Creating a Line graph I have data that I want to put in a simple line graph: The data is A B 23 200 87 500 I mark the 6 cells, select insert chart / line and get a chart with both A and B labels on the x axis. I go to "select data source" and try "switch row/column" and get A and B as series names in the l... 10 Feb 2010 01:15
Chart data scrunches to left when adding X axis date series I have a combination chart that has stacked bars and a line series. I have a Y axis with a secondary axis. I'm attempting to add a X axis with a date series. As soon as I do that, Excel starts thinking for me and all my data scrunches to the left side of the chart. I don't' have any idea how to fix this. ... 8 Feb 2010 12:16
On scatter chart, how can data points be moved with curser? EXCEL 2003 allows data pointa on a scatter chart to be draged from one location to another. I use this feature a lot to fit an equation with dummy data points to actual data points. I am unable to do this in EXCEL 2007. I have asked others with this new system and they were not able find a way to do it eithe... 9 Feb 2010 01:51
Secondary axis not aligning to X axis Hi, Our secondary series (scatter graph) is not aligning to the X axis values with the primary series (bar graph). The secondary series is aligning with the gridlines not the X axis values. The Primary is aligning with the X axis values as required. How do we make the Secondary series align with the X a... 9 Feb 2010 09:29
Create Excel chart from merged cells I was looking for an answer to creating a chart from merged cells. After searching and not finding an answer I came across the Union method. This sub creates a chart for a series of two merged cells expanding across the whole worksheet apart for the first two cells Sub subCreateChart() 'This sub creates a chart... 7 Feb 2010 06:30
How do I easily label 200 different data points on a buble cha I searched your thread and the one you referred works like a dream, thanks! -- btw it is called XY Chart labels now "Czajkowski" wrote: Thank you. The apps pro labeler from Rob Bovey worked perfectly. "Jon Peltier" wrote: There are a couple of good, free utilities that will apply labels fr... 6 Feb 2010 19:39
need variable time axis available in XY chart for area chart I am unable to use different X axis in the Area chart, which is available in the X Y charts. How do I use the X Y chart features of variable X axis to make the area chart? ... 6 Feb 2010 10:47
LJ CHARTS PLOTTING PLZ HELP ME PLOTTING LJ CHARTS THAT ARE HELPFUL IN CLINICAL LABORATORY David Antonacci wrote: Levey-Jennings chart 03-Dec-08 Fairly simple in excel. If you still require, inquire and I can explain or provide. da Previous Posts In This Thread: On Saturday, June 02, 2007 1:09 PM jimbo wrote: Levy... 5 Feb 2010 23:58
LJ CHARTS PLOTTING plz send me the links or anything that can be used excel charting or making lj charts in clinical laboratory David Antonacci wrote: Levey-Jennings chart 03-Dec-08 Fairly simple in excel. If you still require, inquire and I can explain or provide. da Previous Posts In This Thread: On Saturday, June ... 5 Feb 2010 23:58
The scale on vertical axis equals to scale on vertical axis of ano Hello, I have a chart that displays 'before product implementation' scenario and another one next to it that dispalys 'after product implementation'. The user will have two countries to choose from so I have to leave the scale on auto rather than fix it because the the countries have very different size mark... 5 Feb 2010 03:57 |