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Changing ChartTypes will not change the color of the Series
I have Excel 2007 and trying to make this compatible with users that have Excel 2002/2003. I am having a hard time with the code below. When I change a specific series from a stacked chart to a line and then try to change the color, I am not successful. I am successful with changing the chart type, however. ... 12 Mar 2010 09:26
Auto expanding X Axis for Chart
I have a chart setup, currently with reference to 31 cells width. The chart looks great if the user places a value in each of the 31 cells, however if there are only say 20 values placed across the cell row, the chart is displayed over to one side, with nil values displayed where no dat values were entered. ... 9 Mar 2010 10:04
How to set each gruop of columns into same color?
In my chart there is two data shown in the X-Axis--Date and Team. 2 teams per day. Total 4 teams rotating. How to set the same team's bar into same color? And just use 4 colors to represent 4 teams? ... 8 Mar 2010 01:03
How do I sort a Spreadsheet?
"Garrette" wrote: I have a simple spreadsheet with multiple rows and columns. Columns contain: Date, Text, and numbers. The information in the rows must be the same after sorting. How do I sort the spreadsheet by the column(s): dates, text, and/or numbers and insure that the original info... 7 Mar 2010 04:12
I can get line chart to ignore zeros but the legend still cont
i think that the way i can do it is to use VBA to hide rows where b2:e2 (or whatever the range of turnover figures is) all = 0? That seems to work. Though it requires running a macro to do it I am guessing I can record a macro of me applying that macro to a variety of spaces on the sheet unless anyone knows h... 5 Mar 2010 17:22
How do I use an indirect reference for a chart scale in Excel?
If I want to share this file with someone else, do they need the add-in for the chart scaling to funcion properly? Thanks "Jon Peltier" wrote: Professor - You need to use VBA, but it's possible. Here's the technique, described on my web site: 5 Mar 2010 17:22
I can get line chart to ignore zeros but the legend still contains
Hi, I have a table linked to a series of worksheets. The table shows products 1 to 6 in cells A2:A8. It then shows sales for each year in b2, c2. c3 etc. for product 1. b3, c3 etc for product two and so on. It is designed to show products sold in lots of different countries. I have a line chart linked t... 12 Mar 2010 09:26
Third Axis - alignment of number instead of percent
I need to add a third Axis for this graph with the value on the right hand side of this graph but in numbers instead of percent. The third axis is also on the sheet1 tab for the Number of PO's. I'm not sure how to do this please help ... 5 Mar 2010 17:22
Secondary Axis - Alignment of Dollar Values
The dollar values for my secondary axis are left-aligned. I have tried various number/accounting formats but can't get them to right-align. There must be a way, right? Thanks in advance for your help. ... 15 Mar 2010 14:39
bar chart
I have made a bar chart but the axis descriptors are not aligned with the bar. What I mean to say is they are not in the middle of the tick marks How can i align them? afd ... 6 Mar 2010 23:55
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