well-researched serious
>scholarly linguistic articles that say that the British English accent at
>the time of the American colonies was very much closer to the current New
>England accent than to the current variety of British accents. It seems
>speech in the "colonies" was and is much more conservative than speech in
>the mother land. I don't remember what their evidence was, there are
>obviously no audio tapes to compare. However, I do remember them being
>pretty certain of their evidence--it was really much more than just
>speculation. It may have had to do with several isolated societies in North
>Carolina Appalachians that have almost exactly the same accent as New
>England. This is part of the reason I get so amused when Brits look down
>their noses at US pronunciation and lexicon, and act like they're the only
>ones entitled to call themselves "speakers of English". (No, let's not
>start *that* pissing match again.)
>Some linguists even interpret the shifts in England as related to blueblood
>Londoners putting on airs, and that accent subsequently catching on in other
>parts of the country. I suspect this last part is a bit of a stretch, but
>the whole thing is an interesting thesis. I find it fascinating to think
>about how people spoke in the past, and how language has evolved. Puts a
>whole new perspective in the various new inner-city lexicons and
>pronunciations that have developed, even in my lifetime.
>Eric Lucas

I can't really make out much of Chaucer. Shakespeare is a bit
difficult but intelligable. Sir Walter Scott and Dickens and Jane
Austen look perfectly modern to me. So the half-life of English is
roughly 400 years.

I have a friend from El Salvador who says that Cervantes reads just
like modern Spanish, which has apparently evolved a lot slower than


From: T Wake on

"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell(a)> wrote in message
>T Wake wrote:
>> "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell(a)> wrote in message
>> news:4526B196.7F3BC708(a)
>> >T Wake wrote:
>> >>
>> >> "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell(a)> wrote in message
>> >> news:4526913C.D6CD8A9C(a)
>> >> >T Wake wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Inbreeding is a terrible thing.
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Then stop doing it and let your family tree grow some real
>> >> > branches.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> Sorry, I didn't realise you held the monopoly on it. Hey, I am sure it
>> >> makes
>> >> it easier for you to remember father / mothers day though. And you
>> >> only
>> >> need
>> >> a small house for a family get together. No wonder you want to keep it
>> >> all
>> >> to yourself.
>> >
>> >
>> > Nice try. Must be some of that lowbrow british humor.
>> No, I was being serious for once. I just thought that your, erm, talents
>> were due to the gene puddle you stem from being a bit muddied.
> See how wrong you are when you try to think?

Nope. I still appear to have been spot on here. I can see how that fear
prevents you thinking though.

Try it one day. Honestly, the voices in your head wont mind.

From: YD on
On Fri, 06 Oct 2006 15:37:56 GMT, "Michael A. Terrell"
<mike.terrell(a)> wrote:

>YD wrote:
>> Clue to what, exactly? This far all you have done is rant about
>> exterminating everything outside US borders.
> You really do have reading comprehension problems don't you?

So you confirm your wish to exterminate everything outside US borders

- YD.

Remove HAT if replying by mail.
From: Michael A. Terrell on
T Wake wrote:

> Here we reach the crux of the problem. I am an able bodied veteran yet you
> implied I was a terrorist if I didn't want people to intercept my
> communications.

No, i asked if you have nothing to hide, why are you worried? I
guess the Brits are more fucked up than I gave them credit for.

> It seems you dont want people you dont approve of having _your_ personal
> detail either.
> > I don't have a bank account, I have a Credit Union account, which you
> > didn't ask about. The movement already has that information, and you as
> > a foreigner have no right to ask.
> Which brings me right back in a circle. You really do have a short attention
> span dont you.

Wouldn't you like to know.

> I said it was wrong for _your_ country to intercept my communication. You
> said "Unless you are a terrorist, what are you worried about?"
> It is heart warming to know that double standards remain firmly in place.

Repeating yourself?

> > Movements? Well, I haven't had one yet today, but thanks for asking.
> > I'll send it to you for your investigation if you need it.
> You haven't had one but it is aware of your Credit Union account? Strange.
> > If you want to know who I talk to, hire a P.I. I don't feel like
> > asking everyone I have to talk to their names, because it isn't my
> > business to ask. Even if I did, they have no reason to tell me. You're
> > the security expert so it should be really easy for you to investigate
> > me.
> >
> > BTW, don't bother with an IP lookup, it shows the wrong city.
> >
> You must be a terrorist then. You are refusing to reveal your activities and
> your IP points somewhere else.

Like I have control over someone else's data base. They keep changing
the city, but they still haven't got it right.

> What are you trying to hide here?

I have nothing to hide. Why are you pulling a Joe McCarthy?

> My role in security is not to spy on people it is to prevent it happening
> where appropriate and prevent break ins (mainly).

Then you ask too many questions for your own good. My last job was
building communications equipment for government agencies, and I was
check out more than once.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida