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Standard Error Formula
Excel 2007-what cells are referenced for the automatic standard error bar calculations (using the error bars drop down on the chart tools ribbon). If I use it (super quick and easy) to add std error bars to charts and then add error bars the old fashioned (slow and tedious) way, I get different bars. I have m... 10 Feb 2010 23:35
I copied a file and now charts will not display.
I copied a file and now charts will not display. Also, cannot access the chart tools. ... 10 Feb 2010 16:50
Problem building horizontal bar chart paired bars, centered on
Thank you. I'll check it out. Keith "trip_to_tokyo" wrote: Hi Keith, I have just put up a file for you at:- It is item number 59 towards the top of my home page. It is not identical to your requirements but similar and I hope that it will be helpful to yo... 10 Feb 2010 13:26
Set multiple fills in single column based on value
I'm using Excel 2007, and I'm trying to create a column chart where the data is a % of target. I want the fill to be red if it is below 70%, green if it's 70% - 120% and blue if it's over %150. In a perfect world, I would like the column to contain all three fills if the value is over 120%. But, I would be ha... 10 Feb 2010 15:42
Problem building horizontal bar chart paired bars, centered on zer
How do I describe this in words? I need to create an Excel chart with these characteristics. There are horizontal bars, centered vertically at zero. One value is presented to the left, another to the right. They represent paired choices from a survey. For example, given the option as to whether people might... 10 Feb 2010 13:25
line chart plots false value and the real value on same date
I have encountered a strange 'fault' on my line chart; on just three adjacent dates, the value that is plotted is double: one real value, and the second a phantom value (Not even existing in the data!), with the result that the line 'spikes' up and down on these three days, and continues with the correct dat... 10 Feb 2010 08:53
Replace Series Marker With Double Headed Arrow
How do I replace a Series Marker with a double headed arrow (a single line with an arrow at each end pointing outwards in opposite directions). I have a Line Chart (Line with Markers) with a single data point. I have tried various options but have drawn a blank (rather than a double headed arrow!). TIA ... 11 Feb 2010 06:07
How do I create an auto updating excel chart?
John, Thanks for this post, between this forum and your Chart the last 12 months on your website, i was able to solve a problem for one of my coworkers. "Jon Peltier" wrote: Option A: Use an Excel 2007 Table (like an Excel 2003 List on steroids) as the data source. Option B: Use dynamic ranges as... 9 Feb 2010 17:27
Hidden and Empty Cell Settings
I have blank cells in an Excel graph. I would like to treat them as "Gaps" instead of "Zero". However, this option (along with the "Connect data points with line" option) is grayed out in the Hidden and Empty Cell Settings box. ... 9 Feb 2010 17:27
Display Info in Data Table That is Not Charted?
Can anyone tell me if I can display information in the data table that is not graphed in the chart? Then can I not show the data that is being graphed? I have 10 lines of data, 4 are on the graph and I do not want them to be included in the data table. The other 6 items are related but not graphed and I have... 9 Feb 2010 12:52
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