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Pivot Chart won't refresh!
After creating Pivot tables and charts, I added more data to the master sheet. Then selected a cell in a pivot table and hit Refresh. The screen bounced a little as the cell sizes changed but the data remained the same. What am I doing wrong? ... 26 Jan 2010 10:57
Hide data labels with "0" values
Some of my source data contains cells with "0" values that I don't want to show on my chart. How can I get them to now show up? I need to leave those cells in my source data range as I am working with a spreadsheet that is updated monthly so as to automatically update the chart. -- Karen ... 23 Jan 2010 10:57
error bars types
I need a simple explanation for the function of the following error bars types: - Error Bars with Standard Error - Error Bars with Percentage - Error Bars with Standard Deviation Thanks in advance ... 11 Jan 2010 08:39
error bar types
I need a simple explanation for the function of the following error bars types: - Error Bars with Standard Error - Error Bars with Percentage - Error Bars with Standard Deviation Thanks in advance ... 10 Jan 2010 14:08
How to embed expression in data labels on a chart
Hi all, I'm working on a chart problem, please see the data sample below: X Y L 1 11 123 2 22 234 3 33 345 4 44 456 5 55 567 I want make a chart, using X column as x axis, Y column as y axis, and chart type is line chart. So the result will be a chart with a x axit, and a single data series. Now I want ... 8 Jan 2010 22:53
adding trendline to plots from multiple series
I have a line chart with multiple series and I am looking to create another line based on a third group of data that is based off the original datas plots on the graph. Basically its like this. On the y-axis I have flow and on the x-axis I have pressure. There are multiple series plotted. I want to add an... 8 Jan 2010 07:12
Excel 2007 chart line types
Hi, When using Excel 2003, I was able to copy charts, and then paste them into CorelDraw as metafiles, ungroup these, and use the lines from the charts in my graphics. Since upgrading to Excel 2007, I am still able to do this, but the lines now appear to have a more complex format (the compund type is mentioned i... 6 Jan 2010 16:35
how do I find a restaurant proforma spreadsheet
i am trying to find a template that can help me with a 2 yr financial projection for a restaurant ... 6 Jan 2010 09:48
Manual pie charts
Is there a way that I can create a blank, quartered pie chart that I can shade per quarter as needed? ... 6 Jan 2010 09:48
Trend Line
I have the following header: Ene-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Abr-08 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Ago-08 with data. If I ad a trendline that gives me an equation, lets say: y=-3242x+13 Being x the month, if I want to get data for month Sep-08, what value should I use for x=9? Is that applicable for all the months coming, le... 6 Jan 2010 09:48
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