From: Lisi on
On Monday 22 February 2010 04:06:16 Cecil Knutson wrote:
> opened it with Kword, modified the file  
> by adding "blacklist snd_intel8x0, file failed to save.  So, now what?  

Did you open Kword as root? My guess would be no, and that that is the


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From: Stephen Powell on
On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 23:06:16 -0500 (EST), Cecil Knutson wrote:
> No, I have never searched for anything in a web page. Didn't know it
> could be done, didn't look for it.

Amazing. OK, my apologies. I will try to make fewer assumptions.

> Opera does the same, did it, found it,
> read it, opened a terminal, SU'd, cd'd to /etc/modprobe.d, saw
> "blacklist", double-clicked it ...

Double clicked it? In a terminal window? Are you sure you were
in a terminal window?

> and opened it with Kword, modified the file
> by adding "blacklist snd_intel8x0, file failed to save. So, now what?

You say you "su"d. By that I assume that you entered "su" as a command
with no operands, then responded to the password prompt by entering
the password for root. You then should have seen a shell prompt which
ends with the pound sign (#) instead of the dollar sign ($). If you
"su"d to any user other than root, or if you entered the wrong password,
it didn't work. If you did not see a shell prompt ending with # instead
of $, then it didn't work as you expected. I'm not familiar
with Kword, but it appears to be a word processor for the KDE
desktop environment. I don't recommend that you use a word processor
of any sort. I earlier recommended gedit, which is a graphical text
editor for the GNOME desktop environment. I thought that's what you
were running. I didn't realize you were using KDE.

Long term, I recommend that you learn to use vi, which is considered
the "standard" full-screen text editor on Unix and Unix-like systems.
The second most popular text editor is GNU emacs. Most Linux text editors
are extensions of, or takeoffs from, one of these two basic editors.
But for now, I'd like to keep things as simple as possible. I'd like
to avoid too many simultaneous learning curves. Let's try nano.
It is a very simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) full-screen
text editor that comes standard with Debian systems. Finally, I don't
recommend that you edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. That file belongs
to a package (udev, to be precise) and might possibly be replaced
in a future security update to udev, wiping out your changes. I
suggest that you create a new file called /etc/modprobe.d/local.
That is how my web page recommends that it be done. (You don't seem
to read very carefully. You have asked that I be patient, but I ask
the same thing of you. Don't stop reading too soon. Make sure you
understand the procedure before trying something.)

For illustrative purposes, I will assume that your ordinary,
non-root userid is "cecil" and that your hostname is "debian1".
I will show the console log complete with standard shell prompts.
Everything up to and including the $ (or #) and the trailing
blank is typed by the shell. Don't try to type that. Everything
after the "$ " or the "# " is what you type.


cecil(a)debian1:~$ cd /etc/modprobe.d
cecil(a)debian1:/etc/modprobe.d$ su
Password: [enter the root password here]
debian1:/etc/modprobe.d# nano local
.. (editing session)
debian1:/etc/modprobe.d# exit
cecil(a)debian1:/etc/modprobe.d$ exit


Notice that the shell prompt changes from ending with a $ (used
for non-root users) to ending with a # (used for root only) upon
the successful switch to the root user. It switches back to a $
upon the first "exit" command. (The second "exit" command terminates
the terminal window.)

During the editing session you will add a single line to the file
which contains


blacklist snd_intel8x0


save it, then exit the editor. Then, shutdown and reboot.
Upon reboot, run alsamixer and see if you see different results
than before.

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From: Lisi on
On Monday 22 February 2010 14:45:11 Stephen Powell wrote:
> I earlier recommended gedit, which is a graphical text
> editor for the GNOME desktop environment.  I thought that's what you
> were running.  I didn't realize you were using KDE.

Kwrite in KDE is a good compromise between vi and word-processors, and I would
say is at a similar "level" to gedit in Gnome. Assuming KDE 3.5.x;

To use it to edit config files:

From KDE do Alt+F2.
Type "kdesu kwrite" (without the quotation marks) in the snall window that

When asked for password, enter the root password.

Load file as you would in a wordprocessor.

Save As to a new name. (e.g. conf.file.old)

Reload file under original name.
Edit. Save. Close Kwrite.

I believe that KDE 4.x.x operates in a similar way.


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From: Celejar on
On Mon, 22 Feb 2010 14:57:42 +0000
Lisi <lisi.reisz(a)> wrote:


> Kwrite in KDE is a good compromise between vi and word-processors, and I would
> say is at a similar "level" to gedit in Gnome. Assuming KDE 3.5.x;

And FTR, mousepad, I believe, is also on a similar "level", but with (I
think) far fewer dependencies.

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From: Stephen Powell on
On Mon, 22 Feb 2010 09:57:42 -0500 (EST), Lisi wrote:
> On Monday 22 February 2010 14:45:11 Stephen Powell wrote:
>> I earlier recommended gedit, which is a graphical text
>> editor for the GNOME desktop environment.  I thought that's what you
>> were running.  I didn't realize you were using KDE.
> Kwrite in KDE is a good compromise between vi and word-processors, and I would
> say is at a similar "level" to gedit in Gnome. Assuming KDE 3.5.x;

The reason that I don't recommend the use of word processors to edit
text files, even though they *can*, is that by default they usually
save their files in a word-processing format, rather than as plain text.
Having no experience with KDE, I assumed that Kwrite was a word processor.
Apparently not. My mistake. But I also wanted to give him some
experience with an editor that can be used in a virtual console environment
(i.e. with no X server running). Some day he may do something, such as hose up
his X config file, that will prevent his X server from starting.
As a matter of fact, I've helped a couple of users recently who
couldn't get their X servers to run. The last I checked, one of them
still can't. If Cecil can't use any non-graphical editors, he'll be up a creek
without a paddle in this situation. Also, getting his Kwrite session to run as
root is an additional complication. I don't know about KDE, but GNOME, by
default, doesn't even allow the root user to login to the X console.
Since I don't know how to get Kwrite to run as root, I suggested
nano in a terminal session as root, which is very intuitive.

In the final analysis, I don't care what text editor he uses, as long as
he can get it to run under the root user.
But I thought I should explain the rationale behind my recommendation.
Besides, he used to use DOS;
so the command line interface is not completely foreign to him.

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